Scott Phillips: Getting the Younger Generations Into Genealogy in Three Easy Steps:
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Friday, August 31, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
Sugar Grove Church of Christ

This is a photo of the Sugar Grove Church of Christ off Hwy 14 between Richland Center, WI and Viroqua, WI. It was established over 150 years ago and one of the original members was Lyman Z. Smith married to Sarah Jane Henthorn (daughter of George Washington Henthorn & Barbara Ellen Chitwood). This picture is from 2012. This is the congregation in which Richard Earl Henthorn (now of Tamarac, Florida) was raised. He wrote, "It is a wonderful community and still very active in community needs. I was very fortunate to have grown up in such a wonderful rural community." [Thank you Richard, for sharing.]
24 August 2012
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Rootsweb - Freepages
In the fall of 2008 AOL dropped free website support. I'd shared a genealogy website there for several years. There was enough warning to allow me to archive my webpages to a 4Gb thumb drive before the final day.
Subsequent to this disaster I've modified some of the pages and put them back on the Internet on three different free Google applications: Blogger, Sites, and Groups. I've also shared some of the information on the Monroe County, Ohio genealogy website. Many of the pages didn't lend themselves to easy modification. As a result those are still on the thumb drive and not shared.
Recently, I've begun to think about this problem again. I think I can use the Freepages on Rootsweb to share my information, without too much modification to the HTML. Using Freepages requires a basic knowledge of HTML, of FTP and of how to set up the folder structure on Rootsweb.
If you are interested in learning more about Rootsweb Freepages take a look at the links I list below.
Exploring Rootsweb on YouTube
Rootsweb Home Page
Freepages: Free Unlimited Web Space
Freepages Genealogy Directory
Freepages Help & FAQs
Freepages Log On
Freepages Agreement
Webmaster's FAQs
Freepages - Help-L Archives
Websites Hosted by Rootsweb
Rootsweb Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
FTP Instructions
Freepages - FTP Instructions
Submit Your Family Tree to WorldConnect
21 August 2012
Subsequent to this disaster I've modified some of the pages and put them back on the Internet on three different free Google applications: Blogger, Sites, and Groups. I've also shared some of the information on the Monroe County, Ohio genealogy website. Many of the pages didn't lend themselves to easy modification. As a result those are still on the thumb drive and not shared.
Recently, I've begun to think about this problem again. I think I can use the Freepages on Rootsweb to share my information, without too much modification to the HTML. Using Freepages requires a basic knowledge of HTML, of FTP and of how to set up the folder structure on Rootsweb.
If you are interested in learning more about Rootsweb Freepages take a look at the links I list below.
Exploring Rootsweb on YouTube
Rootsweb Home Page
Freepages: Free Unlimited Web Space
Freepages Genealogy Directory
Freepages Help & FAQs
Freepages Log On
Freepages Agreement
Webmaster's FAQs
Freepages - Help-L Archives
Websites Hosted by Rootsweb
Rootsweb Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
FTP Instructions
Freepages - FTP Instructions
Submit Your Family Tree to WorldConnect
21 August 2012

Sunday, August 19, 2012
Henthorn, Adam Jasper and Sarah
Photo posted to the Facebook wall of my friend, Richard Henthorn, by his niece, Cheryl (Henthorn) Metcalf.
Here is the chair that I had done that I told you about. It looks great by our fireplace tonight! I believe that this was Adam and Sarah's rocker.
Richard Wrote:
This rocking chair was, indeed, owned by my grandparents, Adam Jasper Henthorn and Sarah Henthorn. My parents inherited it and when my mom's mother (Emma Randall) moved into the 2nd house on our farm in Wisconsin the chair was given to her. Now the chair is possessed by Cheryl Henthorn Metcalf and her husband, Mike Metcalf. I am pleased that it is staying in the family.
Thanks for the photo. The chair looks great in your house. It brings back wonderful memories of a great time in my life. I am pleased that it is now being taken care of by your loving family.
Dick Henthorn's Comment:
Thanks to Cheryl (Henthorn) Metcalf and Richard Henthorn for sharing this piece of Henthorn family history with all of us. If anyone else would like to share something about your branch please contact me.
Link to another page with some information about the Henthorn family of Wisconsin and their relationship to the Gander family.
19 August 2012
Saturday, August 18, 2012
RootsWeb Freepages
I'm considering signing up for a Freepages account on RootsWeb. This seems like it might be a good idea because I am already familiar with using FTP to maintain the pages of a county genealogy website on RootsWeb. I'd probably use the Freepages to return more of my pages from my old AOL website to the Internet.
I'd be interested in feedback from anyone on the pros and cons of using Freepages.
Also, has anyone discovered tutorials by anyone other than RootsWeb and Pat Geary?
I'd be interested in feedback from anyone on the pros and cons of using Freepages.
Also, has anyone discovered tutorials by anyone other than RootsWeb and Pat Geary?
In Andalusia, Searching for Inherited Memories -
In Andalusia, Searching for Inherited Memories -
I enjoyed reading this piece. At the end there's a citation to a book the author wrote on the subject. That might be an interesting read.
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I enjoyed reading this piece. At the end there's a citation to a book the author wrote on the subject. That might be an interesting read.
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Wednesday, August 15, 2012
GeneaPress: WikiTree joins the growing list of FHISO Founding Members
GeneaPress: WikiTree joins the growing list of FHISO Founding Members:
Some news of what's going on in the genealogy community.
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14 August 2012
Some news of what's going on in the genealogy community.
'via Blog this'
14 August 2012
Sharing Data with GEDCOMS | WikiTree Blog
Sharing Data with GEDCOMS | WikiTree Blog:
Here's another topic worthy of our attention. Has anyone I know done this? I'd be interested in feedback.
There are always interesting genealogy topics and projects.
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Here's another topic worthy of our attention. Has anyone I know done this? I'd be interested in feedback.
There are always interesting genealogy topics and projects.
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Monday, August 13, 2012
Print Friendly
Wouldn't it be nice if there was a way to print the pages on my four Google blogs without including the Sidebar information? Now there is a way, using the free Print Friendly application.
I've installed a Print Friendly button at the bottom of each page that appears on my blogs. Clicking on the button will display the information without the Sidebar. From the Print Friendly page you can select whether you want to Print the page or get a PDF of the page. You can chose to Email the page to yourself or someone else. You can remove the images.
Here's a link to a short video that will further acquaint you with this very handy tool. Please note that the video mentions installing Print Friendly, ignore that part. I've already done the installation. All you need to do to use the application is click on the "Print Friendly" button at the bottom of each blog posting you want to print.
Print Friendly
I think this is a great addition and hope you will too.
Have fun.
Dick Henthorn
13 August 2012
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Henthorn, Daniel Hitt
Daniel Hitt Henthorn
Problem: If his father, James, mentions the birth of his new son, Daniel Hitt Henthorn in a 19 Mar 1802 letter to the Rev. Daniel Hitt his birth date can't be 23 Aug 1802 as reported.
Marri: Batch #: M514131, Source Call #: 910669
Daniel and Rachel Henthorn had 8 children and 7 were living as of 1893.
Daniel H. Henthorn, was a native of Fayette County, Pennsylvannia, and was a cabinet-maker, a carpenter, a contractor, etc., by trade, devoting the most of his life to that business. His later days were spent as an architect. In 1813, when a boy, he came to the Buckeye State with his parents who were among the early pioneers of Licking County. There he was married to Miss Rachel R. Morrison, a native of Fayette County, Penn., who came with her parents to Ohio when small. They were early pioneers of Licking County.
After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Henthorn removed to Crawford County, Ohio, settled in Bucyrus, in 1833, and were among the early inhabitants of that place. Indians were numerous in the vicinity at that time. Of the eight children born to the above mentioned marriage seven are now living, one, Eugene E., having been killed at the battle of Fredericksburg in 1862. Mr. Henthorn died at Bucyrus in 1872, and his widow survived him several years, her death occurring in Indianapolis in 1884.
(Source: Pictorial and Biographical Memoirs of Indianapolis and Marion County, Indiana, 1893, page 432).
RELATIONSHIP: Daniel Hitt Henthorn and John Matson Hitt Cloud were 1st cousins, 1 generation removed. Their common ancestor was John Henthorn, Jr., the grandfather of Daniel Hitt Henthorn.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Quinn, Reverend James
James QUINN Rev. was born on 1 Apr 1775 in , Washington, PA. He was christened in 1786 in Uniontown, Fayette, PA. He died on 1 Dec 1847 in , Highland, OH. He was buried in Dec 1847 in , Highland, OH, Auburn Church. James Quinn
RECOLLECTIONS: I was born in the county of Washington, state of Pennsylvania, April 1, 1775. My father, John Quinn, was the son of James Quinn, of the county of Armagh, Ireland. He left his father and came to America about the year 1769. My mother was Sarah Henthorn, daughter of John and Fanny Henthorn. Her parents were from Ireland; but she was born and raised in the state of Maryland. Her father was among the first adventurers to the Redstone country, and was associated with the Beesons and others, who built a fort, for the protection of themselves and families, on the spot where Uniontown now stands. I think they were there when Braddock met his defeat, in 1755.
My mother was married young, and with her husband settled near Washington, then called Catfish, after an old Indian captain, or chief, who had his camp and wigwam near or at that place. My mother's first husband died young, and left her a widow with one or two small children -- all dead, long since. My father came to that country in company with Col. John Cannon, the proprietor of Cannonsburg, where he became acquainted with and married my mother. She lived to give birth to four sons and three daughters, and on the day that her oldest son -- myself -- was fourteen years old closed her eyes in death. Ah, never shall I forget that scene! It is still present to my mind, though more than half a century has elapsed. Overwhelmed in sorrow and bathed in tears, I saw her breathe her last.
He was named for his Irish grandfather.
James Quinn wrote of attending his first watch night service at the home of his aunt Mary (Robinette) Henthorn, whose husband John Henthorn, Jr. had died in the spring of 1786.
He became a well-known Methodist circuit preacher in western Pennsylvania and Ohio. He was converted in 1792. For a time he lived with William Wilson, a local preacher in Ohio County, now West Virginia. In 1798, he crossed the Ohio River and spoke at the home of Jacob Holmes. He was licensed to preach in 1799.
His early preaching assignments were: 1799 Greenfield, OH, Redstone; 1800 Pittsburgh; 1801 Erie; 1802 Winchester (VA); 1803 Redstone; 1804 Hockhocking (Ohio).
His grave is located at Auburn Church, on the road leading from Hillsboro to Jamestown, OH, about five miles north of Hillsboro. On the monument is the following inscription: Grave of James Quinn who was nearly half a century a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Died December 1, 1847; Aged 72 years and 8 months. Erected by his brethren of the Ohio conference. Wright and Connell., Committee. [Probably state route, 72, REH] (Source: Sketches of the Life and Labors of James Quinn by John F. Wright, Cincinnati, OH, 1851 - available at the Library of Congress)
It appears that James was 11 years old at the time of his christening.
Rev. James Quinn was active in his correspondence with the Rev. Daniel Hitt, a prominent Methodist church leader. Of the 37 letters written to Rev. Hitt by the Henthorns and their relatives, Rev. Quinn wrote 9 of them and his future wife, Patience Teal and her sister Helen wrote 2. His letters were dated: 26 Jun 1801 (from Connaott Lake); 5 Sep 1801; 10 Jan 1802; 24 Mar 1802 (from Uniontown); 10 Jan 1803; 7 Jul 1803; 21 Mar 1805; 2 Mar 1806 (from Chillicothe, OH); 20 May 1806 (from Chillicothe, OH).
BIOGRAPHY: History of Fairfield County, OH . Methodist Episcopal Church in Fairfield County, OH. The Methodists were the pioneers in Fairfield county, OH. The first Methodist class organized in the county was in the fall of 1799, at a place known as "Beal's Hill," about two miles northeast of Lancaster. The society consisted, at its organization, of ten members, viz: Edward Beal and wife, Jesse Spurgeon and wife, Ishmael Dew and wife, Elijah Spurgeon and wife, and Nimrod Bright and wife. They held their meetings in the cabin of Mr. Beal, he being class leader. Previous to coming to Ohio, Mr. Beal was class leader in Maryland, from where he emigrated. Very soon after the formation of this little class, they were visited by the Rev. James Quinn, then a young Methodist minister, and, so far as known, the first to enter the Hocking valley.
The first quarterly meeting in this county was held in the year 1800, at the cabin of John Murphy, about one mile west of the present West Rushville. The preachers present on this occasion were Bishop Asbury and Daniel Hitt, who was at that time a presiding elder in the Baltimore conference.
The first class formed in Lancaster was in the spring of 1812, with a constituent membership of ten persons, viz: Jacob D. Detrich and wife, Peter Reber and wife, Christian and Elizabeth Weaver, George and Mary Cononde, and Thomas Orr and wife. The first house for worship erected by the Methodists was a brick of two stories, with a gallery. It stood nearly on the site of the present brick church on the hill, and was erected in 1816. Rev. James Quinn preached the first sermon in it, using for his pulpit a carpenter's bench. Lancaster was then included in the Hocking circuit, formed in 1801. Joseph Chenowith was the first preacher to travel the Hocking circuit, and, at the close of the first year, returned a membership of three hundred and sixty-six persons, which showed an astonishing increase, as only three years and about six months had elapsed since the arrival of the first pioneer family in the Hocking valley.
Nathaniel B. Mills succeeded Mr. Chenowith on this circuit, in 1802, followed in the years 1803-1804, by James Quinn. In 1804 James Williams was sent out by the conference to assist Rev. Quinn.
Soon after the advent of the first pioneers, Rev. James Quinn, a noted and zealous minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, made his appearance in Walnut, as well as several of the townships of Fairfield county. He frequently held meetings at the cabin of William Murphy. At a very early date in the history of this township, the Methodists erected a small log church on the farm of Job McNamee. (Source: History of Fairfield and Perry Counties, Ohio, by A.A. Graham and E.S. Colborn, 1883, p. 156 and 261) .
BIOGRAPHY: James Quinn . James Quinn was born in Washington Co., Penn., in 1775. His father, John Quinn, emigrated from Ireland about 1769, and in a few years was married to Sarah Henthorn, whose parents were also from Ireland. They were careful to instruct their children in the principles of morality and religion. When seven or eight year old, his father procured for James a New Testament, printed in England. Such an article was at that time difficult to obtain, and commanded an high price. James valued it as a great treasure, and read it through so often the he committed much of it to memory.
About 1784 the family removed to Fayette co., where they had the privilege of attending the Methodist ministry. In 1786, having become members of the church, they had their children (four sons and one daughter) dedicated to God in baptism. The officiating minister, the venerable Enoch Matson, closed the baptismal service with extempore prayer, in which he earnestly pleaded with God not only for the salvation of all the children, but that some of the sons might be called to preach the gospel, and be eminently useful in the world. This prayer was most certainly answered.
James had very limited opportunities of education; yet his love of books, and thirst for information, laid the foundation for the great amount of knowledge which he obtained through his strength of intellect and application to study. At the age of seventeen he experienced the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Ghost, and united with the M.E. Church. After some time he became impressed that it was his duty to preach the gospel. He, however, hesitated long, and seemed indisposed to enter on so holy and important work, until the authorities of the church literally thrust him out into the work of the ministry.
In 1799 he was admitted into the itinerancy. After laboring five years in the Baltimore Conference, he prudently married; and was transferred to the Western Conference in 1804. This was then properly called a new country, and he and his family were subjected to many privations; and as there was no provision made to furnish married preachers with house rent, fuel, or table expenses, at that time, he determined to located, and go to work on a farm for the support of his rising family. In this relation his convictions of duty, and ordination vow, harassed him day and night; and after two restless years he resolved to enter the itinerant field again, and trust in God for the support of his family. In 1808 the conference gladly readmitted him, and he was appointed presiding elder of the Muskingum district, where he served four years, and then four years on Scioto district. He presided on districts twelve years; was stationed in cities, six; on circuits, twenty-two; was agent for the Preachers' Relief Society, one; supernumerary, one; and sureannuated, four. He was also a member of eight sessions of the General Conference. In every field of labor he served the people with great acceptance and usefulness. Many survive him who were brought to knowledge of salvation through his instrumentality, and many more were called to heaven before him. Brother Quinn's piety was deep and uniform; his faith was strong and unwavering; his zeal, not like a transient blaze, was a steady and continued flame. His talents as a preacher were universally admired. He was an able minister of the New Testament, and a theologian of a high order. Like Apollos, he "was mighty in the Scriptures." . Brother Quinn once had a strong constitution and sound health; but he suffered several very severe attacks of sickness, labored hard, and wore out sooner than some of his contemporaties. He always had a peculiar interest and pleasure in attending the annual sessions of his conference. His anxiety to be at our last session was great; and the Lord granted him the desire of his heart. After his return from conference, he went out but little; his health gradually declined, and he became aware that his end was nigh. On the 22d of November he was attacked with hemorrhage of the lungs; and he calmly informed his family that he must soon leave them. He felt no dread of death, but patiently waited its approach for ten days. It was often with difficulty he could articulate, but he furnished the fullest assurance that all was well.
He often repeated the language of the Psalmist: "My flest and my heart faileth; but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever." To a friend he said, "I have preached Christ for more than forty years; " and after a pause, with all the energy he could use, he added, "and I have nothing to take back." His last words in relation to his state and prospects were, "All is peace." He died December 1, 1847. (Source: Page 291 and 292, labeled "Ohio Conference, 1848," from an unnamed book - furnished by Margery Benedict)
OCCUPATION: James Quinn was a member of many Methodist Conferences. (Source: 1985, Letter to Margery Benedict from Commission on Archives and History Ohio West Conference, United Methodist Archives Center, Beeghly Library Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH 43015) . Pittsburgh Conference: 1799, Greenfield; 1800, Pittsburgh; 1801, Erie . Western Conference: 1804, Hockhocking; 1805, Hockhocking; 1806, Scioto; 1809, Muskingum; 1810-1812, Muskingum . Ohio Conference: 1813-1816, Scioto; 1817, Fairfield; 1818, Pickaway; 1819-1820, Cincinnati; 1821-1822, Chillicothe; 1823, Deer Creek; 1824, Brush Creek; 1825, Zanesville Station; 1826, Fairfield; 1827, Fairfield; 1828, Chillicothe 1829-1830, Hillsborough; 1831, Wilmington 1833, Washington; 1834, Hillsborough; 1835, Lebanon District; 1836-1838, Chillicothe; 1839, Wilmington; 1842, Supernumberary; 1843, Superannuated .
James QUINN Rev. and Patience TEAL were married on 1 May 1803. Patience TEAL (daughter of Edward TEAL and Sarah UNKNOWN) died on 1 Jan 1823 in , OH. Miss Patience Teal was still single and living in Westmoreland Co., PA on, 26 Jun 1802, when she wrote a letter to the Rev. Daniel Hitt.
James QUINN Rev. and Eleanor WHITTEN were married on 3 Oct 1824. Eleanor Whitten was the 2nd wife of the Rev. James Quinn. She was from Tazewell County, VA.
James QUINN Rev. and Eleanor WHITTEN were married on 3 Oct 1824. Eleanor Whitten was the 2nd wife of the Rev. James Quinn. She was from Tazewell County, VA.

Henthorn, Sarah and William Parr
5. Sarah HENTHORN was born about 1744 in , PA. She died on 1 Apr 1789 in , Fayette, PA.
Sarah HENTHORN and William PARR were married. William PARR (son of Richard PARR) died in Mar 1774 in Chartiers Twp., Washington, PA.
RESIDENCES: John Parr, father of William Parr, was a neighbor of the Fayette County, PA., Henthorns. Others say his father is, Richard.
PROBATE: His will, written on 9 Mar 1774, named his wife, Sarah, daughter Margaret, father Richard Parr, and brother-in-law John Henthorn. Executors were Richard Parr and John Henthorn. On 30 Mar 1774 John Henthorn paid travel in settling estate. On Apr 2 the will was proved. On 13 Oct an inventory and sale is recorded (mostly to John Quinn). On 15 Oct the farm was sold to John Cannon, with witnesses John Quinn and James Henthorn. On 2 May 1787 the final settlement by Mary Henthorn, executrix of John Henthorn, who was executor of William Parr - to the wife and daughter: 204-13-1 pounds.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Do Websites Have The Right to Display Tombstone Photographs?
Do websites have a right to photograph graves? | This is Grimsby:
If you do genealogy or write family history there's always a chance you are going to step on someone's toes and get your nose flatten. The ease with which we can share information on the Internet has increased the possibility of offending others. This webpage briefly discusses the issue of taking tombstone photographs and displaying them on the Internet.
Another issue that could be included in the discussion is what cemetery records will be available after hoodlums vandalize many of the cemeteries in the country.
Additional thought provoking discussion was shared by folks one Facebook where this link was shared.
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If you do genealogy or write family history there's always a chance you are going to step on someone's toes and get your nose flatten. The ease with which we can share information on the Internet has increased the possibility of offending others. This webpage briefly discusses the issue of taking tombstone photographs and displaying them on the Internet.
Another issue that could be included in the discussion is what cemetery records will be available after hoodlums vandalize many of the cemeteries in the country.
Additional thought provoking discussion was shared by folks one Facebook where this link was shared.
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BetterGEDCOM Wiki
About BetterGEDCOM
BetterGEDCOM was organized in the fall of 2010, by DearMyrtle, Greg Lamberson and Russ Worthington, after Myrt and Russ had problems sharing genealogical information about a mutual line. Their data had become lost or mangled in the transfer. Knowing many others shared the same frustrations, these dedicated technologists and users fostered the BetterGEDCOM grassroots effort. The project’s original goal was to develop a standard for genealogy data archiving and transfer that would be accepted internationally.
GEDCOM is the file format that genealogy programs use to transfer data between the various genealogy programs. As developers added more and more functionality to their programs there have been problems. It's my opinion that the so-called GEDCOM standard hasn't been able to keep up. I used the term so-called because I don't think a government standard has ever been adopted by The National Bureau of Standards.
Mr. Dickie8 August 2012
Using WordPress For Genealogy
Using WordPress: for Genealogy from Taneya's Genealogy Blog (Taneya Koonce).
Shared by Facebook friend, Pat Richley-Erickson.
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Shared by Facebook friend, Pat Richley-Erickson.
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Sunday, August 5, 2012
Henthorn, Mary (Robinette)
Mary (Robinette) Henthorn
Census: 1790 in Fayette Co., PA, Union Twp.
3 males over 16, 7 females
(Source: Informant was Norma Henthorn who stated, the Mary Henthorn in Union Twp. in 1790 was the widow of John Henthorn, 1743-1786. The three males over 16 are her sons, James, John, and Nathan. The 7 females are herself, five daughters, Ann, Mary, Elizabeth, Rachel, and Priscilla and her daughter-in-law Delila Meek Henthorn)
The home of Mary Henthorn is listed in a number of the Methodist preacher's journals, Methodist Bishop Asbury stopped there to preach: .
1802 Aug 22 - Noah Fidler - in connection with a Quarterly meeting
1804 Sep 4 - Francis Asbury - 7 of her 8 children members
1807 Aug 15 - Francis Asbury - her son James an official member
1808 Jul 4 - Francis Asbury - spent the day reading and planning
Henry Boehm - companion of Asbury
1810 - James Watts
1812 Sep 3 - Francis Asbury
Her home in Pennsylvania was a mile from the 1812 campmeeting where thousands gathered to hear the preachers.
Nathaniel B. Mills reported in his Journal seeing the Henthorns leaving for Ohio on 13 Apr 1813. Mary and son James, and others, were in the party. They settled in Thorn Township, Perry County, OH. (Source: Henthorn/Bell 1990).
It is suggested, by Prof. Bell, in a footnote to the 6 Apr 1797 letter from Mary (Robinette) Henthorn and John Henthorn III (her son) and Deliah (Meek) Henthorn (John's wife), to Rev. Daniel Hitt, that one of Mary's daughters was called, Polly. Problem: Was Polly a nickname? If so, which one of her daughters used this name?

Jennings, Sr., David
David Jennings, Sr.
1769 - applied for land #3459 in now Fayette Co., PA 1772 - taxed in Fayette Co., PA
1824 Mar 24 - died in Fayette Co., PA
1824 Apr - will probated, Fayette Co., PA
Problem: Was the date of birth, 12 Apr 1741 or 18 Apr 1741? Henthorn/Bell has the dates as: b. 18 Apr 1741, d. 29 Mar 1824 in Fayette Co., PA. Eileen Jennings also lists the dates as found in Henthorn/Bell.
"The History of Uniontown," by Ellis, states on page 680, that David Jennings settled in the area in 1768 he later returned to his home in the eastern part of the state and persuaded others to join him. John and James Henthorn, brothers of David Jenning's wife, Mary, came back with Mr. Jennings and the three entered applications at the land office for tracts they had chosen. John Henthorn's land was a tract of 363 acres called "Choice Tract" directly east of "Fear Fax" (David Jenning's tract).
Veech's, "Monongahela of Old," page 201, shows the tax assessment for Springhill Township, Bedford County, PA, for the year 1773. The list includes the name of David Jennings and John and James Henthorn (probably the children of John I).
In 1802 at the time of the Quarterly church meeting Noah Fidler preached at the home of David Jennings. His house was a regular preaching point on Redstone Circuit in 1803 (James Quinn) and in 1813 (Mills). Jennings was a trustee of the Uniontown church, built in 1786, and deeded in 1791.
DEATH: He probably died on the Thompson Farm, on McClellandtown Road, Fayette Co., PA.
Note from the records of Delores Peek: David Jennings served in the Revolutionary War. The information for his family was obtained from his will, from "History of Fayette Co., PA" at the PA Archives, from "Monongahela of Old," by James Veech and R. Milton Jennings, G.R.S.
David Jennings II came into Fayette County, PA with a group of men led by Adam Brown about 1766. His wife's two brothers, John and James Henthorn, came at the same time and settled near by. John Henthorn applied for and received a tract of land adjoining David's on the west which he called, "Choice Tract." James Henthorn settled on land adjoining his brother John on the east.
David Jennings applied for at least three tracts of land in southwestern Pennsylvania. There were located in Bedford County (1766), Fayette County (1769), and Washington County. When David applied for his land, these tracts were all three located in territory comprising Cumberland County, PA. As Cumberland County was subdivided into smaller areas, the location of the new boundaries placed the tracts in Bedford, Fayette, and Washington counties. The Washington county tract later became part of Morgan Township, Greene Co., PA. (Source: The Jennings Family, page 20)
Problem: Hardesty says that David Jennings was a state legislator in 1819, from Belmont Co., OH. It is not clear to which David Jennings he was referring. All David Jennings within the right age bracket are reported to have died in Pennsylvania.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Genealogy's Star: The Limitations of the Cloud
Genealogy's Star: The Limitations of the Cloud:
A blogger's comments about some issues of using Cloud Computing for genealogy.
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A blogger's comments about some issues of using Cloud Computing for genealogy.
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Wednesday, August 1, 2012
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