Friday, October 31, 2014
Genealogy #01: Beginning Your Family Tree
Here's a 10-minute genealogy tutorial. This person has a good voice and nice manner of speaking.
Dick Henthorn
31 October 2014
How to Create a PowerPoint 2010 Family Tree Chart
I found this on YouTube. I think the person who created the video did a nice job.
Dick Henthorn
31 October 2014
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Tyler County, West Virginia - Cemetery Index
Scroll to the bottom of the page with the list of cemeteries to find links to other pages related to this website.
This is the work of Gary Patterson and one of the links is to his Patterson / Billiter Genealogy.
'via Blog this'
29 Oct 2014
Dick Henthorn
Scroll to the bottom of the page with the list of cemeteries to find links to other pages related to this website.
This is the work of Gary Patterson and one of the links is to his Patterson / Billiter Genealogy.
'via Blog this'
29 Oct 2014
Dick Henthorn
Friday, October 24, 2014
Follow By Email
The "Follow By Email" option is now available on all four of my Google blogs. You have to scroll to the bottom of the first page on each blog to find it and subscribe.
If you subscribe, when I post to that blog you will receive an Email message with the link to the post. This eliminates the need to constantly check the blog to see if I am posting. This will be particularly useful in the case of the Obituary blog which I infrequently update.
Dick Henthorn
24 October 2014
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Narratives Written by Charles H. Gander
Today I'm making available two narratives written by Charles H. Gander of Arlington, VA.
The 23-page PDF document, which is hosted on my Google Sites, includes:
Richard E. Henthorn
23 October 2014
The 23-page PDF document, which is hosted on my Google Sites, includes:
- Hugh Jackson (6 pages)
- James Henthorn (9 pages)
- List of Sources (8 pages)
Richard E. Henthorn
23 October 2014
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Richard Earl Henthorn
One is yours truly, Richard Edson Henthorn of Maryland. The other is Richard Earl Henthorn of Florida. We both use the genealogy program, RootsMagic.
Richard Earl shared a copy of his genealogy file with me and I loaded it into my genealogy program. He also graciously offered to share some of the information from his file on the Internet and I agreed to prepare the Descendant Report in PDF format and to host the report on the Internet.
We are sharing a seven-generation report of 109-pages which includes End Notes, Name Index and Place Index. The report was limited to seven generations to reduce the possibility of including information about the living.
The reported is hosted on the Google Sites web space of yours truly.
Genealogy of Richard Earl Henthorn
Please respect the Copyright restrictions outlined on the first page of the document.
Richard Edson Henthorn
22 October 2014
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
David Conger & Rachel Willson
Here's a link to a PDF Descendant report I created today from my Conger genealogy file on RootsMagic.
David Conger and Rachel Willson
This couple lived in Hallowell, Prince Edward, Ontario, Canada. There are five generations in the report of 62 pages. The report includes Name and Place indices. It is hosted on my Google Sites.
You can also go to the Google Sites by clicking on the Henthorn Genealogy Site on Google in the right hand sidebar
Dick Henthorn
21 October 2014
David Conger and Rachel Willson
This couple lived in Hallowell, Prince Edward, Ontario, Canada. There are five generations in the report of 62 pages. The report includes Name and Place indices. It is hosted on my Google Sites.
You can also go to the Google Sites by clicking on the Henthorn Genealogy Site on Google in the right hand sidebar
Dick Henthorn
21 October 2014
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Importance Of Learning GEDCOM
A GEDCOM file is a "text" file format created by the genealogy programmers and the LDS genealogy staff that allows the various genealogy programs to exchange information. You don't have to know anything about the internal structure of a GEDCOM file to take advantage of its power. My illustration for this post shows, for those who are curious, the first forty lines of a GEDCOM I created from Personal Ancestral File (PAF 2.31) and loaded into my current genealogy program RootsMagic 6. Notice that it's "text" that you can read, with data tags like "2 DATE" and "2 PLAC" on the left of each line in the file.
A GEDCOM file can be created (exported) and shared by attaching the file to an Email. They can also be staged on the Internet (uploaded) for sharing with others. I've found several on the Internet that were of interest.
If you get lucky enough to find another researcher who is working on the same families that you are you can use GEDCOM to exchange the information each of you have recorded.
When loading a GEDCOM from someone else into your genealogy program always create a "new" file with your genealogy program, with a "new" name before you load (import) the GEDCOM. That way you can check the quality of the work of the other person. For example, you can see if you both enter place names in the same way. And, you can see whether there are duplicates in the file you are receiving. It's never fun to remove duplicates once they are in your master genealogy file.
To learn more about GEDCOM you can practice creating a GEDCOM (exporting) and then adding it to a "new" file (importing) on your own computer. Backup you own genealogy file first, just to be on the safe side. Just remember that when you load the GEDCOM into your genealogy program you want to create a "new" file with a "new" name. You don't want to load your practice file into your main genealogy file. That would create a mess because every record would be duplicated.
You don't have to include all the records in your file when you create a GEDCOM. You can tell your genealogy program which records to include in the GEDCOM. For example, you may only want to share a branch of your tree rather than the entire file. Practice this also to see how it works.
Dick Henthorn
19 October 2014
Saturday, October 18, 2014
GenViewer Update
In the past some researchers shared their information with me in the file format used by their genealogy program. For example, some Family Tree Maker users sent me a file with the .ftw file extension of Family Tree Maker. Several computer disasters back I owned a copy of Family Tree Maker. Therefore, it wasn't a problem to load their file into my program when I wanted to view the information. This was so long ago I no longer remember which computer allowed me to do this.
I still have copies of some of these Family Tree Maker files on floppies and on Zip Discs.
The paid version of GenViewer can read GEDCOM files and some files of genealogy programs such as Family Tree Maker.
Yesterday I realized that it would be convenient if Windows 7 had an association for the .ftw with the GenViewer program. That is to say, if I clicked on a file name with that extension the GenViewer program would start up and load the file I clicked.
I had an awful time establishing the association. I read my Windows 7 book. I read the Windows help file. I looked at online tutorials. After about thirty minutes I was ready to tear my hair out.
When Cyndi came home I asked if she knew how to do it. She stood behind me and talked me through the process. In less than five minutes we'd accomplished what I never got close to doing.
The blog post image is a screen capture (that's another story) of a file on a floppy named: bacus.ftw. I have a floppy drive connected to the laptop computer via a USB hub.
Dick Henthorn
18 October 2014
Friday, October 17, 2014
Transcript: makes transcribing easier Transcript: makes transcribing easier:
Here's a link to the website for the program: Transcript.
I'm trying out the program to see if it will be useful for transcribing information from scanned images. I like to include typed text from documents in the Notes of my genealogy files.
The program displays the scanned image in the top half of the screen and you type in the bottom half. You can Zoom in on an image and you can change the contrast. Bold face, italics, underlining and so on are supported.
I tested the program by typing the information about a log cabin at Blue Springs, NE that I found on the Facebook. I was pleased with my first experience. I shared what I typed on Facebook where I found the image and in my own family's Group.
Dick Henthorn
17 October 2014
'via Blog this'
Here's a link to the website for the program: Transcript.
I'm trying out the program to see if it will be useful for transcribing information from scanned images. I like to include typed text from documents in the Notes of my genealogy files.
The program displays the scanned image in the top half of the screen and you type in the bottom half. You can Zoom in on an image and you can change the contrast. Bold face, italics, underlining and so on are supported.
I tested the program by typing the information about a log cabin at Blue Springs, NE that I found on the Facebook. I was pleased with my first experience. I shared what I typed on Facebook where I found the image and in my own family's Group.
Dick Henthorn
17 October 2014
'via Blog this'
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Another Mess
I have some backups. I'm not certain which backup is the latest version. The data was in Personal Ancestral File (PAF). On my old computer I don't have a copy of my maternal line available to PAF. As a matter of fact I can't remember how long ago it was when I last looked at this information with PAF.
Yesterday, I found three backup floppies with the latest backup dated, 24 Aug 1998. Using the old computer I created a folder to house the files that make up my maternal line and I loaded the backup file into PAF. It worked. I recovered a copy of the information that I can access with PAF.
Unfortunately moving the information from PAF to RootsMagic isn't a simple matter. There are edits that need to be accomplished to get ready. From past experience, with larger files, I know that this task can take several days, if not weeks.
- I want to add the county abbreviation, "Co.," to county names.
- I want to expand cemetery names to eliminate truncation.
- And, most important of all I need to edit the textual information in the Note fields so word wrap will work in RootsMagic.
Dick Henthorn
16 October 2014
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
I've been learning more about FindAGrave.
My member number is: (#48542447)
My Profile Page
My member number is: (#48542447)
My Profile Page
Here's a search box for the application.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Elias Darby Conger, Sr.
Elias Darby Conger Sr.
PARENTS: David Conger, Sr. and Mary Darby
BIRTH: 8 Jun 1763, Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ
DEATH: Abt. 13 Sep 1843 in Adams Twp., Monroe Co., OH
Elias Darby Conger enlisted in the Revolutionary War but was too young to fight, so he "ran bullets." His granddaughter, Elizabeth Conger Henkle, remembered him as a good sized man, sitting in his arm chair reading, and that he had quite a library.
Elias and wife, Mary Goble, accompanied his brother, David, and wife, Sarah, from New Jersey to Western Pennsylvania in 1791. After Mary's death, in 1804, Elias married Mary Gregory and they moved on into Monroe county, Ohio, where they both died. Family tradition says that Mary Darby Conger, mother of David and Elias, went with them to Pennsylvania.
To prove that you can't believe everything you read in print or what family traditions says, the following article from the "Centerville Iowian," 10 January 1934, is given in full.
The following Conger family data is furnished by J.C. Harvey of Seymour: "Appanoose county's history may not be complete without the mention of the name Conger. This family dates its beginning in America in the year 1669, landing at Plymouth Rock. They were of French-Hugenot descent. Hence in years each generation emigrated westward until you find the name Conger in all parts of the United States. They are all related, as the original name, was Koniger, and was changed to Conger by John Conger, the first. (This has not been proved nor disproved.)
The Congers were first in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of their countrymen. They furnished soldiers in every war from Colonial wars down to the World War. The first death recorded at Camp Dodge in Des Moines was Conger from Appanoose county.
John Conger, III, was a captain in the Revolutionary War. His son, Gershom, was George Washington's orderly at Valley Forge, and he became the grandfatheer of the sons and daughters of the Congers who emigrated to Appanoose county in pioneer days. (There is no record of a John Conger having a son named, Gershom, other than John Belconger. Capt. David Conger of the Pennsylvania Militia had a son, Gershom born 1792, after Valley Forge. A Gershom, born about 1763 in N.J., son of Enoch and Berzillah, might possibly have been an orderly to George Washington, but no Gershom in this line could have been.)
Gershom resided and ended his days in Green county, PA. (Son of Elias Darby Conger) His descendants moved over into Monroe county, Ohio, and his grandchildren moved on into Iowa later (this Gershom evidently confused with his father, Elias Darby). Enos and Jane Strayer Conger came first, in 1845 (brother and wife) and homesteaded on the Charlton River. Then came Elias and John in 1849 (brothers) and they homesteaded claims in Caldwell township. They were followed in the early 50's by Benoni, James, Morris, Moses, Max, Mark and Stephen (brothers and nephews), with cousins Charles, Elias and William.
At one time, prior to the Civil War, all these Conger families resided in Appanoose county, Iowa, and Putnam county, MO, and each of these families furnished soldiers in the Civil War -- they were abolitionists and were interested in the underground route in getting slaves north to freedom.
John Conger (John B. 1808) was progressive in the early day movements. At one time he lived in Centerville and built one of the first brick residences in the town. He helped to organize the first bank in Appanoose county, and later was among the founders of Seymour, Iowa. In the early days he owned and operated one of the first tread-powered threshing machines ever run in this section of the state, This was an advancement over the old chaff-piler and flailing system.
Benoni took to growing blooded cattle, and at one time had one of the best herds of Shorthorns (Durhams) in the state.
Elias (Elias Gregory 1806) drifted into growing blooded horses, and Enos was noted in the county as a horticulturist and farmer. All the other Conger boys became thrifty farmers, and their children likewise took up agricultural pursuits, at which most of them were successul.
Many of the Conger descendants moved westward and became great benefactors in building up the great west. However, at this time possibly over 500 of the Conger descendants live in Appanoose and adjoining counties."
(Source: The Conger Family of America, Vol. I, p. 142-143 - Maxine Crowell Leonard).
EMIGRATION: The Conger family left Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ in 1790, moving to Washington Co., PA. In the party were: 1) Elias Darby Conger, Sr. and his wife, Mary Goble and their five children (Sarah, Mary, Ruth, Hannah and David); 2) David Conger Jr., and his wife, Sara (Welch) and son (Elias); 3) the mother of Elias and David Conger, Mary Darby (Green) Conger and their sister, Mary E. Conger.
CENSUS: 1800, in Greene Co., PA, Morris Twp., page 87
Elias Congar [Conger]; Males: 3 - - 1 -; Females 2 1 1 1 -
(Furnished by Joyce Posey)
TAX_LIST: 1801, in Morris Twp. Greene Co., PA; Elias Conger. Page 258 of Mrs. Hennen's Cemetery Record Book.
(Furnished by Joyce Posey)
LAND: 6 Sep 1806
Deed: William Rogers and Cartrey, wife, to Elias Conger, all of Greene Co. [PA]
Dated Sep. 6, 1806; Deed Book 2, p. 409; $300.00; 102 acres
Part of "Rogers Fancy," Morris Twp., on Bates Fork of Tenmile. Patented to said William Rogers Nov. 27, 1805. Adjoins Frederick Lughman, Grantee, Wm. Green and Reuben Wright.
(Received from: Greene County Historical Society; R.D. #2, P.O. Box 127; Waynesburg, PA 15370 - furnished by Joyce Posey)
CENSUS: 1810, in Greene Co., PA, Morris Twp.
Elias Conger, males 3,0,0,1,0; females 2,1,1,1,0
(Furnished by Joyce Posey)
LAND: 8 Apr 1812
Deed: Elias Conger and Mary, wife, to Benjamin Lyons of Greene Co. [PA]
Dated Apr. 8, 1812; Deed Book 2, p. 649; $628, 102 acres
Part of "ROGERS FANCY" in Morris Twp. patented by Wm. Rogers, Nov. 27, 1805.
Witnesses: John Han, J.P; Richard R. Iiams.
EMIGRATION: According to Joyce Posey and Bob Guilinger: Elias Darby Conger Sr. and his family later left Morris Twp., Greene Co., PA removing to Monroe Co., OH about 1812/1813, probably about the time of the 8 Apr 1812 land sale in Morris Twp., Greene Co., PA. According to Maxine Crowell Leonard this was after Elias had remarried in 1804/1805.
Early Records of an Elias Conger in Monroe Co., OH
Baptists organized in 1813, the first ministers were Rev. Phillip Skinner and Elias Conger.
(Source: History of Monroe Co., Ohio, 1813, page 16)
19 Dec 1815: Road from Woodsfield, [OH] to Elias Conger's viewed: The Commissioners have entered into bond with James Henthorn and Phillip Nolan to pay the expenses of the cost should fall upon petitioners. Mitchel Atkinson surveyor. The road beginning at Woodsfield and ending near or at Elias Conger in Center township.
(Source: Monroe Co., Ohio: The First Twenty Years, Commissioners Journal 1815-1835, Transcribed by Carolyn Zogg Wolf for the Monroe Co., OH Historical Society - furnished by Joyce Posey)
4 Sep 1816: Road from Woodsfield to Elias Congers. Commissioners viewed where line crosses the road that runs from Woodsfield to Sunfish Creek and proceed to view the ground for a road from thence on eastward course to intersect a road near H. Jackson's leading from Woodsfield to Elias Conger's. Mitchel Atkinson, surveyor.
(Source: Monroe Co., Ohio: The First Twenty Years, Commissioners Journal 1815-1835, Transcribed by Carolyn Zogg Wolf for the Monroe Co., OH Historical Society - furnished by Joyce Posey)
Monroe Co., Ohio Tax List, 1816, page 55; Elias Conger, R4, T3, S24
Adams Twp., Monroe Co., OH was organized on 6 Mar 1826. Elias Conger Sr. was among the early settlers.
[Note: Elias Conger's land was in Center Twp., Monroe Co., OH until the formation of Adams Twp. after which it was in the new township.]
(Source: History of Monroe Co., Ohio, 1813, page 22)
17 Mar 1817: Road from Woodsfield to Elias Conger's established: Commissioners agreed an order to view a road beginning at Woodsfield, thence to Elias Conger's. Commissioners consider the road to be of Public Utility and recorded the same a Public Highway.
(Source: Monroe Co., Ohio: The First Twenty Years, Commissioners Journal 1815-1835, Transcribed by Carolyn Zogg Wolf for the Monroe Co., OH Historical Society - furnished by Joyce Posey)
RESIDENCES: A Brief History of Adams Township, Monroe Co., OH
Adams Township was organized on 6 Mar 1826. Sunfish Creek flows through the middle of Adams Twp. Piney Forks is a tributary of Sunfish Creek. The township is bordered by Sunsbury, Switzerland, Salem, Green and Center townships.
Early settlers of Adams township were Charles and James Atkinson, Gilbert and Mitchell McCoy, Elias Conger, Christian Hartline, Phillip Noland, Robert Norris, Samuel Bracey and the families of Mellott and Powell.
The village of Cameron was established in 1837 by James and Mary (Brown) Atkinson. James was an early settler and a Revolutionary War veteran. Cameron was originally named Jamestown.
The first church in Adams Twp. was built near Cameron in 1825. Other churches: Mt. Zion Church of Christ (formerly known as the Bracey Church), Goudy Church of Christ, Mellott Ridge Church of Christ, Pleasant Grove Methodist Church, Cameron Church of Christ.
(Source: The Navigator, Monroe County Chapter OGS, June 1991, Vol. 4, No. 2 - furnished by Joyce Posey)
Census: 1820, in Monroe Co., OH, Centre Twp, #17
Elias Conger, agriculture (living next to Abner Powell)
3 males under 10; 2 males between 10-16; 1 male between 16-26;
1 male over 45; 1 female under 10; 1 female between 16-21; 1 female
over 45
(Early records furnished by Joyce Posey)
Census: 1840, in Monroe Co., OH, Adams Twp.
Elias D. Congar (sic)
00-05, 0; 05-10, 0; 10-15, 0; 15-20, 0; 20-30, 1; 30-40, 0;
40-50, 0; 50-60, 0; 60-70, 0; 70-80, 1; 80-90, 0; 90-100, 0; 100&up, 0
00-05, 1; 05-10, 1; 10-15, 0; 15-20, 0; 20-30, 1; 30-40, 0;
40-50, 0; 50-60, 0; 60-70, 1; 70-80, 0; 80-90, 0; 90-100, 0; 100&up, 0
(Source: The Federal Census Monroe County, Ohio 1820-1830-1840 - Monroe County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society)
CONFLICT-DEATH: Was the date of death, 3 Sep 1845 or 13 Sep 1845 or 13 Sep 1843? Maxine Crowell Leonard lists, 3 Sep 1845. Robert Guilinger believes the date should be 13 Sep 1845. Joyce Posey obtained two records from Page 485-486 of the Tuesday, 26 Sep 1843 Journal of the Monroe County, Ohio Common Pleas Court which indicate that the death probably occurred in 1843, Abt. 13 Sep 1843. The Ancestral File lists, 3 Sep 1845 in Adams Twp., Monroe Co., OH.
PROBATE: Elias D. Conger Will Recorded
Common Pleas Court Record, Journal 3, p. 485
Monroe County, Ohio
September Term A.D. 1843
Tuesday September 26, 1843
The last will and testament of Elias D. Conger late of the county of Monroe, deceased, was this day presented in court for probate.
Whereupon John M. Boughner and Benjamin Trimbly the two subscribing witnesses to said will being severally duly sworn, the said John M. Boughner deposeth and saidth that he saw the testator sign and seal said will as and for his Last Will and Testament, that he was at the time of signing and sealing of the same, of sound mind and memory of full age & under no restraint and that he, said Boughner, signed the same as a witness in the presence of said testator and at his request and the said Benjamin Timly saith taht he heard the said testator acknowledge the signing and sealing said will as and for his Last Will and testament that he was at the time of sound and disposeing mind and memory of full age and under no restraint and that he in the presence of said testator and at his request signed the same as a witness thereto which testamony the court order to be reduced to writing which is done and the same ordered to be certified and the same together with said will ordered to be recorded.
Common Pleas Court Record, Journal 3, p. 486
Monroe County, Ohio
September Term A.D. 1843
Tuesday September 26, 1843
Stephen Conger, Elias Conger and Benoni Conger the executors named in the Last Will and Testament of Elias D. Conger Late of Monroe County deceased, appeared in open court, accepted said trust and gave Bond in the sum of six thousand dollars conditioned according to Law with which the Court accept. The Court appoint John D. Glenn, William Alexander and Stephen Atkinson appraisors of the personal property of said testator.
(Furnished by Joyce Posey from copy of the record in her possession, obtained for her by Shirley Neiswonger, researcher of Monroe Co., OH, Oct 1996)
PROBATE: 17 Jul 1847, Stephen, Benoni, Elias Conger Executors of the Estate of Elias Conger, deceased.
[Note: Joyce Posey reports that Catherine Fedorchak wrote, "a general rule of thumb seems to have been that a person's estate notice was carried (in the newspaper) about a month after the death, it was customary for such notices to be carried for several successive weeks and sometimes months." Since the estate notice was found in the July 17, 1847 issue of "The Spirit of Democracy" it appears that the settlement..."]
Richard E. Henthorn
13 October 2014
Transcript: makes transcribing easier Transcript: makes transcribing easier:
'via Blog this'
This freeware might be useful if you are trying to extract information from a hard to read image of a document. The source document appears in the top half of the screen and you type in the lower half. I haven't tried it yet.
I'd be interested in hearing and reporting the comments of anyone who has tried this program or anything similar.
Dick Henthorn
13 October 2014
'via Blog this'
This freeware might be useful if you are trying to extract information from a hard to read image of a document. The source document appears in the top half of the screen and you type in the lower half. I haven't tried it yet.
I'd be interested in hearing and reporting the comments of anyone who has tried this program or anything similar.
Dick Henthorn
13 October 2014
Broken Binding
The book was:
The Conger Family of America, Volume II, (CFA) published in 1992, by Helen Maxine (Crowell) Leonard. There are more than 725 numbered pages in the book, with printing on both sides of most pages. That is to say, a little over 365 physical pages.
To fix the problem I bought four black three-ring notebooks at one of the thrift stores and two boxes of 200 sheet protectors at Staples. I worked, off and on for a couple of days, putting the pages into the sheet protectors. Opening the top of every sheet protector was a pain. Did I really lick my fingers 365 times?
The two-volume CFAs are wonderful collections of genealogy information and family history. I own copies of both volumes and both are now housed in three-ring binders. Years ago, I worked for many months keying the information from both volumes into my genealogy program in order to convert the collection into a genealogy. Some members of the Conger family spent time in Monroe county, Ohio. I worked with Robert Guilinger, Joyce Posey and many others to add the information they shared to the information recorded by Mrs. Leonard.
Page 1a of CFA II, is the Contents page. Names listed on the page do not always match the titles used on the first page of each section.
Here's a list of the CFA II contents I prepared, using the page titles.
1a - Contents
2a - Libraries with CFA I
3a - Preface
1 - Search for Belconger Origin
3 - Belconger Wills
12 - Life of Belcongers in County Norfolk
15 - John Conger (Primus) in Woodbridge, New Jersey
16 - The Kelleys
19 - John Belconger's Family & Wills
21 - First Census of the United States - 1790 - Heads of Families
51 - Descendants of John Belconger & Mary Kelly & Sarah Cawood
239- Conger Addenda
247- Conger Allied Families
462- Allied Families Addenda
467- Conger Index
531- Conger Spouse Index
565- Conger Index - CFA I
695- Update for CFA Volume I
Dick Henthorn
13 October 2014
Sunday, October 12, 2014
James Henthorn, II of Monroe Co., OH
James Henthorn, II
COMMENT: James Henthorn, II, was the starting person in the PAF file of Richard E. Henthorn that he named, "pafjam" when he was using PAF 2.31 to record genealogy.
PARENTS: James Henthorn and Mary
BIRTH: 1735, Baltimore Co., MD, or Abt. 1741 in an unknown place
DEATH: Abt. 1818 in Newport Twp., Monroe Co., OH
COMMENT: The Ancestral File shows, b. [1731] and calls him, Jr.
BIRTH-CONFLICT: Some say he was born in Baltimore, MD and others in PA.
1772 - taxed in present Fayette Co.
1782 - signed petition for new state
1785 Jun 21 - adjoinee to Mordecai Chalfant, Menallen Twp.
1790 - census 2 3 0 Menallen Twp, Fayette Co., PA
(Norma Henthorn states that, the James Henthorn in Menallen Twp. is probably the son of James I, and the father of the Monroe Co., OH Henthorns)
1792 - taxed in Ohio Co., (W) VA
1796 - in Monongalia Co., (W) VA
1799 - to now Monroe Co, OH; then Washington, later Belmont Co., OH
1800 - taxed Newport Twp. Washington Co.
1804 abt - died, Administration Papers, Bk O, p. 33, Belmont Co., OH
MILITARY: He served in the Washington county, PA militia during the Revolutionary War, in the 5th Battalion, under Capt. George Myers.
RESIDENCES: James Henthorn II and his brother John Henthorn, the lesser, moved into western Pennsylvania and settled on adjoining farms in Fayette county near Uniontown, PA. They were among the first white settlers in the area. Both had large families.
RESIDENCES: James II and his family also lived in Monongalia Co., WV for a while before moving to Monroe Co., OH in 1798. He is considered to be the original Henthorn settler in Monroe Co., OH.
James is mentioned in the Hardesty History, which states, that he came from the Fort on Wheeling Creek where he had been when Boggs was killed on Boggs Island by the Indians. The names of the children are given as: James Jr., John, Henry, William, Adam, Ann, and Mary. It also states that James Jr., married Nancy Bowen in Salem Township in 1800 and William married Susan Parrott in Monroe Co. in 1807.
PUBLIC_SERVICE: James Henthorn Justice of the Peace
Robinson and Mary (Davis) Ross were married on 11 Mar 1804 by Revolutionary War veteran, James Henthorn, Sr., who was a Justice of the Peace in the township of Salem - then Belmont county. James Henthorn, Sr., settled at the mouth of Sunfish Creek about the year 1798 or 1799. His sons were John, Henry, Adam, William, and James, Jr. He had daughters Ann and Mary.
At the time of these early settlements, Ohio was divided into Territorial Counties and Henthorn's settlement was in Washington County, which was proclaimed by Gov. St. Clair July 27, 1788. Belmont was proclaimed Sept. 7, 1801, before Ohio was a state. The first seat of justice for Belmont County was Pultney, in Pultney Township, which was one of the original townships, of Belmont County and erected Nov. 25, 1801. St. Clairsville was laid out in 1801 by David Newell and was called Newellstown for a time before the name was changed to St. Clairsville in honor of Arthur St. Clair who was a cousin to Newell. St. Clairsville became the county seat in 1804.
On Feb. 24, 1802, the house of James Henthorn, Sr., at the mouth of Sunfish Creek was selected as the location for Salem Township elections (of Belmont County) to be held. Salem Township then contained about three-fourths of Monroe County's lands. When Monroe County townships were erected, the name Salem was retained for one. The first marriage within the boundaries of the present Salem Township was that of James Henthorn, Jr., and Nancy Bowen in the spring of 1800. Justice of the Peace, David Ruble, married John Prebel and Susan Archer Dec. 3, 1804. William Henthorn married Susan Parrott of Well's Bottom, Virginia, in 1807.
The settlement at the mouth of Sunfish Creek went by the name "Sunfish" for a while. Then the farmland was willed by James Henthorn, Sr., to his son William. He sold to David Pierson, Sr., and on Sat., June 22 1822, David had the land surveyed and laid out a town which he named "Clarinda-town" for his daughter. Clarinda Pierson was born Oct. 7, 1820, and on May 5, 1847, married Thomas H. Ford who was born Dec. 4, 1817. Clarinda died Oct. 8, 1892 and Thomas joined her June 12, 1893. David Pierson also laid out Miltonsburg, in Malaga Township, in 1836. He named it for his son, Milton.
David Pierson and Elam Patterson established a store at the mouth of Sunfish around 1815. On June 19, 1824, William D. Henthorne was granted a license to operate a ferry across the Ohio River at that location. William Walton obtained a license to operate a tavern at Clarindatown in April of 1827. Jesse Rich obtained a tavern license at "Clarindatown" (Clarington) Mar. 30, 1831.
In 1824, a post office was opened at the mouth of Sunfish Creek and was called "Sunfish" for a time. Asahel (Apr. 17, 1778 - Mar. 21, 1858) and Bethiah (Fairchild) Booth (Oct. 26, 1787 - Mar. 30, 1868) were the first to operate it.
(Source: Clyde Decker, Spirit of Democracy, Friday, 26 Sep 1980, p. 5; article provided by Gordon W. Paul)
HISTORY: Early History of Monroe Co., Ohio
Squatters began settling on Congress land in Salem Township, Monroe Co., Ohio along the Ohio River and especially near the mouth of Sunfish Creek as early as 1798-9. James Henthorn and his children, James, John, Henry, William, Adam, Ann and Mary were the first settlers. He and Charles Atkinson were most likely the first to occupy lands where Clarington, OH now stands. William Powell, who settled on the point at the mouth of the creek, operated a ferry service during the year of 1802. Jonathan Rutter settled on the land on Gardner Run that later became the town of Walton and years later was incorporated into the town of Clarington.
The area where Clarington now stands was a natural site for a shipping port and town. For the first twenty years it was simply known as the "Mouth of Sunfish" or "Sunfish." James Henthorn willed his land to his son, William, who sold it to David Pierson. In 1822, David Pierson laid out the town of Clarington, naming it after his daughter, Clarinda.
(Source: Monroe County a History by Theresa A. & Stanley B. Maienknecht)
LAND: Ohio County Court House, Wheeling, West Virginia, Abstract of Deed Book 7 - Page 328:
10 Feb 1812. James Henthorn bought for 25 pounds, 239 acres on the waters of Middle Wheeling Creek.
CENSUS: 1800, Washington Co., OH, Newport Twp (which later went to form Monroe County in 1820) shows James Hinthorn, James Hinthorn, Jr. and John Hinthorn.
Samuel Buskirk and James Henthorn of Belmont County Applies for the purchased of the Southwest Quarter of Section 9 in Township 5 of Range 5 Containing 160 01/100 Acres at two dollars per acre and Produces Receivers Receipt No. 834 of this date [March 22, 1815] for $80 001/2/ full for the first Instalment of the purchase money for this quarter Section and Certificate thereof No. 340 was granted same day to said Samuel and James.
(Source: Vol. 1 of series 60 of Marietta Land Office Records, p.188 - furnished by Willa M. Craig and Patricia Grimm)
TAX_LIST: for 1818, for Monroe Co. shows listings for James Henthorn, Sr.; James Henthorn, Jr.; and two women, Margaret Henthorn and Elizabeth Henthorn.
CENSUS: 1820 shows families headed by
Adam Henthorne, over 45 years of age;
John Henthorne, over 45 years of age;
James Henthorne, over 45, but he also had four children under 10; and
Margaret Henthorne over 45. Margaret had children who were born between 1804-1810.
The Hardesty History states that the site of Clarington was willed by James Henthorne to his son William, who in turn sold it to David Pierson, who laid out the town of Clarington, in 1822. Clarington was named after Clarinda, the daughter of David Pierson.
LAND: Town of Clarington surveyed for David Person (this name is also Pearson or Pierson) 22 Jun 1822 - addition to the town of Clarington by Ephraim and Thomas Pollack - 34 lots, made in 1839.
(Source: Monroe County Ohio Deed Book A, page 131 - found in Fedorchak, Vol. X, page 176)
Problem: Some give the date of birth as 1735 and others as 1739. The DAR application of Opal (Martin) Hankins gives the dates as: b. 1735, d. 1818 at Newport Twp., Monroe Co., OH. Jan Jennings and Delbert Henthorn use, b. Abt. 1738 and d. 1804 Belmont Co. OH. [Belmont Co., is today Monroe, Co.]
It is reported that he was married twice. The name of the first wife was Nancy Collins. The second wife's first name was, Elizabeth. Delbert Henthorn states that his 1st wife was dead by 1790 and his 2nd wife was named, Elizabeth.
ORGANIZATIONS: Daughters of the American Revolution Membership
DAR Information: James Henthorn is one of 2 Henthorns that can be used for application for membership in the DAR as of Sep 1992. He appears on page 100 of the DAR Patriot Index, Vol. II as: Henthorn, James, b. 1735, d. 1818, m. Elizabeth, Pvt. PA. Members accepted because of relationship to James are: 596129, Opal (Martin) Hankins and 612304, Loretta Lea (Henthorn) Ohman. Member 719082, Virginia (Rosenau) Esh, uses James as a supplemental qualification for membership.
Mrs. Hankins application stated: My ancestor's services in assisting in the establishment of American Independence during the War of the Revolution were as follows: Private, Third Class, Capt. George Mire's 1st Co., 5th Battalion, Washington Co. Militia, PA., according to the evidence of a Court of Appeal, dated April 8, 1782. (Military Accounts (Militia) Records of the Comptroller General, at the Div. of Archives & Manuscripts. Bethlehem Township, Washington Co., Pennsylvania.)
CENSUS: Index to the 1820 Ohio Census shows the following Henthorns in Ohio.
Last,First,MI Page Cty Twp
Henthorn, Adam 121 MNR SAL
Henthorn, Delila 007A PER THO
Henthorn, Elij 007A PER THO
Henthorn, Geo 106A PER HRN
Henthorn, James 122A MNR CEN
Henthorn, Jas 007A PER THO
Henthorn, John 006A PER THO
Henthorn, John 121 MNR SAL
Henthorn, John Jr 016A LIC WAS
Henthorn, Joseph 121 MNR SAL
Henthorn, Margaret 122A MNR CEN
Henthorn, Rachel 007A PER THO
Henthorn, Wm 120A MNR SAL
Henthorn, Wm 123A MNR CEN
[Note: MNR = Monroe; PER = Perry; LIC = Licking; REH]
(Furnished by Betty Cronin)
Henthorn, James, 15 May 1804, Belmont, R3, T3, S19
Henthorne, William, 17 Aug 1809, Belmont, R3, T3, S19
Henthorne, Adam, 25 Feb 1812, Belmont, R3, T2, S36
Henthorn, James, 12 Aug 1813, Belmont, R5, T5, S1
Henthorn, James, 30 Mar 1814, Belmont, R4, T4, S31
Henthorn, James, 5 May 1814, Belmont, R5, T5, S8
Henthorn, William, 5 May 1814, Belmont, R5 T5, S33
Henthorn, Adam, 10 Nov 1814, Belmont, R3, T2, S36
Henthorn, James, 22 Mar 1815, Belmont, R5, T5, S9
Henthorn, John, 10 Apr 1816, Monroe, R5, T5, S8
Henthorn, William, 10 Apr 1816, Monroe, R5, T5, S8
Henthorn, William, 3 Sep 1816, Belmont, R5, T5, S26
Henthorn, Adam, 26 May 1817, Monroe, R3, T2, S36
Henthorn, James, 26 Aug 1818, Monroe, R5, T5, S2
Henthorn, Adam, 5 Feb 1819, Monroe, R4, T4, S7
Henthorn, William, 25 Apr 1827, Belmont, R4, T4, S1
Henthorn, Abraham, 9 Jun 1836, Monroe, R5, T4, S12
Henthorn, Adam, 5 Apr 1836, Monroe, R4, T2, S27
Henthorn, Elijah, 16 Dec 1836, Monroe, R4, T3, S17
Henthorn, James, 6 Aug 1836, Monroe, R6, T4, S15
Henthorn, James, 5 Dec 1836, Monroe, R4, T2, S15
Henthorn, Nimrod E., 28 Nov 1836, Monroe, R3, T 2, S30
Henthorn, Andrew, 2 Oct 1838, Monroe, R3, T2, S28
Henthorn, Andrew, 12 Mar 1839, Monroe, R4, T3, S4
Henthorn, Andrew, 12 Mar 1839, Monroe, R3, T2, S28
Henthorn, Elijah, 17 Jan 1837, Monroe, R4, T3, S10
Henthorn, James, 19 Jun 1837, Monroe, R6, T4, S15
Henthorn, James, 4 Mar 1840, Monroe, R6, T4, S14
Henthorn, Jesse, 19 May 1837, Monroe, R5, T4, S4
Henthorn, John L., 8 Apr 1837, Monroe, R6, T4, S21
Henthorn, John L., 27 Dec 1838, Monroe, R7, T5, S9
Henthorn, John L., 3 Apr 1840, Monroe, R7, T5, S9
Henthorn, William, 24 Apr 1837, Monroe, R4, T2, S28
[Note: Part of what later became Monroe Co., OH was in Belmont Co., OH until 1815.]
(Source: Early Ohio Settlers Purchasers of Land in SE Ohio 1800-1840, pages 78, 108 - furnished by Betty Cronin; page 15 furnished by Joyce Posey)
HISTORY: Early History of Salem Township, Monroe County, Ohio
Salem Township was organized on July 19, 1815. Although not at an earlier date, the larger settlements were made in this township. This is attributed to the fact that Sunfish Creek, the largest creek in the county, was in Salem Township and furnished a great attraction to the settlers.
Below the mouth of Opossum Creek, a settlement was made by Cornelius Vandevanter prior to 1802. At about the same time, John Vandevanter and the Hurd's settled on the farm owned by Vachel Gamble in 1880. Thomas Howell settled on the farm owned by Levi Baldwin in 1881. A few years later, Francis Martin settled about a mile up the creek. His son, John Martin, Esquire, still owned the land in 1881. William McLain, Aaron Howell, and Martin Boughner also settled along the creek.
In 1798 or 1799, James Henthorn settled at the mouth of Sunfish Creek after moving there from the old fort on Wheeling Creek. His children were as follows: James; Henry; William; Adam; Ann; and Mary. He made improvements where Clarington now is located. At the same time, Charles Atkinson cleared 15 acres which later was known as the W.H. Mallory farm. In 1802, Alexander Newlen cleared 10 acres on the Joel Yost farm. Other settlers included Elijah Johnson; James Scott; Robert Baldwin; James Walton; and Jonathan Rutter. William Powell settled at the mouth of Sunfish Creek and kept the ferry. The following persons settled along the valley of the creek in the order given: John Vandevanter; Peter Vandevanter; Andrew McKee; William McCoy; Joseph Blare; Matthew Brown; Richard Cain; and Samuel Buskirk. David Howell, Reuben Redman, and Reuben Sturgeon lived on the hills near the mouth of the Creek. Other large settlements were made by the Bowen family; the Roby family; the Twible family; the Preble family; the Gilmore family; the Davis family; the Ross family; the Watson family; the Jones family; and the Kyger family. These settlements furnished settlers for many other parts of the County -- especially further up the creek and on Will's Creek.
(Source: page 12 of an unidentified type written book - furnished by Wayne F. Koontz)
TAX_LIST: Henthorns Living in Monroe County, Ohio in 1827
1827 Monroe County, Ohio Tax Records
Elijah Andrews, Auditor, Monroe Co., OH, 1 Sep 1827
Extracted by Rita Bone Koop
ADAMS TOWNSHIP: Total of 40 taxpayers, Township of Adams being Township No. 4 & 5 of Range 5, one part in No. 3 & 4 in Range 4.
Henthorn, James "Lame," R5,T5,S1, NE, 157 acres, Value $214
2 horses, 6 cattle, Value $128
Henthorn, James "Lame," R4,T4,S31, NE, 146 acres, Value $166
Henthorn, James "Lame," R4,T4,S32, SW, 147 acres, Value $162
Henthorn, William, R5,T5,S8, SW, 79 acres, Value $91
Henthorn, James, Jr., R5,T5, S8, NE, 159 acres, Value $216
2 horses, 3 cattle, Value $104
Henthorn, John, 1 horse, 1 cattle, Value $48
Henthorn, Margaret, 2 horses, 1 cattle, Value $88
Henthorn, Nathan G., 1 horse, 3 cattle, Value $64
Henthorn, Elizabeth, 1 horse, 1 cattle, Value $48
Henthorn, Abraham, 1 horse, 2 cattle, Value $56
GREEN TOWNSHIP: Total of 50 taxpayers, Township of Green being, Townships No. 2 & 3 in Range 4 and part of township 3 & 4 in Range 5.
Henthorn, William, 2 horses, 2 cattle, Value $96
MALAGA TOWNSHIP: Total of 161 taxpayers, Township of Malaga being, Township 5 in Range 5 and part of Township 6 in Range 6.
Henthorn, William, R5,T5,S33, 79 acres, Value $109
No horses or cattle
SALEM TOWNSHIP: Total of 103 taxpayers, Township of Salem being, Township No. 2 & 3 in Range 3 and part of township 3 & 4 in Range 4.
Henthorn, Adam "Big", R3,T2,S30, N 1/2 NE, 64 acres, Value $74
No horses or cattle
Henthorn, Adam "Big", R3,T2,S30, E 1/2 NW, 95 acres, Value $172
Henthorn, Adam, R3,T2,S26, NW, 161 acres, Value $200
3 horses, 8 cattle, Value $184
Henthorn, John, R3,T3,S19, fraction, 3 acres, Value $17
1 horse, 2 cattle, Value $56
Henthorn, Joseph, 2 cattle, Value $16
(1827 Tax List - Furnished by Joyce Posey)
Henthorn Heads of Household in Monroe County, Ohio, Listed in the 1820, 1830, 1840 Census
Census: 1820
Salem Twp: William; Joseph; Adam; John; Daniel Kyger
Center Twp: Margaret; James; William
Census: 1830
Adams Twp: Elizabeth; James; James; John; Abram; Abram; David
Green Twp: Adam; William
Salem Twp: Adam, Daniel Kyger; John; William D.
Sunsberry Twp: Margaret; Jesse
Census: 1840
Adams Twp: David; William; Abraham; Elijah; Jesse
Bethel Twp: John L.
Centre Twp: John
Salem Twp: Nimrod E.; John; Adam; John H.; Nancy; Joseph; Andrew
Washington Twp: James Sr.; James Jr.; Stephen
COPYRIGHT: This report, created from the RootsMagic genealogy file of Richard E. Henthorn, is copyrighted by the compiler. This means you can't post a PDF report created by Mr. Henthorn on the Internet or sell any reports shared with you without his written permission. Thank you for your consideration.
Richard E. (Edson) Henthorn
5403 76th Avenue
Hyattsville, MD 20784-1705
Friday, October 10, 2014
The Miltonsburg History Project
The Miltonsburg History Project:
'via Blog this'
Here's a very nicely done website about the town of Miltonsburg, Monroe County, Ohio.
This a project of, Paul E. Young. Home Page
Dick Henthorn
10 October 2014
'via Blog this'
Here's a very nicely done website about the town of Miltonsburg, Monroe County, Ohio.
This a project of, Paul E. Young. Home Page
Dick Henthorn
10 October 2014
Thursday, October 9, 2014
James Thompson
This is a test to see if I can use the paid version of GenViewer to extract the Note field from a GEDCOM file.
This information about James Thompson came from a THOMPSON.GED file that I created on 15 Feb 1998. It currently resides on a floppy. I have a USB floppy drive that I bought at a yard sale for $3.00. Very handy.
I'm pleased with the test results. I hope you will be too.
James Thompson
PARENTS: Abraham Thompson and Ann Downard
BIRTH: Abt 1728, Ireland
DEATH: unknown
Some sources give his name as James and others as Joseph. "History of Noble County Ohio," p. 469 says his name is Jacob Thompson.
(Source: The Kilpatrick Family, by Marian Douglas (Jones) Kilpatrick, 1930 has a very good descendant list and gives the name as: James and marriage date as 15 Apr 1779).
BIRTH-BIBLE: James Thompson, son of Jacob Thompson & Ann Thompson formerly Ann Downard was born on the 20th of Febrary AD. 1758.
(Source: Jackson-Thompson-Secrest Family Bible)
James Thompson married Mary Jackson in Chester county, PA, and brought her to the then wilderness of Ohio, settling near where the village of Buffalo now is, the Walhonding mine being on his farm. They were exceedingly thrifty, and Mr. Thompson succeeded in locating his children on the best farms in this valley. Thirteen children were born to this worthy couple, the most if not all of them being born in Pennsylvania.
(Source: Spaid Genealogy, p. 374)
In 1948, Emma (Rich) and Howard Booher bought the farm on which James and Mary Thompson had built their cabin near a great oak tree. Each year they watched for the green clump of asparagus to show above grass on the hillside.
(Source: "Rich Hill ... Noble County, Ohio 1880", page 24)
(Note: She stated on page 32, that the land of James Thompson was in Seneca Township.
Problem: Was the marriage date of James Thompson and Mary Ann Jackson 13 Apr 1779 or 15 Apr 1779?
Dick Henthorn
9 October 2014
This information about James Thompson came from a THOMPSON.GED file that I created on 15 Feb 1998. It currently resides on a floppy. I have a USB floppy drive that I bought at a yard sale for $3.00. Very handy.
I'm pleased with the test results. I hope you will be too.
James Thompson
PARENTS: Abraham Thompson and Ann Downard
BIRTH: Abt 1728, Ireland
DEATH: unknown
Some sources give his name as James and others as Joseph. "History of Noble County Ohio," p. 469 says his name is Jacob Thompson.
(Source: The Kilpatrick Family, by Marian Douglas (Jones) Kilpatrick, 1930 has a very good descendant list and gives the name as: James and marriage date as 15 Apr 1779).
BIRTH-BIBLE: James Thompson, son of Jacob Thompson & Ann Thompson formerly Ann Downard was born on the 20th of Febrary AD. 1758.
(Source: Jackson-Thompson-Secrest Family Bible)
James Thompson married Mary Jackson in Chester county, PA, and brought her to the then wilderness of Ohio, settling near where the village of Buffalo now is, the Walhonding mine being on his farm. They were exceedingly thrifty, and Mr. Thompson succeeded in locating his children on the best farms in this valley. Thirteen children were born to this worthy couple, the most if not all of them being born in Pennsylvania.
(Source: Spaid Genealogy, p. 374)
In 1948, Emma (Rich) and Howard Booher bought the farm on which James and Mary Thompson had built their cabin near a great oak tree. Each year they watched for the green clump of asparagus to show above grass on the hillside.
(Source: "Rich Hill ... Noble County, Ohio 1880", page 24)
(Note: She stated on page 32, that the land of James Thompson was in Seneca Township.
Problem: Was the marriage date of James Thompson and Mary Ann Jackson 13 Apr 1779 or 15 Apr 1779?
Dick Henthorn
9 October 2014
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
I've used a "free" copy of the program GenViewer Lite for many years to view genealogy GEDCOM files without loading them into my genealogy program.
I decided that I would like to own a copy of the full-blown version which includes options to create PDF and HTML files and additional functional Tabs. Today, 7 October 2014, I ordered the program for $19.95. I'm waiting for the Email with the "code" to unlock the 15-day trial version of the full-blown program.
I had Windows set up to start GenViewer Lite any time I open a file with the .GED file extension. I changed my Windows settings to point to the version I'm buying so it will open the GEDCOM files, thus granting me access to all of the program options.
I plan to write again after I learn more about the new options. I took a look at the program Help information. At first glance it looks very comprehensive. There is also a User Guide.
MudCreek Software
File Search Feature
Dick Henthorn
7 October 2014
Revised: 8 October 2014
I decided that I would like to own a copy of the full-blown version which includes options to create PDF and HTML files and additional functional Tabs. Today, 7 October 2014, I ordered the program for $19.95. I'm waiting for the Email with the "code" to unlock the 15-day trial version of the full-blown program.
I had Windows set up to start GenViewer Lite any time I open a file with the .GED file extension. I changed my Windows settings to point to the version I'm buying so it will open the GEDCOM files, thus granting me access to all of the program options.
I plan to write again after I learn more about the new options. I took a look at the program Help information. At first glance it looks very comprehensive. There is also a User Guide.
MudCreek Software
File Search Feature
Dick Henthorn
7 October 2014
Revised: 8 October 2014

File Search,
MudCreek Software,
Monday, October 6, 2014
Gmail FindAGrave Filter
My father's FindAGrave page
Screen Capture with Diigo
I set up the filter rules so messages: from me, sent to me, that contain the words "Find A Grave Memorial" will be labeled with the tag "FindAGrave" and stored in the FindAGrave filter (folder).
I did this because when I visit a FindAGrave page there are often too many links to children and siblings for me to process at one time. I want to be able to come back to a page that needs more work. When I'm looking at FindAGrave there are some buttons on the right that are handy. One of them, with the red "M," sends a message to Gmail with a link to the page I am viewing.
Having my messages from FindAGrave stored together in my Gmail account will make it easy for me to find the messages with the FindAGrave links when I am ready to do more work.
While I'm working with FindAGrave I make use of my two monitor system. On the bigger screen I have RootsMagic open. On the laptop screen I have FindAGrave and my text editor, EditPad Lite, open. I use EditPad Lite to edit the text from the FindAGrave page before I save the information in the Note field of the RootsMagic file.
Dick Henthorn
6 October 2014
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Frederick Ice Family Genealogy
I'm interested in the genealogy and history of the Frederick Ice family of Virginia/West Virginia. There is a link between the Ice family and Ralph Higginbotham, Sr. and Mary Henthorn. Other descendants link to families in my Yoho genealogy file.
Here are some hyperlinks to information about the Ice Family.
Descendants of Frederick Iaac Ice - Constance Lynette Roberts
Here are some hyperlinks to information about the Ice Family.
Descendants of Frederick Iaac Ice - Constance Lynette Roberts
Descendants of Frederick (Ice) Ten Eyck - Pamm Garber
Frederick Ice - Some History - Rodney Ice
Biscuits and Gravy - Rodney Ice
Branches and Roots - Snowbird
Ice Family Genealogy Forum on GenForum
( has announced that GenForum support will be discontinued)
( has announced that GenForum support will be discontinued)
Henthorn, Watson, Higginbotham - Richard E. Henthorn
Ralph Higginbotham and Mary Henthorn, Descendant List - Richard E. Henthorn
Descendants of William "Indian Billy" Galloway Ice - Facebook Group for
information exchange between researcher and family members.
Dick Henthorn
5 October 2014
Revised 17 Jan 2017
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