As a Christmas gift I am sharing a 1062-page PDF (36.5 MB) genealogy of the family of Lazarus Rine with the members of my secret Facebook genealogy page. I posted the URL link to the document on the Facebook page.
The file is stored on my Box account. The link to the file will expire on 26 Dec 2015. Viewing the file with the Box "preview" is garbled. Once downloaded the file can be opened with the Acrobat Reader and viewed without problems.
I'm willing to share the file with readers of this blog provided that I know you and that we have a reciprocal sharing arrangement. Contact me to request the link. In your message identify yourself, provide your Email address and justify why I should share this information with you.
Dick Henthorn
21 December 2015
Monday, December 21, 2015
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Ancestry to Retire Family Tree Maker Software
Ancestry to Retire Family Tree Maker Software:
The latest genealogy news from There will be thousands of people unhappy about this.
I suppose the company wasn't able to make enough money selling frequent updates.
I use the program RootsMagic7 and recommend it. There is a "free"version of the program that you can try before buying the full-blown version.
'via Blog this'
The latest genealogy news from There will be thousands of people unhappy about this.
I suppose the company wasn't able to make enough money selling frequent updates.
I use the program RootsMagic7 and recommend it. There is a "free"version of the program that you can try before buying the full-blown version.
'via Blog this'
Sunday, November 29, 2015
How Do You Spell?
There are six states with counties with similar names: Allegany and Allegheny, for example.
I wanted to review how the names are spelled because I'm working on correcting and adding county names to a genealogy file I'm editing.
I went to this County Name website. I keyed Alleg into the search box.
This is the result I got:
FIPS County, State
24001 Allegany County, MD
26005 Allegan County, MI
36003 Allegany County, NY
37005 Alleghany County, NC
42003 Allegheny County, PA
51005 Alleghany County, VA
Three variations. Very useful.
Dick Henthorn
29 November 2015
I wanted to review how the names are spelled because I'm working on correcting and adding county names to a genealogy file I'm editing.
I went to this County Name website. I keyed Alleg into the search box.
This is the result I got:
FIPS County, State
24001 Allegany County, MD
26005 Allegan County, MI
36003 Allegany County, NY
37005 Alleghany County, NC
42003 Allegheny County, PA
51005 Alleghany County, VA
Three variations. Very useful.
Dick Henthorn
29 November 2015
Thursday, November 5, 2015
What Is a Box Collaborator?
As part of my current project to review and improve what I know about managing a Box account I'm posting some information to my genealogy blog. The following information was selected from Box help information and modified for posting here.
What is a Collaborator?
A collaborator is an individual who has been invited into a folder. Collaboration invitations are a great way to share content for long term projects. Collaboration allows the Box account owner to invite people to a folder and monitor updates over time. In order to access a folder as a collaborator, a person needs a Box account and the folder will be listed under All Files when they log in to their Box account. If you send a collaboration invitation to a person without a Box account, that person will be prompted to sign up with Box before being able to access the content.
[Note: Until November 2015 my Box account was a starter "free" account.]
Who Should Become a Collaborator?
A Box account holder would invite an individual into a folder as a collaborator if the account holder and the collaborator are actively working together on long-term projects. Collaboration provides a two-way relationship; depending on the access level granted, collaborators can view, edit, upload/download documents, leverage collaboration tools (comments, tasks, etc.), and receive updates on actions taking place in the folder.
Folder collaborators need a Box account. If a Box account holder sends a collaboration invitation to an individual without a Box account, that individual will be prompted to sign up with Box before being able to access the content.
Dick Henthorn
5 November 2015
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Box Shared Links Defined
I have a Box account where I sometimes share genealogy information. Recently I signed up for a year of extended storage when they held a half-price sale. This prompted me to review how the application works. As often happens with me, there seems to be quite a bit about Box that I either forgot or never understood. I'm working on the problem. Progress is slow.
As I understand it there are two ways to allow access to my content, either invite others to become Collaborators or via Shared links.
Here's a definition I found for Shared Links.
Shared link: A shared link provides a one-way relationship, allowing the recipient to preview or download a given file or folder. With customizable permission levels, security settings, and a URL that’s easy to copy and paste, shared links can be used to send important content both internally and externally. Unlike collaboration, individuals accessing your content through a shared link get "read-only" access and won’t be able to make changes to your files. They can continue to reference that link for the most up-to-date version of the content. Think of a shared link as a secure email attachment replacement.
Dick Henthorn
4 November 2015
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Earl Carson - Baker Researcher
Yesterday I created a 26-page ancestor report in PDF format for deceased Baker researcher, Earl Carson and his wife. They had no issue. The report shows where I think Mr. Carson fits into the Baker family tree. Researcher Valerie Kramer reported that he worked on genealogy for 40 years and never published anything. Pity!
The report starts with a non-existent person called, Place Holder. I used this technique in order to include the wife of Mr. Carson in the report. If she had an ancestral line in my file they would thusly be included. After the report is created I "unlink" Place Holder from the parents, but leave the record in my genealogy file waiting for the next time I need it.
The report was uploaded to my "secret" Henthorn Genealogy area on Facebook where it is available for viewing and download to members of the group. If you aren't a member, and want to be included, contact me to apply for membership.
Dick Henthorn
3 November 2015
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
I'm working on recording some information about the Hartshorn family of Wayne Township, Monroe Co., OH. There was a link to Mobberly that got me interested Many members of the family are buried at the Hartshorn Ridge Cemetery. FindAGrave records many of the burials. Unfortunately many of the memorials don't list the parents of the deceased making it difficult to link the family members.
Has anyone else worked on the genealogy of this family? Are you willing to exchange information?
Dick Henthorn
20 Oct 2015
Has anyone else worked on the genealogy of this family? Are you willing to exchange information?
Dick Henthorn
20 Oct 2015
Sunday, October 18, 2015
William Dearth Family
Today I created a 65-page PDF about the family of William Dearth. This report may be of interest to folks working on families in Monroe county, Ohio. I'm working on Nalley and there was a link to Dearth. Before I knew it I was working on the Dearth family.
Included are the following families: Dearth, Nalley, Brister, Winland, Okey, Decker and Ogden. I am aware that researchers, Mr. Decker and Mr. Ogden are both included.
The report was shared with a limited group of people via a secret Henthorn Genealogy page that I created on Facebook some time ago. Access to the page is by invitation.
Dick Henthorn
18 October 2015
Included are the following families: Dearth, Nalley, Brister, Winland, Okey, Decker and Ogden. I am aware that researchers, Mr. Decker and Mr. Ogden are both included.
The report was shared with a limited group of people via a secret Henthorn Genealogy page that I created on Facebook some time ago. Access to the page is by invitation.
Dick Henthorn
18 October 2015
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Nalley & Mobberly
I've been working on two projects. I'm adding information to my Yoho file about the Nalley and Mobberly families of Monroe county, Ohio. There's also a Mobley family from that county. Does anyone know if there is a link between Mobberly and Mobley?
Dick Henthorn
17 October 2015
Saturday, September 26, 2015
FamilySearch Offers Free Access to Rare Genealogical Books
FamilySearch Offers Free Access to Rare Genealogical Books
FamilySearch offers free access to rare genealogical books from throughout the world.:
'via Blog this'
Dick Henthorn
26 September 2015
FamilySearch offers free access to rare genealogical books from throughout the world.:
'via Blog this'
Dick Henthorn
26 September 2015
Friday, September 18, 2015
The Tuttles with A.J. Lee Brittany Haas, A Few Old Memories by Hazel D...
Molly Tuttle singing lead on this wonderful Hazel Dickens song.
I've listened to the James King version many times over the years.
Today was the first time I heard Molly Tuttle sing it.
Dick Henthorn
18 September 2015
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Updating Burial Month & Year
I like to include the burial month and year with cemetery place name information. I imported records, shared by others, that didn't include this information. That is to say, the place and name of the cemetery was provided without date information.
I'm working on a project with my Yoho file to extrapolate the month and year from the death information and add it to the burial information.
I'm able to find the problem records using the RootsMagic "Find" command.
I search for:
Burial date is blank and
Burial place is "not" blank.
It's a tedious process that will take quite a few days to complete. The result will be better looking reports and improve reports of burial information.
Dick Henthorn
16 September 2015
I'm working on a project with my Yoho file to extrapolate the month and year from the death information and add it to the burial information.
I'm able to find the problem records using the RootsMagic "Find" command.
I search for:
Burial date is blank and
Burial place is "not" blank.
It's a tedious process that will take quite a few days to complete. The result will be better looking reports and improve reports of burial information.
Dick Henthorn
16 September 2015
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Yesterday's Wine
When I had a genealogy website on AOL I featured the lyrics to this song on the homepage.
Here's Willie Nelson singing his song. There is a copy of the lyrics on YouTube with this version. I have a cassette tape of George Jones singing the song too.
Dick Henthorn
3 September 2015
Here's Willie Nelson singing his song. There is a copy of the lyrics on YouTube with this version. I have a cassette tape of George Jones singing the song too.
Recording your genealogy and family history
is a great way to partake of:
is a great way to partake of:
Yesterday's Wine.
Dick Henthorn
3 September 2015
Friday, August 7, 2015
Clegg Family
I continue to work on The Clegg Family project. I'm extracting some of the information from the Clegg book by Blaine L. Clegg. Some information is coming from FindAGrave.
There are links between the Clegg family and the Henthorn and Atkinson families. I used RootsMagic drag and drop to import the Atkinson information from their file into my Charts file where I am working on the Clegg family.
At this point I have just over 200 pages of Clegg information. I'm not certain about how much time I'm willing to spend on this project. For the moment I'm finding the project interesting.
Dick Henthorn
7 August 2015
There are links between the Clegg family and the Henthorn and Atkinson families. I used RootsMagic drag and drop to import the Atkinson information from their file into my Charts file where I am working on the Clegg family.
At this point I have just over 200 pages of Clegg information. I'm not certain about how much time I'm willing to spend on this project. For the moment I'm finding the project interesting.
Dick Henthorn
7 August 2015
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Clegg Family
This week I am doing some updates to my file that I call Charts. I'm adding more information to the Clegg family of the upper Ohio valley. I'm not sure how much time I'm willing to spend on the project or when I will be ready to share the results.
In the meantime, here's the link to a 51-page PDF for Thomas Clegg that I shared in the past. I'm fortunate to have a copy of Cleggs of the Upper Ohio Valley that compiler Blaine L. Clegg shared with me many years ago.
Thomas Clegg
Dick Henthorn
30 July 2015
In the meantime, here's the link to a 51-page PDF for Thomas Clegg that I shared in the past. I'm fortunate to have a copy of Cleggs of the Upper Ohio Valley that compiler Blaine L. Clegg shared with me many years ago.
Thomas Clegg
Dick Henthorn
30 July 2015
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Tradition can be a thread that helps keep a family close.
What are your family traditions?
Remember to honor your ancestors.
(after The Christophers, Three Minutes A Day, Vol. 44, 21 May)
25 July 2015
Monday, June 15, 2015
PDF Reports
I maintain a secret Henthorn Genealogy Group on Facebook. Membership is by invitation only. In the last few months that's where I have been sharing my genealogy projects.
Today I posted two PDF descendant reports which include name and place indices:
Today I posted two PDF descendant reports which include name and place indices:
- Jacob W. Mason, Jr. - 107 pages
- Allen Arbogast - 12 pages (includes marriages to two members of the Rine family)
Dick Henthorn
15 June 2015
Thursday, June 4, 2015
RootsMagic6 on Sale
The current version of RootsMagic is "7."
For a limited time you can buy RootsMagic6 for $9.95 on Amazon. If you are on a tight budget or want to give a gift to someone now is a good time to make a purchase.
Here's an extract from the RootsMagic newsletter with more information and a link.
For a limited time you can buy RootsMagic6 for $9.95 on Amazon. If you are on a tight budget or want to give a gift to someone now is a good time to make a purchase.
Here's an extract from the RootsMagic newsletter with more information and a link.
RootsMagic 6 for $9.95 on Amazon
While cleaning the warehouse we came across a bunch of boxes of RootsMagic 6 CDs. Rather than throw them in a landfill, we have put them up on Amazon for $9.95.
Although it is an older version of the program, they are new (still shrinkwrapped) full version 6 program CDs. If you just want to give a program to someone that you are trying to get started in genealogy, this could be a good option. If they register their program they will also eligible to get future versions of RootsMagic at the upgrade price as well.
These version 6 CDs at this price will remain available on Amazon until we run out of them.
RootsMagic 6 for $9.95
Although it is an older version of the program, they are new (still shrinkwrapped) full version 6 program CDs. If you just want to give a program to someone that you are trying to get started in genealogy, this could be a good option. If they register their program they will also eligible to get future versions of RootsMagic at the upgrade price as well.
These version 6 CDs at this price will remain available on Amazon until we run out of them.
RootsMagic 6 for $9.95
Mr. Dickie
4 June 2015
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Praising Our Ancestors
Let us now sing the praises of ... our ancestors.
(Sirach 44:1, Three Minutes A Day, Vol. 41, by The Christopher, 27 July)
19 May 2015
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Making Everyday Sacred
We can all create sacred books and boxes -- a volume of dreams, a heart-felt diary, a notebook of thoughts, a particularly meaningful album of photographs [a family history or a genealogy] -- and thus in a small but significant way can make the everyday sacred.
(Thomas Moore, Care Of The Soul, p. 215)
17 May 2015
Monday, May 4, 2015
David Bonar Descendants
I posted a report about David Bonar and his descendants to my "secret" Henthorn Group on Facebook. I haven't been able to obtain the name of his wife yet. The information in the report would be of interest to folks working on: Bonar, Mason, or Yoho.
What's a "secret" group on Facebook? It's a group where membership is by invitation only. This allows me to control who has access to the work I'm willing to share. Members can see and download any reports I share in the File area of the Group. If members are so inclined, they can also share their own work either in posts or to the File area.
I like using this method to share because it's quick and easy for me and because I don't need to remember Email addresses and I know who has access to my work.
Dick Henthorn
4 May 2015
What's a "secret" group on Facebook? It's a group where membership is by invitation only. This allows me to control who has access to the work I'm willing to share. Members can see and download any reports I share in the File area of the Group. If members are so inclined, they can also share their own work either in posts or to the File area.
I like using this method to share because it's quick and easy for me and because I don't need to remember Email addresses and I know who has access to my work.
Dick Henthorn
4 May 2015
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
150th Anniversary of the Assassination of President Lincoln
Today, 14 Apr 2015, marks the 150th anniversary of the assassination of President Lincoln at Ford's Theater in Washington, DC.
Everton Conger played a role in tracking down John Wilkes Booth. Here's what Wikipedia has to say about the part he played.
Everton Conger
Here are links to other articles I posted in the past.
Everton Judson Conger
Everton Judson Conger
Everton Judson Conger
Here's the FindAGrave link
[Note: I noticed that there is a broken link to one of my Conger reports included in the Wikipedia article. What a surprise! [I didn't post that link.] I'll need to do some review to determine if I can fix this problem. Perhaps an ancestor report for Everton Conger would be more appropriate.]
Dick Henthorn
14 April 2015
Everton Conger played a role in tracking down John Wilkes Booth. Here's what Wikipedia has to say about the part he played.
Everton Conger
Here are links to other articles I posted in the past.
Everton Judson Conger
Everton Judson Conger
Everton Judson Conger
Here's the FindAGrave link
[Note: I noticed that there is a broken link to one of my Conger reports included in the Wikipedia article. What a surprise! [I didn't post that link.] I'll need to do some review to determine if I can fix this problem. Perhaps an ancestor report for Everton Conger would be more appropriate.]
Dick Henthorn
14 April 2015
Where Do I Fit?
I am often asked by people interested in Henthorn genealogy, "Where do you fit into the genealogy of brothers, James and John Henthorn?"
Here's a reply I wrote today after John Blankenship, who is part of The Amos Tree asked the question.
In 1957, when we lived in Wichita my mother received a letter from Norma Henthorn of Bethany, OK asking where we fit into the Henthorn family tree. Mother replied to the letter. Roy and Norma were working on their genealogy effort The Amos Tree. Years later, probably around 1987, I obtained a copy of that work and one other publication that Norma did with Professor Raymond Bell of Pennsylvania. I was never able to establish a correspondence with Roy and Norma. I tried. I keyed the information from both documents into my genealogy program which at that time was, Personal Ancestral File.
Two Henthorn brothers, James and John were in Maryland in the mid-1730's. They were located on the west bank of the Susquehanna River in the area of present day, Harve de Grace, MD. Later, they moved up the west bank of the river to Wrightsville, PA where Thomas Cresap, famous Maryland frontiersman, operated a ferry across the river.
Your family descends from one of these two brothers. I'm not sure when they separated in their westward movement. One curious thing is that both branches showed up later around Idabel, OK.
I got interested in working on the genealogy of James and John when I got in touch with Mary Josephine (Henthorn) Bolerjack of Danville, IL who was working on your Henthorns. We collaborated for many years and donated one 750-page genealogy to the LDS library in Salt Lake. That's available on microfiche for use at any Family History Center where someone requests that it be sent. The Amos Tree is also available for use at Family History Centers.
Some say the Henthorn brothers came from Ireland. There is no documentation to support this. I'm not saying it isn't true. In my opinion it is more likely that they came from England (see the next paragraph).
Now to the question you asked. I don't fit into either line. In the mid-1850's my family came from the area of Crompton and Oldham which is now part of greater Manchester, England. They were weavers and first settled in New York State. Later they moved to Fishhook, Pike Co., IL where they farmed. My grandfather, Charles Holt and his brother, John Douglas moved west to the area around Aurora, Hamilton Co., NE where they farmed. I was born in Lincoln, NE while my father was going to grad school at the University of Nebraska. I grew up in Bellevue, NE and moved to Wichita in 1953-54 when my father got a job with Boeing.
Dick Henthorn
14 April 2015
Saturday, April 4, 2015
RootsMagic User's Group
There is a new RootsMagic User's Group on Facebook.
Here's a screenshot of the announcement. You'll need to be a Facebook member to join. The URL for requesting membership is included in the screenshot. Key the URL into the Facebook search box at the top of the Facebook screen.
Here's a screenshot of the announcement. You'll need to be a Facebook member to join. The URL for requesting membership is included in the screenshot. Key the URL into the Facebook search box at the top of the Facebook screen.
Dick Henthorn
4 April 2015
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Don Knotts of West Virginia
Yesterday, folks on Facebook, were talking about the genealogy of comedian/actor Don Knotts of West Virginia. As usual, what they posted was difficult to follow. I begin to think that I had one of his ancestors in my file. I asked for clarification. I was able to compare the answer with the information available on FindAGrave. It matched. I did in fact have an ancestor in my file.
I keyed in enough of the available information to allow me to easily generate an ahnentafel report for Mr. Knotts. As time and interest permits I'll return to the FindAGave information and fill in more details.
Dick Henthorn
31 March 2015
I keyed in enough of the available information to allow me to easily generate an ahnentafel report for Mr. Knotts. As time and interest permits I'll return to the FindAGave information and fill in more details.
Dick Henthorn
31 March 2015
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Lemley and Headlee
The Lemley and Headlee families lived in the area of Mount Morris, Greene Co., PA. There were a number of marriage between the two families
Eva Catherine Yoho, daughter of Johannas Yoho and Susanna Catherine Lau, married George Lemley, the son of David Lemley and an unknown mother.
Because of my interest in the Yoho family I also worked on the Lemley family for many years.
In the last couple of days there has been some discussion of the Lemley family on the Greene county Group on Facebook.
I'm working on a project to add information from FindAGrave to what I have about the Lemley and Headlee families. At this point I have enough information to produce a 695-page descendant report for George Lemley and his descendants.
Dick Henthorn
25 March 2015
Eva Catherine Yoho, daughter of Johannas Yoho and Susanna Catherine Lau, married George Lemley, the son of David Lemley and an unknown mother.
Because of my interest in the Yoho family I also worked on the Lemley family for many years.
In the last couple of days there has been some discussion of the Lemley family on the Greene county Group on Facebook.
I'm working on a project to add information from FindAGrave to what I have about the Lemley and Headlee families. At this point I have enough information to produce a 695-page descendant report for George Lemley and his descendants.
Dick Henthorn
25 March 2015

Descendant Report,
Mount Morris,
Monday, March 9, 2015
Sharing Genealogy Files Via Facebook
In the last few months I have been doing some genealogy on Facebook. While it is possible to share a file within a Group, by uploading to the Group, this isn't always convenient. Sometimes I want to share a PDF, RTF or TXT file privately.
It can be done. However, the process is somewhat tedious and not user friendly.
In this post I'll attempt to describe the process of sending a file, or files, as an attachment to a Message.
Click on the talk bubbles in the blue bar at the top of the screen.
It can be done. However, the process is somewhat tedious and not user friendly.
In this post I'll attempt to describe the process of sending a file, or files, as an attachment to a Message.
Click on the talk bubbles in the blue bar at the top of the screen.
Click on "See All" at the bottom of the drop down box.
Click on "New Message" or on a recipient's profile photo on the left side of the screen.
Fill in the "To" line, then look at the bottom of the screen for "Write A Message" or "Write A Reply," depending on whether you are starting a new message or responding to a message thread already started. Notice the paper clip and "Add Files," below the box where you write your message. Click on "Add Files" once for each file you want to send. I recommend leaving the "Press Enter to send" box unchecked. That is to say, use the "Send" button when you have your message ready and the file or files attached. This will prevent inadvertently sending the message if you press the Enter key while writing the message.
If you are the message recipient, to download the file go to your messages. Find the message with the attachment. Click on "download" to the right of the file name.
Issue I Encountered Because Of My Setup
I'm using the Chrome Browser so what I describe here(between the rows of asterisks) probably won't be an issue on your computer. When I click on "download" my browser uses a Chrome PDF Viewer extension to display (preview) the file. That is to say I have to take additional action to get the file to download. The top of the preview screen looks like this.
After the file displays I need to click on the right most icon on the PDF Viewer menu bar. (The one with the up-seeking arrow.) This is followed by clicking "Open Original" which downloads the PDF to my computer.
After I disabled the PDF Viewer extension there wasn't any issue with the download. When I clicked on "download" the file immediately downloaded to my download folder.
Suggestions for changes or additions to what I wrote would be appreciated.
Thanks to Marv Byard and T. Vernon Anderson for helping me with the testing and learning exercise.
Dick Henthorn
8 March 2015
Thursday, March 5, 2015
I've been making good use of the memorial posts that others have done on FindAGrave. I thank them for their efforts.
I've created a few Virtual Cemeteries and I have shared suggestions for corrections with some of the people who posted.
I haven't created any memorials myself.
I'm frustrated by the number of inconsistencies I'm finding in what folks post. I'm not sure yet what is causing so many problems to crop up. My initial inclination is to blame the problems on the failure to proofread the work.
Checking three things would improve the quality of what's being posted.
I've created a few Virtual Cemeteries and I have shared suggestions for corrections with some of the people who posted.
I haven't created any memorials myself.
I'm frustrated by the number of inconsistencies I'm finding in what folks post. I'm not sure yet what is causing so many problems to crop up. My initial inclination is to blame the problems on the failure to proofread the work.
Checking three things would improve the quality of what's being posted.
- The dates of birth and death posted at the top of the memorial with
- Dates of birth and death listed in any shared obituary information with
- Dates of birth and death shown on any tombstone photographs.
If there's a typo fix the problem. If the dates come from various sources and you can't be certain which is correct, make a comment in the "text" to let your reader know that you are aware of the inconsistency.
Dick Henthorn
5 March 2015
Sunday, March 1, 2015
The Digital Public Library of America | Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter
The Digital Public Library of America | Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter:
Link to Richard Eastman's article about The Digital Public Library of America.
'via Blog this'
1 March 2015
Link to Richard Eastman's article about The Digital Public Library of America.
'via Blog this'
1 March 2015
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Descendants of Captain John Baker by Valerie Kramer (Paperback) - Lulu
Descendants of Captain John Baker by Valerie Kramer (Paperback) - Lulu:
I have owned a copy of this very well done genealogy for several years. Valerie Kramer has just announced on Facebook that copies can be ordered from Lulu.
Dick Henthorn
24 February 2015
'via Blog this'
I have owned a copy of this very well done genealogy for several years. Valerie Kramer has just announced on Facebook that copies can be ordered from Lulu.
Dick Henthorn
24 February 2015
'via Blog this'
Monday, February 23, 2015
Social Security Number Project
Today I finish the project to inclose all of the Social Security Numbers in the Notes of my Yoho file in curly brackets { }. I spent eight days working on this project.
In RootsMagic curly brackets are used to indicate information in the Notes that may or may not appear in output created by the program.
There are three options for data surrounded by curly brackets:
- information may appear with the curly brackets
- information may appear without the curly brackets
- information surrounded by the curly brackets and the brackets do not appear
There have been several occasions in the past when someone objected to Social Security Numbers appearing in the output from my genealogy even though the information is for deceased people. From now on I will have the option of turning off the output of the Social Security Numbers.
BTW, have you ever considered why the federal government didn't require middle names when opening a Social Security Account? Wouldn't that have reduced the possibility of errors?
Dick Henthorn
23 February 2015
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Curly Brackets
From time to time someone has objected to the fact that I included information from the Social Security Death Index in the Note fields of my genealogy files.
One person pointed out that even though a family member was dead there was still someone in the family drawing Social Security benefits under the deceased person's Social Security number.
RootsMagic has an option that allows us to make parts of our Notes private. To do this you place curly brackets {private text} around any text in a Note that you may want to consider private.
There are three curly bracket options when you, print reports, export GEDCOM files or create websites.
One person pointed out that even though a family member was dead there was still someone in the family drawing Social Security benefits under the deceased person's Social Security number.
RootsMagic has an option that allows us to make parts of our Notes private. To do this you place curly brackets {private text} around any text in a Note that you may want to consider private.
There are three curly bracket options when you, print reports, export GEDCOM files or create websites.
- Remove the curly brackets and the text inside them
- Display the curly brackets and the text inside them
- Display the text inside the curly brackets without the brackets
I'm considering adding curly brackets around Social Security numbers in my largest genealogy file. This will give me the option of displaying the Social Security Death Index information with or without the Social Security Number.
To implement this idea, at this late date, won't be an easy task. There is no way to do a global search and replace. While I can easily find each record that contains Social Security information it will be necessary to execute the find command thousands of times to find the Notes that need to be modified.
I've already tested this idea several times when I encountered Social Security data in the Note of records that I was updating.
Dick Henthorn
17 February 2015
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families
Some of this 775-page book, The Tenmile Country and Its Pioneer Families by Howard L. Leckey is available on Google Books. It deals with western Pennsylvania. In the past folks shared paper copies of some of the pages with me. I think that the back of the book index has hot links to the pages that are shared online. Apparently there is an eBook version available for purchase.
Book Link
Dick Henthorn
3 February 2015
Book Link
Dick Henthorn
3 February 2015
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Ice Family
I did some work on two branches of the Ice family and posted short PDF descendant reports to the Ice family page on Facebook (closed group).
Dick Henthorn
31 January 2015
- Alpheus Reynolds Ice
- Isaac W. Ice
Some of the folks following the Ice family had posted short messages to the page which prompted my response. I remain hopeful that people will respond to what I share by filling in some of the information or making suggestions for corrections. There isn't much of that activity going on.
Dick Henthorn
31 January 2015
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Exchanging Information On Facebook
There are country groups and family groups for genealogy on Facebook. Lately, there have been some good exchanges of information on the Greene county, Pennsylvania and Wetzel county, West Virginia groups. Some of the folks have subscriptions to I have never subscribed, so I don't really have an appreciation for what is available. Today I read some good information about ship arrivals.
From time to time I shared PDF files to the File areas of some of the groups. I encourage others to share in a similar manner. That idea hasn't amounted to much, to date.
I also encourage everyone to learn how to use their genealogy programs. Learn to export and import GEDCOM files. Learn how to produce files in "text" or PDF format and be willing to reciprocate when someone shares information.
Plan ahead. Give thought to which libraries you might want to donate a copy of your work.
Dick Henthorn
29 January 2015
From time to time I shared PDF files to the File areas of some of the groups. I encourage others to share in a similar manner. That idea hasn't amounted to much, to date.
I also encourage everyone to learn how to use their genealogy programs. Learn to export and import GEDCOM files. Learn how to produce files in "text" or PDF format and be willing to reciprocate when someone shares information.
Plan ahead. Give thought to which libraries you might want to donate a copy of your work.
Dick Henthorn
29 January 2015

Exchanging Information,
Family Groups,
Greene county,
West Virginia,
Wetzel county
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Sharing Information
I'm concerned about how I share the information I have compiled. I'd rather not share with folks I don't know or with those I know who don't reciprocate when I share information.
I'm of the opinion that there are as many rules about how to do genealogy as there are people doing genealogy. Sharing information always opens the door to criticism.
Some say:
I'm of the opinion that there are as many rules about how to do genealogy as there are people doing genealogy. Sharing information always opens the door to criticism.
Some say:
- "It's all wrong."
- "Send me everything you've got."
- "You didn't cite enough sources."
- "You didn't cite your sources in the approved manner."
- "You have too much information about the living in your files."
- "I don't want you to have any information in your files about my family."
- "The dates you recorded are wrong."
- "The places you recorded are wrong."
- "That's not the name of this person."
Today I'm testing another method of sharing. The idea is to share a PDF report on a limited basis, say 48-hours. I can do this using the application Files To Friends. Files uploaded remain available for download for two days.
I'm sharing the URL to a 51-page Descendant Report for the family of Thomas and Mary Clegg here and also on my Henthorn Genealogy group on Facebook. The link expires on 29 Jan 2015 at 10:38 a.m.
Dick Henthorn
27 January 2015
I'm sharing the URL to a 51-page Descendant Report for the family of Thomas and Mary Clegg here and also on my Henthorn Genealogy group on Facebook. The link expires on 29 Jan 2015 at 10:38 a.m.
Dick Henthorn
27 January 2015
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Rudolph Lemley and Jemima Pyles
Some information about Rudolph Lemley and Jemima Pyles was shared on the Greene county, PA page on Facebook. There was a scan of a newspaper article about Jemima and a one-page scan of a page of typed genealogy. I've been working on this family for a couple of days. I had the wife's surname as, Piles. There is some good information about members of this family on FindAGrave. They lived around Mount Morris, Greene county, Pennsylvania and Pentress, Monongalia county, West Virginia.
Dick Henthorn
24 January 2015
Dick Henthorn
24 January 2015
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Sharing Genealogy On CDs
I'm working on a project to share some genealogy information on CDs with longtime collaborator, Larry. We worked on the Yoho family of Beaver Co., PA. Larry doesn't have a computer.
I created two CDs that I'll be sending via snail mail.
I used RootsMagic7 to create a shareable CD of the family of Jacob Yoho and Mary Lawrence. When RootsMagic creates a shareable CD all of the information in the genealogy file is included. Because I only wanted to share the information about the Jacob Yoho family I needed to create a GEDCOM file that included just Jacob Yoho and his descendants. Next I created a "new" RootsMagic file with the GEDCOM. The final step was to create the shareable CD.
I created two CDs that I'll be sending via snail mail.
I used RootsMagic7 to create a shareable CD of the family of Jacob Yoho and Mary Lawrence. When RootsMagic creates a shareable CD all of the information in the genealogy file is included. Because I only wanted to share the information about the Jacob Yoho family I needed to create a GEDCOM file that included just Jacob Yoho and his descendants. Next I created a "new" RootsMagic file with the GEDCOM. The final step was to create the shareable CD.
The Shareable CD Menu
Here's a screen shot of what Larry will see when he clicks on "View Family Tree" on the menu.
The second CD contains three files.
1) McCullAnc.pdf, a 67-page PDF report about Larry's ancestors.
2) McCullDes.pdf, a 345-page report about the descendants of Jacob Yoho.
3) YohoJacob150107.ged, the GEDCOM file.
Dick Henthorn
8 January 2015
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Some RootsMagic7 Glitches
Yesterday I installed RootsMagic7. I noticed several disappointments.
The problem with wrap-around text when you save a report in .txt format hasn't been fixed. When I mentioned this yesterday to Tech Support the person I talked to brushed me off saying that no one had ever reported the problem.
The installation procedure suggested that I let them uninstalled RootsMagic6. I followed their suggestion. I'm not sure this was such a good idea. They didn't warn me that the newly installed version of the program would forget all of the formatting information such as color scheme and toolbar button icon placement. I'm not happy about that.
I installed a copy of the program on a thumb drive for the first time. I had a new SanDisk 4Gb thumb drive on hand. After the installation I copied one of my files to the thumb drive in order to test drive how it works. This is a very handy way to take your genealogy with you if you travel and don't want to take your laptop. I think I'll take the thumb drive to the computer club meeting to show Dale Grant who does genealogy.
Dick Henthorn
6 January 2015
The problem with wrap-around text when you save a report in .txt format hasn't been fixed. When I mentioned this yesterday to Tech Support the person I talked to brushed me off saying that no one had ever reported the problem.
The installation procedure suggested that I let them uninstalled RootsMagic6. I followed their suggestion. I'm not sure this was such a good idea. They didn't warn me that the newly installed version of the program would forget all of the formatting information such as color scheme and toolbar button icon placement. I'm not happy about that.
I installed a copy of the program on a thumb drive for the first time. I had a new SanDisk 4Gb thumb drive on hand. After the installation I copied one of my files to the thumb drive in order to test drive how it works. This is a very handy way to take your genealogy with you if you travel and don't want to take your laptop. I think I'll take the thumb drive to the computer club meeting to show Dale Grant who does genealogy.
Dick Henthorn
6 January 2015
Monday, January 5, 2015
Genealogy Program Update
Today, 5 January 2015, I purchased and installed a downloaded version of RootsMagic7 on my computer. I allowed the install process to remove RootsMagic6 from the computer which was recommended for those who don't consider themselves "Advanced Users."A new User's Key was supplied. This time I was careful to record it on a 3x5 card and to print out the Email page and store it in a notebook. The key is needed to install the program. It is also needed if you want to install a copy of the program on a USB thumb drive which I intend to do with this version.
Before I made the purchase I called RootsMagic and discussed several of my concerns about the program. My biggest concern is that RootsMagic6 often locked up when I was working with my two largest files, one with 84,000 records and the other with 245,000 records. I wasn't happy about the answers I received. That's probably why I put off calling them for many months.
Dick Henthorn
5 January 2015
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