I've completed posting books for my Book Week. There are several other documents in three-ring binders that I may post if the mood strikes me.
31/Jan/2010 10:54
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Ahnentafel Chart for Henthorne / Fankhauser
Ancestors of HENTHORNE / FANKHAUSER - 31 Jan 2010
First Generation
1. Living HENTHORNE was born in New Martinsville, Wetzel Co., WV.
Second Generation
2. Raymond Leisington HENTHORNE was born on 2 May 1913 in Veto, Wetzel Co., WV. He died on 31 Jan 1988 in Bel-Nor, St. Louis Co., MO. Raymond Leisington HENTHORNE and Ethel Pearl FANKHAUSER were married on 11 Jul 1934 in Maryland.
3. Ethel Pearl FANKHAUSER was born on 24 Jun 1906 in Wetzel Co., VA.
Third Generation
4. Ivan Floyd (Ivin) HENTHORNE was born on 5 Sep 1888 in Steel District, Wood Co., WV. He died on 17 Dec 1936 in Porter Falls, Wetzel Co., WV. Ivan Floyd (Ivin) HENTHORNE and Lillian Alice (Lillie) LISTON were married on 20 Nov 1912 in New Martinsville, Wetzel Co., WV.
5. Lillian Alice (Lillie) LISTON was born on 13 Nov 1898 in Terrapin Ridge, Wetzel Co., WV. She died on 15 Jan 1974 in New Martinsville, Wetzel Co., WV.
6. Albert Emanuel FANKHAUSER was born on 2 Jul 1869 in Monroe Co., OH. He died on 21 Dec 1948 in New Martinsville, Wetzel Co., WV. Albert Emanuel FANKHAUSER and Lenora STEEL were married on 9 Nov 1892 in Bound Steel's, Wetzel Co., WV.
7. Lenora STEEL was born on 2 Mar 1872 in Wetzel Co., WV. She died on 15 Dec 1961 in Paden City, Wetzel Co., WV.
Fourth Generation
8. Richard Leisington HENTHORN was born on 23 Jun 1848 in Clarington, Monroe Co., OH. He died on 2 Dec 1924 in Parkersburg, Wood Co., WV. Richard Leisington HENTHORN and Emma Adelia MOZENA were married on 5 Aug 1869 in Parkersburg, Wood Co., WV.
9. Emma Adelia MOZENA was born on 14 Jun 1853 in Monroe Co., OH. She died on 8 Sep 1908 in Parkersburg, Wood Co., WV.
10. George W. LISTON was born on 5 Sep 1871 in Wetzel Co., WV. He died on 29 Nov 1902 in Bird P.O., Harrison Co., WV. George W. LISTON and Florence M. MORGAN were married on 24 Oct 1894 in Wetzel Co., WV.
11. Florence M. MORGAN was born on 27 Oct 1871 in Wetzel Co., WV. She died on 11 Feb 1933 in Jacksonburg, Wetzel Co., WV.
12. Samuel Albert FANKHAUSER was born on 14 Dec 1842 in Monroe Co., OH. He died on 17 Oct 1934 in New Martinsville, Wetzel Co., WV.
13. Elizabeth LUTHY was born in Jan 1844 in Switzerland Twp., Monroe Co., OH. She died on 3 Sep 1921 in Wetzel Co., WV.
14. Albert Bowen STEEL was born on 11 Jun 1836 in Green Twp., Wetzel Co., WV. He died on 17 Feb 1904.
15. Franna STANSBERRY was born in 1843 in Indiana. She died on 24 Jul 1908 in Wetzel Co., WV.
Fifth Generation
16. Andrew HENTHORN was born on 20 Feb 1816 in Clarington, Monroe Co., OH. He died on 9 Jul 1898 in Monroe Co., OH. Andrew HENTHORN and Mariah (Maria/Myrah) BALDWIN were married about 1835 in Clarington, Monroe Co., OH.
17. Mariah (Maria/Myrah) BALDWIN was born on 24 Nov 1808 in Ohio. She died on 8 Dec 1904 in Salem Twp., Monroe Co., OH.
18. Francis MOZENA was born on 4 Jul 1828 in Clarington, Monroe Co., OH. He died on 4 Feb 1918 in Parkersburg, Wood Co., WV. Francis MOZENA and Hettie BUSKIRK were married on 17 Feb 1852 in Clarington, Monroe Co., OH.
19. Hettie BUSKIRK was born on 2 Oct 1832 in Monroe Co., OH. She died on 7 Jun 1917 in Parkersburg, Wood Co., WV.
20. Allen LISTON was born about 1810 in Preston Co., VA. He died on 12 Oct 1896 in Wetzel Co., WV. Allen LISTON and Sarah Ann SNODGRASS were married on 25 Mar 1860 in Wetzel Co., WV.
21. Sarah Ann SNODGRASS was born on 31 Jul 1841 in Tyler Co., VA.
22. Achilles MORGAN was born on 29 Dec 1822 in Tyler Co., VA. He died on 27 Apr 1907. Achilles MORGAN and Malissa J.W. BROOKOVER were married on 6 Sep 1867.
23. Malissa J.W. BROOKOVER was born on 23 Aug 1834. She died on 29 Jan 1915.
24. Daniel FANKHAUSER was born on 20 Dec 1812 in Switzerland. He died on 25 Jun 1900 in Monroe Co., OH. Daniel FANKHAUSER and Magdalena M. SCHUBACH were married on 22 Sep 1937 in Monroe Co., OH.
25. Magdalena M. SCHUBACH was born on 2 Feb 1818 in Switzerland. She died on 25 May 1882 in Monroe Co., OH.
26. Christian LUTHY was born about 1805 in Switzerland.
27. Rosina UNKNOWN was born about 1810 in Switzerland.
Sixth Generation
32. Adam HENTHORN was born in Jan 1781 in Washington Co., MD. He died on 12 Aug 1830 in Salem Twp., Monroe Co., OH.
33. Nancy HOOD was born on 4 Jul 1783 in Pennsylvania. She died on 4 Sep 1847 in Salem Twp., Monroe Co., OH.
34. Isaac BALDWIN was born between 1780 and 1790. He died about Apr 1848.
35. Mary UNKNOWN was born between 1780 and 1790.
36. Dennis MOZENA was born on 4 Mar 1786 in Connecticut. He died on 12 Sep 1873. Dennis MOZENA and Rachael MC CLAIN were married on 4 Mar 1827.
37. Rachael MC CLAIN was born on 14 May 1802 in Pennsylvania. She died on 20 Apr 1888.
38. William C. BUSKIRK was born on 27 Jul 1800 in Greene Co., PA. He died between 1867 and 1870 in Carroll Co., MO. William C. BUSKIRK and Elizabeth FOGGIN were married on 9 Jun 1822 in Monroe Co., OH.
39. Elizabeth FOGGIN was born on 18 Dec 1801 in Topcliffe, Yorkshire Co., England. She died between 1841 and 1847 in Monroe Co., OH.
Seventh Generation
76. Samuel BUSKIRK was born on 29 Nov 1763 in Greene Co., PA. He died before 17 Apr 1847 in Monroe Co., OH. Samuel BUSKIRK and Charity UNKNOWN were married on 27 Oct 1789.
77. Charity UNKNOWN was born on 4 May 1762. She died on 4 Aug 1841 in Monroe Co., OH.
78. Thomas FOGGIN was baptized on 20 Jan 1774 in England. He died in 1840 in Monroe Co., OH. Thomas FOGGIN and Jane ROBINSON were married on 25 Jan 1796.
79. Jane ROBINSON was baptized on 6 Mar 1764.
Prepared by:
Richard E. Henthorn
Email: Dick.Henthorn@gmail.com

Friday, January 29, 2010
Ahnentafel Chart for Vivian Felicia Pugh
Ancestors of Vivian Felicia PUGH - 29 Jan 2010
First Generation
1. Vivian Felicia PUGH was born on 22 Aug 1869 in Hocking Co., OH. She died on 25 Mar 1942 in Circleville, Pickaway Co., OH. SPOUSE: Benjamin Franklin Julian
Second Generation
2. Samuel B. PUGH was born on 23 Feb 1839 in Pennsylvania. He died on 17 Mar 1904 in Perry Twp., Hocking Co., OH. Samuel B. PUGH and Elizabeth HICKMAN were married on 30 Sep 1866.
3. Elizabeth HICKMAN was born on 24 Aug 1849 in Jackson Twp., Monroe Co., OH. She died on 28 Apr 1896 in Salt Creek Twp., Hocking Co., OH. SPOUSE: Samuel B. Pugh
Third Generation
4. Samuel PUGH has no further information available.
5. Elizabeth UNKNOWN has no further information available.
6. William HICKMAN was born between 1815 and 1820 in Greene Co., PA. He died on 4 Apr 1897 in Good Hope Twp., Hocking Co., OH. William HICKMAN and Matilda HENTHORN were married about 1841 in Monroe Co., OH.
7. Matilda HENTHORN was born about 1824 in Monroe Co., OH. She died after 1880 in Ohio.
Fourth Generation
12. William HICKMAN Jr. was born on 10 May 1791 in Washington Co., PA. He died on 28 Dec 1858 in Green Twp., Monroe Co., OH.
13. Mary GREENE was born in 1797 in Pennsylvania. She died in Oct 1856. She was buried in Oct 1856 in Monroe Co., OH, Hickman Cemetery.
14. William HENTHORN was born about 1783 in Pennsylvania. He died on 11 May 1850 in Monroe Co., OH. William HENTHORN and Frances MYERS were married about 1803.
15. Frances MYERS was born between 1790 and 1795 in Pennsylvania. She died after 1860 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH.
Fifth Generation
24. William HICKMAN Sr. was born before 1765. He died in 1817 in Franklin Twp., Greene Co., PA.
25. Margaret UNKNOWN was born between 1765 and 1767. She died on 10 Feb 1849 in Green Twp., Monroe Co., OH.
26. John GREENE has no further information available.
27. Mary MORRIS has no further information available.
28. James HENTHORN was born about 1760/61. He died in 1839 in Monroe Co., OH. James HENTHORN and Elizabeth Rachel UNKNOWN were married about 1782.
29. Elizabeth Rachel UNKNOWN has no further information available.
Sixth Generation
56. Adam HENTHORN was born about 1735 in Chester Co., PA. He died about 1790 in Ohio Co., VA. Adam HENTHORN and Susannah UNKNOWN were married about 1755.
57. Susannah UNKNOWN was born about 1747. She died about 1790 in Ohio Co., VA.
Prepared by:
Richard E. Henthorn
Email: Dick.Henthorn@gmail.com
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Jacob Affolter II
Jacob Affolter II
Census: 1870, in Monroe Co., OH, Green Twp., 170-169
Jacob Affolter Sr., 48, Swtz, farmer; Margaret, 39, Swtz, keep house;
Jacob Jr., 18, OH, farm work; Elizabeth, 16, OH, help mother; John, 13,
OH, farm work; Mary, 10, OH, school; Samuel, 7, OH, school; Margaret, 4,
OH, Rachel, 2/12, OH
Census: 1880, in Monroe Co., OH, Green Twp., 185/204
Jacob Affholter [sic] Sen., 58, SWZ SWZ, OH; Margaret, 51, SWZ SWZ SWZ
John, 23, OH SWZ SWZ; Mary, 20, OH SWZ SWZ; Samuel, 17, OH SWZ SWZ;
Margaret Jr., 14, OH, SWZ, SWZ; Rachel, 10, OH SWZ SWZ; David, 6, OH SWZ SWZ
Jacob Affolter, Senior is a resident of Greene township, [Monroe Co., OH], being engaged in farming and the dairy business. He came to this county in 1833, having been born in Switzerland, April 27, 1822.
His father was Jacob Affolter, deceased December 9, 1879, and his mother, Mary Kassermann, deceased June 24, 1873. They came to Monroe county in the year 1833.
The wife of Jacob Affolter, senior, was Margaret Palmer, to whom he was married in Switzerland township, Monroe county, Ohio, January 15, 18??. Mrs. Affolter was born in Switzerland, September 20, 18??. Mrs. Affolter's parents were Henry Palmer, deceased, and Margaret Fox, who died January 27, 1873. They came to Monroe county in 1833.
The children of Jacob and Margaret Affolter are as follows: Jacob, born July 8, 1852, lives in Greene township, Monroe county; Elizabeth (Grant), May 9, 1854, lives in Green township; John, May 20, 1857, lives at home; Mary, November 11, 1859, at home; Samuel, February 3, 1863; Margaret, April 27, 1866; Rachel, March 30, 1870; David, July 21, 1873.
Mr. Affolter was elected treasurer of this township [Greene] in 1864, and served in that office seven years' continuously. He was also trustee for two years; was elected commissioner of the county in the fall of 1877; was reelected in the fall of 1880 -- is one of the present incumbents. His term of office will expire in the fall of 1883.
Mr. Affolter's cousin, Jacob Kassermann, was in the late war, in the 77th Ohio Volunteer Infantry; was taken prisoner and died in prison. He made his home with Mr. Affolter before going into the war.
Mr. Affolter's father came from Switzerland and settled in the southern part of Switzerland township, Monroe county, in the year 1833; he took out letters-patent for a farm and went into the woods and cleared a place to build a house upon. He cleared up his farm and raised his family of four children.
Jacob Affolter, the subject of this sketch, was the oldest, being then a lad of eleven years when his father settled there. He assisted his father materially in clearing up the farm and tilling it. Mr. Affolter, senior, lived on the farm he entered until his death. He lived to reap some of the benefits of his labor in this county at an early day, and died at the mature old age of 81 years. He was honored and respected by all who knew him as a man of truth, integrity and good habits.
Jacob Affolter, the subject of this sketch, came to Green township in 1853, and located where he now lives, in the northern part of the township. By frugality, economy and strict attention to his business affairs, he has prospered in this world's goods. He started out in the battle of life with only his hands. He mastered the carpenter's trade, and is now the possessor of 300 acres of valuable land. Mr. Affolter and his two sons, Jacob and John, are also engaged in saw-milling; they are owners of a portable mill, which they move from place to place.
There were no roads in Switzerland township when Mr. Affolter's father settled in it. They had to cut a road through the land when they located it. There were no churches or schools, nothing but woods and wild animals. Mr. Affolter, the subject of this sketch, attended one of the first schools organized in this township. It was taught by John Yenne, in the year 1834.
Mr. Affloter's address is Laings postoffice, Monroe county, Ohio.
(Source: History of Monroe County, Ohio; H.H. Hardesty & Co., Publishers, Chicago and Toledo, 1882, pages 18-19)
Ahnentafel Chart for Mary Belle Shaw
Ancestors of Mary Belle SHAW - 28 Jan 2010
First Generation
1. Mary Belle SHAW was born on 14 Feb 1879 in Round Bottom, Monroe Co., OH. She died on 2 Jan 1947 in Ravenna, Portage Co., OH. SPOUSE: Jacob (NMI) Riggenbach
Second Generation
2. James Riley SHAW was born on 21 May 1850. He died on 23 Jan 1930 in Ohio. James Riley SHAW and Cornelia Ellen HENTHORN were married on 28 Feb 1874 in Green Twp., Monroe Co., OH.
3. Cornelia Ellen HENTHORN was born in 1852/53 in Salem Twp., Monroe Co., OH. She died on 28 Feb 1908 in Ohio.
Third Generation
4. Josiah SHAW was born about 1828 in Ohio.
5. Sarah HUNNELL was born on 9 Dec 1828 in Ohio. She died on 21 May 1906.
6. Joseph HENTHORN was born between 1810 and 1812 in Monroe Co., OH. He died in 1852 in Salem Twp., Monroe Co., OH. Joseph HENTHORN and Ruth Ann BOUGHNER were married about 1830 in Monroe Co., OH.
7. Ruth Ann BOUGHNER was born between 1810 and 1812 in Pennsylvania.
Fourth Generation
10. David HUNNELL was born on 26 Dec 1787. He died in May 1859. He was buried in May 1859 in Green Twp., Monroe Co., OH, Otts Cemetery. David HUNNELL and Sarah DEVAUL were married.
11. Sarah DEVAUL was born in 1789. She died in Sep 1873. She was buried in Sep 1873 in Green Twp., Monroe Co., OH, Otts Cemetery.
12. Adam HENTHORN was born in Jan 1781 in Washington Co., MD. He died on 12 Aug 1830 in Salem Twp., Monroe Co., OH.
13. Nancy HOOD was born on 4 Jul 1783 in Pennsylvania. She died on 4 Sep 1847 in Salem Twp., Monroe Co., OH.
14. John Martin BOUGHNER was born in 1762 in Sussex Co., NJ. He died in 1838 in Woodsfield, Monroe Co., OH.
15. Sarah Catherine UNKNOWN was born in 1787 in Pennsylvania. She died in 1857.
Fifth Generation
28. Daniel BOUGHNER has no further information available.
29. Catherine UNKNOWN has no further information available.
Prepared by:
Richard E. Henthorn
Email: Dick.Henthorn@gmail.com

Book Week
The Conger Family of America, Volume Two, 1992, Compiled and published by Maxine Crowell Leonard, 725 pages with index.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Ahnentafel Chart for Frank Lowe Watson
Ancestors of Frank Lowe WATSON - 27 Jan 2010
First Generation
1. Frank Lowe WATSON was born on 3 Mar 1872. He died on 25 Nov 1911. SPOUSE: Dasie Mae Bender
Second Generation
2. Thomas Jefferson WATSON was born on 16 Sep 1841 in Calais, Monroe Co., OH. He died on 1 Jun 1902 in Reedsville, Preston Co., WV. Thomas Jefferson WATSON and Sarah Rebecca LOWE were married on 4 Aug 1867 in Monongalia Co., WV.
3. Sarah Rebecca LOWE was born about 1844/45. She died on 23 Jun 1875.
Third Generation
4. John B. WATSON was born on 25 Apr 1802 in Virginia. He died on 24 Dec 1885.
5. Rebecca ATKINSON was born on 25 Jan 1798 in Ohio. She died on 3 Jan 1886 in West Virginia.
6. Levi LOWE has no further information available.
7. Eliza SHUTTLESWORTH has no further information available.
Fourth Generation
8. David WATSON was born in 1770. He died between 1855 and 1858. David WATSON and Elizabeth MENEAR were married about 1800/1.
9. Elizabeth MENEAR was born on 15 Aug 1776. She died between 1855 and 1858.
10. Charles ATKINSON was born about 1760 in Lancaster Co., PA. He died on 23 Apr 1834 in Cameron, Monroe Co., OH. Charles ATKINSON and Elizabeth STEPHENS were married on 4 Dec 1787 in Cumberland Co., PA.
11. Elizabeth STEPHENS was born on 12 Sep 1769 in Cumberland Co., PA. She died on 14 Dec 1841 in Monroe Co., OH.
Fifth Generation
20. Cornelius ATKINSON was born about 1732 in Ireland. He died in Apr 1815 in Halifax Twp., Dauphin Co., PA. Cornelius ATKINSON and Mary STEPHENS were married about Jan 1757 in Northumberland Co., PA.
21. Mary STEPHENS was born between 1734 and 1736 in Pennsylvania. She died in 1807 in Halifax Twp., Dauphin Co., PA.
22. Andrew STEPHENS was born between 1723 and 1738 in Harrisburg, Dauphin Co., PA. He died in 1798 in Greene Co., PA. Andrew STEPHENS and Ann BASKINS were married between 1755 and 1760 in Greene Co., PA.
23. Ann BASKINS was born in 1734 in Pennsylvania. She died in 1798 in Greene Co., PA.
Prepared by:
Richard E. Henthorn
Email: Dick.Henthorn@gmail.com
Book Week
Rand McNally 1995 Commercial Atlas and Marketing Guide, 126th Edition, 572 pages. (This is the large atlas you often find in the library reference section.)
Ahnentafel Chart for Charles Augustus Erlewine
Ancestors of Charles Augustus ERLEWINE - 27 Jan 2010
First Generation
1. Charles Augustus ERLEWINE was born on 27 Oct 1857 in Cameron, Monroe Co., OH. He died on 20 Jan 1942 in Grant, Perkins Co., NE. SPOUSE: Ida Mae Moore
Second Generation
2. Isaac ERLEWINE was born on 27 Feb 1827 in Virginia. He died on 6 Feb 1890 in Grant, Perkins Co., NE. Isaac ERLEWINE and Louisa MC COY were married on 19 Feb 1854 in Cameron, Monroe Co., OH.
3. Louisa MC COY was born on 9 Sep 1835 in Cameron, Monroe Co., OH. She died on 5 Feb 1910 in Grant, Perkins Co., NE.
Third Generation
4. Jacob S. ERLEWINE Sr. was born between 1799 and 1801 in Virginia. Jacob S. ERLEWINE Sr. and Ruth CONNORS were married on 30 Jan 1823 in Ohio Co., VA.
5. Ruth CONNORS was born about 1796 in Virginia.
6. Gilbert MC COY was born between 1775 and 1777 in Rye Twp., Northumberland Co., PA. He died on 19 May 1857 in Monroe Co., OH. Gilbert MC COY and Mary E. ATKINSON were married about 1814 in Monroe Co., OH.
7. Mary E. ATKINSON was born in 1789 in Northumberland Co., PA. She died on 10 Jan 1849 in Clarington, Monroe Co., OH.
Fourth Generation
12. Lt. Thomas MC COY was born about 1739 in Tolledon, Donagh Co., Ireland. He died in Aug 1784 in Rye Twp., Northumberland Co., PA. Lt. Thomas MC COY and Elizabeth BASKINS were married about 1768 in Cumberland Co., PA.
13. Elizabeth BASKINS was born about 1750 in Pennsylvania. She died about 1800 in Perry Co., PA.
14. Charles ATKINSON was born about 1760 in Lancaster Co., PA. He died on 23 Apr 1834 in Cameron, Monroe Co., OH. Charles ATKINSON and Elizabeth STEPHENS were married on 4 Dec 1787 in Cumberland Co., PA.
15. Elizabeth STEPHENS was born on 12 Sep 1769 in Cumberland Co., PA. She died on 14 Dec 1841 in Monroe Co., OH.
Fifth Generation
24. John MC COY Sr. was born about 1705 in Tolledon, Donagh Co., Ireland. He died about 1781 in Rye Twp., Northumberland Co., PA. John MC COY Sr. and Mary UNKNOWN were married about 1734.
25. Mary UNKNOWN was born between 1708 and 1710. She died about 1766.
26. James BASKINS was born about 1720 in Ireland. He died in Jan 1788 in Rye Twp., Northumberland Co., PA. James BASKINS and Elizabeth MITCHELL were married about 1743.
27. Elizabeth MITCHELL was born about 1722. She died in Jan 1792.
28. Cornelius ATKINSON was born about 1732 in Ireland. He died in Apr 1815 in Halifax Twp., Dauphin Co., PA. Cornelius ATKINSON and Mary STEPHENS were married about Jan 1757 in Northumberland Co., PA.
29. Mary STEPHENS was born between 1734 and 1736 in Pennsylvania. She died in 1807 in Halifax Twp., Dauphin Co., PA.
30. Andrew STEPHENS was born between 1723 and 1738 in Harrisburg, Dauphin Co., PA. He died in 1798 in Greene Co., PA. Andrew STEPHENS and Ann BASKINS were married between 1755 and 1760 in Greene Co., PA.
31. Ann BASKINS was born in 1734 in Pennsylvania. She died in 1798 in Greene Co., PA.
Prepared by:
Richard E. Henthorn
Email: Dick.Henthorn@gmail.com
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Book Week
The Conger Family of America, Volume One, 1972, Compiled and published by Maxine Crowell Leonard, 844 pages with index.
Ahnentafel Chart for Charles Yoho
Ancestors of Charles YOHO - 26 Jan 2010
First Generation
1. Charles YOHO was born on 27 Nov 1856 in Monroe Co., OH. He died on 11 Jun 1946 in Huntington, Cabell Co., WV. SPOUSE: Elizabeth Emily Yoho
Second Generation
2. Jeremiah YOHO was born about 1828/29 in Ohio/Marshall Co., VA/WV. He died on 15 Mar 1890 in Gallia Co., OH. Jeremiah YOHO and Hannah ANDERSON were married about 1848.
3. Hannah ANDERSON was born about 1827 in Ohio. She died on 15 Mar 1857 in Monroe Co., OH.
Third Generation
4. George YOHO Jr. was born on 21 Dec 1806 in Fish Creek, Ohio Co., VA. He died on 17 Aug 1890 in Marshall Co., WV. George YOHO Jr. and Rachel GARNER were married in 1829 in Marshall Co., VA.
5. Rachel GARNER was born on 29 Feb 1808 in Lynn Camp, Ohio Co., VA. She died on 25 Sep 1868 in Lynn Camp, Ohio Co., VA.
6. Eli ANDERSON was born in 1790 in Virginia.
7. Rebecca ATKINSON was born in 1801 in Virginia.
Fourth Generation
8. Henry YOHO Jr. was born on 25 Oct 1781 in Marshall Co., VA. He died on 5 Dec 1862 in Graysville, Marshall Co., WV.
9. Annabelle BUCHANAN was born on 23 Nov 1780 in Pennsylvania. She died on 31 Jan 1873 in Graysville, Marshall Co., WV.
10. Joshua GARNER was born about 1781 in Virginia. He died on 27 Jun 1867 in Marshall Co., WV. Joshua GARNER and Mary (Polly) YOHO were married about 1805 in Marshall Co., VA.
11. Mary (Polly) YOHO was born about 1787 in Wetzel Co., VA. She died before 1852 in Lynn Camp, Marshall Co., VA.
14. William A. ATKINSON was born about 1764 in Cumberland Co., PA. He died after 1840 in Clarington, Monroe Co., OH. William A. ATKINSON and Mary MC COY were married about 1787.
15. Mary MC COY was born in 1769 in Pennsylvania. She died in Monroe Co., OH.
Prepared by:
Richard E. Henthorn
Email: Dick.Henthorn@gmail.com
Monday, January 25, 2010
Book Week
The History of the Cresaps - Revised Edition, 1987, 803 pages, compiled by Joseph Ord Cresap and Bernarr Cresap, published by The Cresap Society.
Ahnentafel Chart for George Boughner
Ancestors of George BOUGHNER - 25 Jan 2010
First Generation
1. George BOUGHNER was born about 1862 in Ohio.
Second Generation
2. Samuel BOUGHNER was born between 1835 and 1839 in Ohio. He died in 1872. Samuel BOUGHNER and Penelope ATKINSON were married on 13 Jul 1856 in Monroe Co., OH.
3. Penelope ATKINSON was born between 1825 and 1839 in Ohio.
Third Generation
4. John Martin BOUGHNER II was born in 1803/4 in Pennsylvania. He died of lung fever on 13 Oct 1884 in Monroe Co., OH. John Martin BOUGHNER II and Mary HARTLINE were married about 1823/24 in Monroe Co., OH.
5. Mary HARTLINE was born about 1804/5 in New York.
6. Thomas ATKINSON was born on 31 Jul 1809. He died on 16 Jul 1840 in Ohio.
7. Elizabeth BROWN was born between 1808 and 1811 in Ohio.
Fourth Generation
8. John Martin BOUGHNER was born in 1762 in Sussex Co., NJ. He died in 1838 in Woodsfield, Monroe Co., OH.
9. Sarah Catherine UNKNOWN was born in 1787 in Pennsylvania. She died in 1857.
12. William A. ATKINSON was born about 1764 in Cumberland Co., PA. He died after 1840 in Clarington, Monroe Co., OH. William A. ATKINSON and Mary MC COY were married about 1787.
13. Mary MC COY was born in 1769 in Pennsylvania. She died in Monroe Co., OH.
Fifth Generation
16. Daniel BOUGHNER has no further information available.
17. Catherine UNKNOWN has no further information available.
Prepared by:
Richard E. (Edson) Henthorn
Email: Dick.Henthorn@gmail.com
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Ahnentafel Chart for David Lindsey Stine
Ancestors of David Lindsey STINE - 24 Jan 2010
First Generation
1. David Lindsey STINE was born on 2 Aug 1867 in Ohio. He died on 28 Jan 1934 in New Martinsville, Wetzel Co., WV. SPOUSE: Ella Rachel Morgan
Second Generation
2. Jesse Milroy STINE was born on 28 May 1845 in Monroe Co., OH. He died on 18 Oct 1913 in New Martinsville, Wetzel Co., WV. Jesse Milroy STINE and Elizabeth HENTHORN were married on 8 Sep 1866 in Monroe Co., OH.
3. Elizabeth HENTHORN was born on 10 Jan 1847 in Monroe Co., OH. She died on 10 Sep 1896 in Toronto, Jefferson Co., OH.
Third Generation
4. John STINE was born on 4 Apr 1821 in Franklin Twp., Greene Co., PA. He died on 8 Jun 1886 in Perry Twp., Monroe Co., OH. John STINE and Rebecca K. MILNER were married on 8 Sep 1842 in Monroe Co., OH.
5. Rebecca K. MILNER was born on 22 Sep 1824 in Ohio. She died on 5 Nov 1846 in Monroe Co., OH.
6. Eli C. HENTHORN was born about 1809/10 in Ohio. He died on 16 Jun 1867 in Jackson Twp., Monroe Co., OH. Eli C. HENTHORN and Margaret HICKMAN were married about 1831.
7. Margaret HICKMAN was born about 1813 in Ohio. She died on 4 Mar 1895 in Paden Valley, Wetzel Co., WV.
Fourth Generation
8. Michael STINE Jr. was born on 24 Oct 1783 in Pennsylvania. He died on 23 Mar 1873 in Perry Twp., Monroe Co., OH. Michael STINE Jr. and Hannah ALTON were married on 11 Mar 1806 in Greene Co., PA.
9. Hannah ALTON was born on 2 Oct 1787 in Fayette Co., PA. She died on 23 Jun 1850 in Monroe Co., OH.
10. Edward MILNER has no further information available.
11. Rebecca FRAZIEUR has no further information available.
12. William HENTHORN was born about 1783 in Pennsylvania. He died on 11 May 1850 in Monroe Co., OH. William HENTHORN and Frances MYERS were married about 1803.
13. Frances MYERS was born between 1790 and 1795 in Pennsylvania. She died after 1860 in Springfield, Clark Co., OH.
14. William HICKMAN Jr. was born on 10 May 1791 in Washington Co., PA. He died on 28 Dec 1858 in Green Twp., Monroe Co., OH.
15. Mary GREENE was born in 1797 in Pennsylvania. She died in Oct 1856. She was buried in Oct 1856 in Monroe Co., OH, Hickman Cemetery.
Fifth Generation
24. James HENTHORN was born about 1760/61. He died in 1839 in Monroe Co., OH. James HENTHORN and Elizabeth Rachel UNKNOWN were married about 1782.
25. Elizabeth Rachel UNKNOWN has no further information available.
28. William HICKMAN Sr. was born before 1765. He died in 1817 in Franklin Twp., Greene Co., PA.
29. Margaret UNKNOWN was born between 1765 and 1767. She died on 10 Feb 1849 in Green Twp., Monroe Co., OH.
30. John GREENE has no further information available.
31. Mary MORRIS has no further information available.
Sixth Generation
48. Adam HENTHORN was born about 1735 in Chester Co., PA. He died about 1790 in Ohio Co., VA. Adam HENTHORN and Susannah UNKNOWN were married about 1755.
49. Susannah UNKNOWN was born about 1747. She died about 1790 in Ohio Co., VA.
Prepared by:
Richard E. Henthorn
Email: Dick.Henthorn@gmail.com
Book Week
The Federal Census of 1860 for Monroe County, Ohio, 594 pages with index, 1996, 2nd printing, published Wilma S. Davis, Washington, DC.
Ahnentafel Chart for Ralph Wilford Moose
Ancestors of Ralph Wilford MOOSE - 24 Jan 2010
First Generation
1. Ralph Wilford MOOSE was born on 17 Aug 1904 in Woodsfield, Monroe Co., OH. He died on 22 Jul 1949 in West Hollywood, Los Angeles Co., CA. SPOUSE: Frances Louise Hyde
Second Generation
2. James Albert MOOSE was born in Aug 1874 in Wayne Twp., Monroe Co., OH. He died in 1943 in Woodsfield, Monroe Co., OH. James Albert MOOSE and Hannah Elizabeth SHAFER were married about 1903 in Monroe Co., OH.
3. Hannah Elizabeth SHAFER was born in Aug 1878 in Wayne Twp., Monroe Co., OH. She died in 1930/31 in Woodsfield, Monroe Co., OH.
Third Generation
4. George Ranson MOOSE was born on 24 Jun 1844 in Belmont Co., OH. He died on 2 Jan 1916 in Woodsfield, Monroe Co., OH. George Ranson MOOSE and Rachel Ann MARTIN were married about 1866 in Monroe Co., OH.
5. Rachel Ann MARTIN was born in 1848 in Centre Twp., Monroe Co., OH. She died on 19 Mar 1884 in Center Twp., Monroe Co., OH.
6. Isaac Wilford SHAFER was born on 28 Aug 1838 in Belmont Co., OH. He died on 7 Dec 1916 in Woodsfield, Monroe Co., OH. Isaac Wilford SHAFER and Pluma CONGER were married on 15 Apr 1863 in Wayne Twp., Monroe Co., OH.
7. Pluma CONGER was born on 6 Apr 1846 in Wayne Twp., Monroe Co., OH. She died in Mar 1917 in Monroe Co., OH.
Fourth Generation
8. George MOOSE was born about 1804 in Greene Co., PA. He died after 1880. George MOOSE and Martha UNKNOWN were married about 1832 in Ohio.
9. Martha UNKNOWN was born about 1807. She died after 1880.
10. John MARTIN was born in 1815 in Ohio.
11. Elizabeth UNKNOWN was born about 1825 in Maryland.
12. John SHAFER was born about 1798 in Germany or Virginia. He died on 1 Apr 1881 in Belmont Co., OH. John SHAFER and Hannah VARNER were married about 1815 in Ohio.
13. Hannah VARNER was born about 1803 in Pennsylvania.
14. Stephen Elijah CONGER was born on 22 Oct 1796 in Greene Co., PA. He died on 12 May 1859 in Connor Ridge, Monroe Co., OH. Stephen Elijah CONGER and Mary Jane PIATT were married on 16 May 1819 in Monroe Co., OH.
15. Mary Jane PIATT was born on 5 Oct 1802/3 in Belmont Co., OH. She died on 14 Oct 1881 in Monroe Co., OH.
Fifth Generation
16. John MOOSE Sr. has no further information available.
17. Mary Ann UNKNOWN has no further information available.
26. John VARNER Sr. has no further information available.
27. Sarah MOORE has no further information available.
28. Elias Darby CONGER Sr. was born on 8 Jun 1763 in Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ. He died on 13 Sep 1845 in Adams Twp., Monroe Co., OH. Elias Darby CONGER Sr. and Mary GOBLE were married in 1783 in New Jersey.
29. Mary GOBLE was born in 1764/65 in Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ. She died about 1804 in Greene Co., PA.
30. James PIATT Sr. was born between 1765 and 1772. He died about 1847 in Monroe Co., OH. James PIATT Sr. and Nancy COLEMAN were married about 1796.
31. Nancy COLEMAN was born about 1770. She died about 1850 in Monroe Co., OH.
Sixth Generation
56. David CONGER Sr. was born about 1741 in Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ. He died in 1778 in Middlesex Co., NJ. David CONGER Sr. and Mary DARBY were married in 1762 in Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ.
57. Mary DARBY was born about 1742 in Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ. She died about 1796 in Morris Twp., Greene Co., PA.
60. Jacob (Pyatt) PIATT has no further information available.
61. Elizabeth DUNHAM was born about 1728. She died about 1790 in Washington Co., PA.
Seventh Generation
120. Jacob PIATT Jr. was born on 14 Jan 1704/5 in Piscataway, Middlesex Co., NJ. He died after 1775 in Path Valley, PA. Jacob PIATT Jr. and Jean PAUL were married about 1724.
121. Jean PAUL was born about 1710.
Eighth Generation
240. Jacob PIATT Sr. was born on 31 Oct 1678 in Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ. He died after 1750 in Cumberland, Valley, PA. Jacob PIATT Sr. and Mary HULL were married on 7 Jun 1703 in Piscataway, Middlesex Co., NJ.
241. Mary HULL was born on 4 Feb 1680/81 in Piscataway, Middlesex Co., NJ.
Ninth Generation
480. Rene (La Fleur) PIATT was born about 1650 in Dauphine, France. He died about 1705 in Piscataway, Middlesex Co., NJ. Rene (La Fleur) PIATT and Elizabeth SHEFFIELD were married on 13 Dec 1677 in Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ.
481. Elizabeth SHEFFIELD was born about 1660. She died after 1705.
Prepared by:
Richard E. Henthorn
Email: Dick.Henthorn@gmail.com
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Ahnentafel Chart for Charles Ollom
Ancestors of Charles OLLOM - 23 Jan 2010
First Generation
1. Charles OLLOM was born in 1867.
Second Generation
2. Adam H. OLLOM was born on 25 Nov 1830 in Salem Twp., Monroe Co., OH. He died on 8 Feb 1909 in Ohio. Adam H. OLLOM and Harriet ATKINSON were married on 13 Aug 1865 in Cameron, Monroe Co., OH.
3. Harriet ATKINSON was born about 1840/41 in Ohio. She died in 1928 in Ohio.
Third Generation
4. Joseph OLLOM was born about 1806. He was buried between 1836 and 1844 in Ohio. Joseph OLLOM and Margaret H. HENTHORN were married in 1826.
5. Margaret H. HENTHORN was born about 1806 in Monroe Co., OH. She was buried in Rockport, Wood Co., WV, Central Cemetery.
6. Thomas ATKINSON was born on 31 Jul 1809. He died on 16 Jul 1840 in Ohio.
7. Elizabeth BROWN was born between 1808 and 1811 in Ohio.
Fourth Generation
10. Adam HENTHORN was born in Jan 1781 in Washington Co., MD. He died on 12 Aug 1830 in Salem Twp., Monroe Co., OH.
11. Nancy HOOD was born on 4 Jul 1783 in Pennsylvania. She died on 4 Sep 1847 in Salem Twp., Monroe Co., OH.
12. William A. ATKINSON was born about 1764 in Cumberland Co., PA. He died after 1840 in Clarington, Monroe Co., OH. William A. ATKINSON and Mary MC COY were married about 1787.
13. Mary MC COY was born in 1769 in Pennsylvania. She died in Monroe Co., OH.
Prepared by:
Richard E. Henthorn
Email: Dick.Henthorn@gmail.com
Book Week
Descendants of Captain John Baker, 319 pages with index, published by Valerie Jean Kramer, January 1999.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Ahnentafel Chart for Jane McCoy
Ancestors of Jane MC COY - 21 Jan 2010
First Generation
1. Jane MC COY was born about 1826 in Monroe Co., OH. SPOUSE: Andrew G. Henthorn
Second Generation
2. Gilbert MC COY was born between 1775 and 1777 in Rye Twp., Northumberland Co., PA. He died on 19 May 1857 in Monroe Co., OH. Gilbert MC COY and Mary E. ATKINSON were married about 1814 in Monroe Co., OH.
3. Mary E. ATKINSON was born in 1789 in Northumberland Co., PA. She died on 10 Jan 1849 in Clarington, Monroe Co., OH.
Third Generation
4. Lt. Thomas MC COY was born about 1739 in Tolledon, Donagh Co., Ireland. He died in Aug 1784 in Rye Twp., Northumberland Co., PA. Lt. Thomas MC COY and Elizabeth BASKINS were married about 1768 in Cumberland Co., PA.
5. Elizabeth BASKINS was born about 1750 in Pennsylvania. She died about 1800 in Perry Co., PA.
6. Charles ATKINSON was born about 1760 in Lancaster Co., PA. He died on 23 Apr 1834 in Cameron, Monroe Co., OH. Charles ATKINSON and Elizabeth STEPHENS were married on 4 Dec 1787 in Cumberland Co., PA.
7. Elizabeth STEPHENS was born on 12 Sep 1769 in Cumberland Co., PA. She died on 14 Dec 1841 in Monroe Co., OH.
Fourth Generation
8. John MC COY Sr. was born about 1705 in Tolledon, Donagh Co., Ireland. He died about 1781 in Rye Twp., Northumberland Co., PA. John MC COY Sr. and Mary UNKNOWN were married about 1734.
9. Mary UNKNOWN was born between 1708 and 1710. She died about 1766.
10. James BASKINS was born about 1720 in Ireland. He died in Jan 1788 in Rye Twp., Northumberland Co., PA. James BASKINS and Elizabeth MITCHELL were married about 1743.
11. Elizabeth MITCHELL was born about 1722. She died in Jan 1792.
12. Cornelius ATKINSON was born about 1732 in Ireland. He died in Apr 1815 in Halifax Twp., Dauphin Co., PA. Cornelius ATKINSON and Mary STEPHENS were married about Jan 1757 in Northumberland Co., PA.
13. Mary STEPHENS was born between 1734 and 1736 in Pennsylvania. She died in 1807 in Halifax Twp., Dauphin Co., PA.
14. Andrew STEPHENS was born between 1723 and 1738 in Harrisburg, Dauphin Co., PA. He died in 1798 in Greene Co., PA. Andrew STEPHENS and Ann BASKINS were married between 1755 and 1760 in Greene Co., PA.
15. Ann BASKINS was born in 1734 in Pennsylvania. She died in 1798 in Greene Co., PA.
Prepared by:
Richard E. Henthorn
Email: Dick.Henthorn@gmail.com
Book Week
The Federal Census of 1850 for Monroe County, Ohio, 603 pages with index, 1965, published Wilma S. Davis, Washington, DC.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Ahnentafel Chart for Charles Atkinson Henthorn
Ancestors of Charles Atkinson HENTHORN - 20 Jan 2010
First Generation
1. Charles Atkinson HENTHORN was born on 29 Jun 1845 in Georgetown, Vermilion Co., IL. He died on 18 Jan 1918 in Georgetown, Vermilion Co., IL. SPOUSE: Julia Ann Tyre
Second Generation
2. Ebenezer HENTHORN was born on 15 Apr 1808 in Monroe Co., OH. He died on 16 Mar 1877 in Illinois. Ebenezer HENTHORN and Ruth ATKINSON were married in Ohio.
3. Ruth ATKINSON was born on 12 Jan 1812 in Monroe Co., OH. She died on 4 Apr 1894 in Illinois.
Third Generation
4. James HENTHORN was born about 1760/61. He died in 1839 in Monroe Co., OH. James HENTHORN and Elizabeth Rachel UNKNOWN were married about 1782.
5. Elizabeth Rachel UNKNOWN has no further information available.
6. Charles ATKINSON was born about 1760 in Lancaster Co., PA. He died on 23 Apr 1834 in Cameron, Monroe Co., OH. Charles ATKINSON and Elizabeth STEPHENS were married on 4 Dec 1787 in Cumberland Co., PA.
7. Elizabeth STEPHENS was born on 12 Sep 1769 in Cumberland Co., PA. She died on 14 Dec 1841 in Monroe Co., OH.
Fourth Generation
8. Adam HENTHORN was born about 1735 in Chester Co., PA. He died about 1790 in Ohio Co., VA. Adam HENTHORN and Susannah UNKNOWN were married about 1755.
9. Susannah UNKNOWN was born about 1747. She died about 1790 in Ohio Co., VA.
12. Cornelius ATKINSON was born about 1732 in Ireland. He died in Apr 1815 in Halifax Twp., Dauphin Co., PA. Cornelius ATKINSON and Mary STEPHENS were married about Jan 1757 in Northumberland Co., PA.
13. Mary STEPHENS was born between 1734 and 1736 in Pennsylvania. She died in 1807 in Halifax Twp., Dauphin Co., PA.
14. Andrew STEPHENS was born between 1723 and 1738 in Harrisburg, Dauphin Co., PA. He died in 1798 in Greene Co., PA. Andrew STEPHENS and Ann BASKINS were married between 1755 and 1760 in Greene Co., PA.
15. Ann BASKINS was born in 1734 in Pennsylvania. She died in 1798 in Greene Co., PA.
Prepared by:
Richard E. Henthorn
Email: Dick.Henthorn@gmail.com

Book Week
Cleggs of the Upper Ohio Valley, 377 pages with index, 1990, published by Blaine L. Clegg.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Ahnentafel Chart for Charles Atkinson Conger
Ancestors of Charles Atkinson CONGER - 19 Jan 2010
First Generation
1. Charles Atkinson CONGER was born on 27 Mar 1836 in Monroe Co., OH. He died in 1922. He was buried in 1922 in Seymour, Wayne Co., IA, South Lawn Cemetery. SPOUSE: Margaret L. Lowe
Second Generation
2. John B. CONGER was born on 8 Jun 1808 in Greene Co., PA. He died on 8 Aug 1883 in Seymour, Wayne Co., IA. John B. CONGER and Elizabeth ATKINSON were married on 5 Mar 1831 in Monroe Co., OH.
3. Elizabeth ATKINSON was born on 16 Apr 1807 in Monroe Co., OH. She died on 1 Dec 1895 in Seymour, Wayne Co., IA.
Third Generation
4. Elias Darby CONGER Sr. was born on 8 Jun 1763 in Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ. He died on 13 Sep 1845 in Adams Twp., Monroe Co., OH. Elias Darby CONGER Sr. and Mary GREGORY were married about 1804/5 in Greene Co., PA.
5. Mary GREGORY died on 19 Mar 1842 in Monroe Co., OH. She was born in Ireland.
6. Charles ATKINSON was born about 1760 in Lancaster Co., PA. He died on 23 Apr 1834 in Cameron, Monroe Co., OH. Charles ATKINSON and Elizabeth STEPHENS were married on 4 Dec 1787 in Cumberland Co., PA.
7. Elizabeth STEPHENS was born on 12 Sep 1769 in Cumberland Co., PA. She died on 14 Dec 1841 in Monroe Co., OH.
Fourth Generation
8. David CONGER Sr. was born about 1741 in Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ. He died in 1778 in Middlesex Co., NJ. David CONGER Sr. and Mary DARBY were married in 1762 in Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ.
9. Mary DARBY was born about 1742 in Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ. She died about 1796 in Morris Twp., Greene Co., PA.
12. Cornelius ATKINSON was born about 1732 in Ireland. He died in Apr 1815 in Halifax Twp., Dauphin Co., PA. Cornelius ATKINSON and Mary STEPHENS were married about Jan 1757 in Northumberland Co., PA.
13. Mary STEPHENS was born between 1734 and 1736 in Pennsylvania. She died in 1807 in Halifax Twp., Dauphin Co., PA.
14. Andrew STEPHENS was born between 1723 and 1738 in Harrisburg, Dauphin Co., PA. He died in 1798 in Greene Co., PA. Andrew STEPHENS and Ann BASKINS were married between 1755 and 1760 in Greene Co., PA.
15. Ann BASKINS was born in 1734 in Pennsylvania. She died in 1798 in Greene Co., PA.
Prepared by:
Richard E. (Edson) Henthorn
Email: Dick.Henthorn@gmail.com
Book Week
The Federal Census of Monroe County, Ohio - 1820- 1830 - 1840, 129 pages, wth index, February 1996, published by the Monroe County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society, Box 641, Woodsfield, OH 43793.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Book Week
Cemetery Records of Pike County, Illinois by Townships - 1815 - December 31, 1978, Volume III, Townships: Chambersburg, Fairmount, Flint, Griggsville and Perry, 198 pages, published by Pike County Historical Society.
18/Jan/2010 8:36
18/Jan/2010 8:36
Ahnentafel Chart for Elbert Conger
Ancestors of Elbert CONGER - 18 Jan 2010
First Generation
1. Elbert CONGER was born on 15 May 1868 in Girard, Macoupin Co., IL. He died on 8 Jun 1926 in Odessa, Buffalo Co., NE.
SPOUSE: Ida Bell Brown
Second Generation
2. Charles Atkinson CONGER was born on 3 Mar 1820 in Cameron, Monroe Co., OH. He died on 23 Jan 1894 in Eustis, Frontier Co., NE. Charles Atkinson CONGER and Harmony Katherine ERLEWINE were married in Mar 1840.
3. Harmony Katherine ERLEWINE was born about 1825/26 in Wetzel Co., VA. She died on 26 Aug 1899 in Elm Creek, Buffalo Co., NE.
Third Generation
4. Elias CONGER was born about 4 Oct 1789 in Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ. He died on 17 Nov 1869 in Cameron, Monroe Co., OH. Elias CONGER and Margaret ATKINSON were married on 17 Jun 1815 in Monroe Co., OH.
5. Margaret ATKINSON was born on 17 Jun 1793 in Waynesburg, Greene Co., PA. She died on 20 Jun 1872 in Clarington, Monroe Co., OH.
6. Jacob S. ERLEWINE Sr. was born between 1799 and 1801 in Virginia. Jacob S. ERLEWINE Sr. and Ruth CONNORS were married on 30 Jan 1823 in Ohio Co., VA.
7. Ruth CONNORS was born about 1796 in Virginia.
Fourth Generation
8. David CONGER Jr. was born in 1767 in Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ. He died on 14 Oct 1833 in Morris Twp., Washington Co., PA. David CONGER Jr. and Sarah WELCH were married in 1788/89 in Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ.
9. Sarah WELCH was born in 1769 in New Jersey. She died in 1844 in Morris Twp., Washington Co., PA.
10. Charles ATKINSON was born about 1760 in Lancaster Co., PA. He died on 23 Apr 1834 in Cameron, Monroe Co., OH. Charles ATKINSON and Elizabeth STEPHENS were married on 4 Dec 1787 in Cumberland Co., PA.
11. Elizabeth STEPHENS was born on 12 Sep 1769 in Cumberland Co., PA. She died on 14 Dec 1841 in Monroe Co., OH.
Fifth Generation
20. Cornelius ATKINSON was born about 1732 in Ireland. He died in Apr 1815 in Halifax Twp., Dauphin Co., PA. Cornelius ATKINSON and Mary STEPHENS were married about Jan 1757 in Northumberland Co., PA.
21. Mary STEPHENS was born between 1734 and 1736 in Pennsylvania. She died in 1807 in Halifax Twp., Dauphin Co., PA.
22. Andrew STEPHENS was born between 1723 and 1738 in Harrisburg, Dauphin Co., PA. He died in 1798 in Greene Co., PA. Andrew STEPHENS and Ann BASKINS were married between 1755 and 1760 in Greene Co., PA.
23. Ann BASKINS was born in 1734 in Pennsylvania. She died in 1798 in Greene Co., PA.
Prepared by:
Richard E. Henthorn
Email: Dick.Henthorn@gmail.com
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Ancestry Magazine Discontinues Publication
"15 January 2010
For 25 years, Ancestry magazine has been a valuable, timely resource for family history professionals, hobbyists, and novices alike. For a variety of reasons, the time has come for us to discontinue publication. Over the last few years, we have found that with the expanded accessibility of terrific family history content published online at Ancestry.com we can reach a larger and broader audience than the limited distribution of a print publication."
- The world of the genealogy hobby continues to be in a state of flux. Genealogy chatrooms on AOL don't seem to offer much of interest to genealogists. It appears that the next version of the LDS genealogy program will be for online usage only. It will be interesting to see what the future holds for this hobby. Mr. Dickie
Ahnentafel Chart for Dr. Noah P. Buskirk
Ancestors of Dr. Noah P. BUSKIRK - 17 Jan 2010
First Generation
1. Dr. Noah P. BUSKIRK was born about 1844 in Monroe Co., OH.
SPOUSE: Cornelia Talbot
Second Generation
2. Dr. Oliphant BUSKIRK was born on 23 Apr 1821 in Green Twp., Monroe Co., OH. He died on 13 May 1882 in Monroe Co., OH. Dr. Oliphant BUSKIRK and Sarah A. HARRISON were married on 22 Aug 1837 in Green Twp., Monroe Co., OH.
3. Sarah A. HARRISON was born on 13 Feb 1812 in Wheeling, Ohio Co., VA.
Third Generation
4. Samuel D. BUSKIRK was born on 11 Feb 1797 in Greene Co., PA. He died on 10 Aug 1876 in Salem Twp., Monroe Co., OH. Samuel D. BUSKIRK and Martha WILLIAMS were married on 6 Jul 1820.
5. Martha WILLIAMS was born on 8 Mar 1803 in VA. She died on 17 Mar 1888.
6. James M. HARRISON was born between 1780 and 1785. James M. HARRISON and Elizabeth (Betsy) MOZENA were married in PA.
7. Elizabeth (Betsy) MOZENA was born on 6 May 1787 in CT. She died on 20 Jul 1879 in Clarington, Monroe Co., OH.
Fourth Generation
8. Samuel BUSKIRK was born on 29 Nov 1763 in Greene Co., PA. He died before 17 Apr 1847 in Monroe Co., OH. Samuel BUSKIRK and Charity UNKNOWN were married on 27 Oct 1789.
9. Charity UNKNOWN was born on 4 May 1762. She died on 4 Aug 1841 in Monroe Co., OH.
10. Ephraim WILLIAMS was born about 1765. He died on 3 Apr 1839 in Monroe Co., OH.
11. Mary CONGLETON was born about 1774. She died on 3 Apr 1839 in Monroe Co., OH.
14. John (Jean Mouginet) MOZENA was born on 4 Jul 1747 in Mont-le-Vignoble, Lorraine Province, France. He died on 3 Feb 1830 in Monroe Co., OH. He was buried in Feb 1830 in Clarington, Monroe Co., OH, Ollum Cemetery. John (Jean Mouginet) MOZENA and Hannah FOOTE were married on 4 Mar 1784 in Newton, Fairfield Co., CT.
15. Hannah FOOTE was born in Newton, Fairfield Co., CT. She died in Monroe Co., OH. She was buried in Clarington, Monroe Co., OH, Ollum Cemetery.
Fifth Generation
28. Nicholas MOUGINET has no further information available.
29. Elizabeth LONGER has no further information available.
30. Elijah FOOTE has no further information available.
31. Eunice PEEK has no further information available.
Prepared by:
Richard E. Henthorn
Email: Dick.Henthorn@gmail.com

Ahnentafel Chart for Isaac Jackson Baker
Ancestors of Isaac Jackson BAKER - 17 Jan 2010
First Generation
1. Isaac Jackson BAKER was born on 29 Jul 1855 in OH. He died on 7 Jan 1919.
SPOUSE: Elizabeth Emmaline Farnsworth
Second Generation
2. Isaac BAKER was born about 1814 in OH.
3. Sarah DOUGHERTY was born between 1816 and 1818 in Wayne Twp., Monroe Co., OH.
Third Generation
4. Martin BAKER was born on 10 Oct 1780 in VA. He died on 27 Apr 1857 in Monroe Co., OH. Martin BAKER and Sarah Jane FARNSWORTH were married on 16 Feb 1812 in Belmont Co., OH.
5. Sarah Jane FARNSWORTH was born on 5 Aug 1791 in VA. She died in Aug 1860. She was buried in Aug 1860 in Woodsfield, Monroe Co., OH, Steed's Cemetery.
6. Daniel Wire DOUGHERTY was born in 1780 in Ireland. He died between 1823 and 1827.
7. Sarah MALOY was born between 1783 and 1790 in Ireland. She died in 1850.
Fourth Generation
8. Capt. John BAKER was born between 1735 and 1740 in Prussia. He died in 1787 in Grave Creek, , VA. Capt. John BAKER and Elizabeth Ann SULLIVAN were married between 1760 and 1765 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA.
9. Elizabeth Ann SULLIVAN was born on 14 Feb 1744. She died on 22 May 1836 in Woodsfield, Monroe Co., OH.
Prepared by:
Richard E. Henthorn
Email: Dick.Henthorn@gmail.com
17 Jan 2010

Ancestor Chart Project

I created a GEDCOM file for the ancestors of one of Claude's children. Then I edited the GEDCOM to remove the paragraph place holders between the notes. I also did global edits to improve some of the place names. I added the abbreviation "Co." to the county names and spelled out the word "Cemetery" wherever I noticed that it was truncated. There were 1125 people and 203 marriages in the file I created.
I loaded the GEDCOM file into RootsMagic and used the Place Name list to do further place name edits. Testing after the edits revealed that in some cases an Ahnentafel chart for Claude's descendant included eleven generations. I usually think of a generation as thrity-three years. In this case that's 363 years of family history.
This was the first time I attempted to extract a small set of family information from my old PAF files by creating a GEDCOM for ancestors, rather than descendants. I do have lots of experience working with GEDCOM files. I'm pleased that I now have another way to salvage some of the genealogy I keyed over the years. Of course, once the data was loaded to RootsMagic I could just as easily generate a report on descendants as on ancestors.
Mr. Dickie
17/Jan/2010 9:49
Book Week
Obituaries of Monroe County, Ohio - Volume 2, Compiled by Ruth Dougherty Hogue, 1997, 129 pages with index, published by the Monroe County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society, Box 641, Woodsfield, OH 43793.
17/Jan/2010 9:06
17/Jan/2010 9:06
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Book Week
The 1880 Federal Census of Monroe County, Ohio, 424 pages, February 2000, published by the Monroe County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society, Box 641, Woodsfield, OH 43793.
Ahnentafel Chart for William Atkinson
Ancestors of William ATKINSON - 14 Jan 2010
First Generation
1. William ATKINSON was born about 1858 in Morris Co., KS.
Second Generation
2. Cornelius S. ATKINSON was born between 1801 and 1805 in Monroe Co., OH. He died on 14 Dec 1879 in Clark Creek, Morris Co., KS.
3. Nancy Ellen HENTHORN was born between 1804 and 1806 in Monroe Co., OH. She died after 1870.
Third Generation
4. Charles ATKINSON was born about 1760 in Lancaster Co., PA. He died on 23 Apr 1834 in Cameron, Monroe Co., OH. Charles ATKINSON and Elizabeth STEPHENS were married on 4 Dec 1787 in Cumberland Co., PA.
5. Elizabeth STEPHENS was born on 12 Sep 1769 in Cumberland Co., PA. She died on 14 Dec 1841 in Monroe Co., OH.
6. James L. HENTHORN III was born on 6 Aug 1775 in VA. He died on 11 Sep 1859 in Washington Twp., Monroe Co., OH. James L. HENTHORN III and Nancy BOWEN were married about 1800 in Salem Twp., Monroe Co., OH.
7. Nancy BOWEN was born
Fourth Generation
8. Cornelius ATKINSON was born about 1732 in Ireland. He died in Apr 1815 in Halifax Twp., Dauphin Co., PA. Cornelius ATKINSON and Mary STEPHENS were married about Jan 1757 in Northumberland Co., PA.
9. Mary STEPHENS was born between 1734 and 1736 in PA. She died in 1807 in Halifax Twp., Dauphin Co., PA.
10. Andrew STEPHENS was born between 1723 and 1738 in Harrisburg, Dauphin Co., PA. He died in 1798 in Greene Co., PA. Andrew STEPHENS and Ann BASKINS were married between 1755 and 1760 in Greene Co., PA.
11. Ann BASKINS was born in 1734 in PA. She died in 1798 in Greene Co., PA.
12. James HENTHORN II was born in 1735 in Baltimore Co., MD. He died about 1818 in Newport Twp., Monroe Co., OH. James HENTHORN II and Elizabeth UNKNOWN were married in 1770/71.
13. Elizabeth UNKNOWN died in 1820 in Newport Twp., Monroe Co., OH.
Prepared by:
Richard E. Henthorn
Email: Dick.Henthorn@gmail.com
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Ahnentafel Chart for Dr. James C. Walton
Ancestors of Dr. James C. WALTON - 13 Jan 2010
First Generation
1. Dr. James C. WALTON was born on 17 Jul 1865 in Clarington, Monroe Co., OH. SPOUSE: Mathe Wilison
Second Generation
2. Richard K. WALTON was born on 2 Sep 1836 in Salem Twp., Monroe Co., OH. Richard K. WALTON and Julia Ann CONGER were married on 15 Jun 1858 in Cameron, Monroe Co., OH.
3. Julia Ann CONGER was born on 30 Apr 1835 in Monroe Co., OH.
Third Generation
4. Dr. Jeremiah WALTON was born on 1 Mar 1809 in PA. He died in Feb 1891. He was buried in Feb 1891 in Cameron, Monroe Co., OH, Atkinson Cemetery.
5. Margaret STURGEON was born on 4 Apr 1813 in OH. She died in Jun 1899. She was buried in Jun 1899 in Cameron, Monroe Co., OH, Atkinson Cemetery.
6. Elias CONGER was born about 4 Oct 1789 in Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ. He died on 17 Nov 1869 in Cameron, Monroe Co., OH. Elias CONGER and Margaret ATKINSON were married on 17 Jun 1815 in Monroe Co., OH.
7. Margaret ATKINSON was born on 17 Jun 1793 in Waynesburg, Greene Co., PA. She died on 20 Jun 1872 in Clarington, Monroe Co., OH.
Fourth Generation
10. Reuben STURGEON was born about 1783. He died before Sep 1832. Reuben STURGEON and Elizabeth ATKINSON were married between 1810 and 13.
11. Elizabeth ATKINSON was born between 1790 and 1800 in PA. She died in 1849. She was buried in 1849 in Cameron, Monroe Co., OH, Atkinson Cemetery.
12. David CONGER Jr. was born in 1767 in Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ. He died on 14 Oct 1833 in Morris Twp., Washington Co., PA. David CONGER Jr. and Sarah WELCH were married in 1788/89 in Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ.
13. Sarah WELCH was born in 1769 in NJ. She died in 1844 in Morris Twp., Washington Co., PA.
14. Charles ATKINSON was born about 1760 in Lancaster Co., PA. He died on 23 Apr 1834 in Cameron, Monroe Co., OH. Charles ATKINSON and Elizabeth STEPHENS were married on 4 Dec 1787 in Cumberland Co., PA.
15. Elizabeth STEPHENS was born on 12 Sep 1769 in Cumberland Co., PA. She died on 14 Dec 1841 in Monroe Co., OH.
Fifth Generation
28. Cornelius ATKINSON was born about 1732 in Ireland. He died in Apr 1815 in Halifax Twp., Dauphin Co., PA. Cornelius ATKINSON and Mary STEPHENS were married about Jan 1757 in Northumberland Co., PA.
29. Mary STEPHENS was born between 1734 and 1736 in PA. She died in 1807 in Halifax Twp., Dauphin Co., PA.
30. Andrew STEPHENS was born between 1723 and 1738 in Harrisburg, Dauphin Co., PA. He died in 1798 in Greene Co., PA. Andrew STEPHENS and Ann BASKINS were married between 1755 and 1760 in Greene Co., PA.
31. Ann BASKINS was born in 1734 in PA. She died in 1798 in Greene Co., PA.
Prepared by:
Richard E. Henthorn
Email: Dick.Henthorn@gmail.com
Ahnentafel Chart Project
I'm working on a project to salvage the pedigree charts submitted by myself and a number of my friends to the 1997 book Ancestor Charts - Volume 2. My charts were four-generation charts. I've created a new RootsMagic file called Charts. I'm keying the charts into the new file. I haven't counted the number of pages in the book to see how many of them pertain to families of interest. So far I've keyed fifteen pages. Some refer to members of the same families. RootsMagic offers two ways to produce ahnentafel charts. Today I'll post a third ahnentafel chart to this blog. The ahnentafel charts can show more than four generations.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Ahnentafel Chart for Female Schafer
Ahnentafel of Female SCHAFER - 12 Jan 2010
First Generation
1. Female Schafer - Living
Second Generation
2. Franklin Frederick SCHAFER: born on 31 Aug 1883 in New Martinsville, Wetzel Co., WV; married on 19 Apr 1916 in New Martinsville, Wetzel Co., WV; died 31 May 1961 in Clarington, Monroe Co., OH.
3. Grace Florence SUTER: born on 19 Apr 1898 in Hannibal, Monroe Co., OH; died on 22 Jun 1975 in Hannibal, Monroe Co., OH.
Third Generation
4. Frederick J. SCHAFER Jr.: born on 9 Dec 1851 in Baresville, Monroe Co., OH; married on 9 Dec 1882 in Monroe Co., OH; died on 12 Apr 1900 in Hannibal, Monroe Co., OH.
5. Julia Matilda RIST: born on 9 Dec 1858 in Monroe Co., OH; died on 4 Feb 1936 in Hannibal, Monroe Co., OH.
6. Delbert Francis SUTER: born on 14 Nov 1866 in Baresville, Monroe Co., OH; married on 10 Nov 1891 in New Martinsville, Wetzel Co., WV; died on 22 Nov 1959 in Clarington, Monroe Co., OH.
7. Amy Ann HENTHORN: born on 13 Apr 1876 in Baresville, Monroe Co., OH; died on 23 Mar 1947 in Clarington, Monroe Co., OH.
Fourth Generation
8. Frederick J. SCHAFER Sr.: born on 6 Mar 1812 in Stuttgart, Germany; married about 1837/38 in Germany; died on 30 Mar 1894 in Hannibal, Monroe Co., OH.
9. Christina F. SCHMIDT: born on 25 Aug 1813 in Wittenberg, German; died on 10 Nov 1903 in Hannibal, Monroe Co., OH.
10. Andrew RIST: born on 18 Dec 1830 in Hamburg, Germany; married 26 aur 1854 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA; died on 4 Jun 1913.
11. Julia HINKELBEIN: born on 10 May 1830 in Speyer, Germany; died on 3 Feb 1897 in Hannibal, Monroe Co., OH.
12. Nicholas SUTER: born on 22 Nov 1832 in Baresville, Monroe Co., OH; married in 1854 in Baresville, Monroe Co., OH; died on 18 Feb 1906 in Hannibal, Monroe Co., OH.
13. Caroline Elizabeth HARRISON: born on 24 Aug 1837 in Baresville, Monroe Co., OH; died on 3 Mar 1916 in Hannibal, Monroe Co., OH.
14. John Wesley HENTHORN: born on 20 Sep 1840 in Salem Twp., Monroe Co., OH; married about 1863 in Monroe Co., OH; died on 21 Apr 1896 in Hannibal, Monroe Co., OH.
15. Mary Jane RUSH: born on 25 Dec 1844 in Baresville, Monroe Co., OH; died on 8 Aug 1930 in Hannibal, Monroe Co., OH.
Prepared by:
Richard E. Henthorn
Email: Dick.Henthorn@gmail.com
Book Week
Combined - History of Monroe County, Ohio., H.H. Hardesty & Co., Publishers, Chicago and Toledo. 1882. and Caldwell's Atlas of Monroe County, Ohio. Atlas Publishing Company, Mount Vernon, Ohio. 1898. [Reproduction of the two books was sponsored by the Monroe County Historical Society, Woodsfield, Ohio.]
Monday, January 11, 2010
Ahnentafel Chart for Thomas Atkinson
Ancestors of Thomas ATKINSON - 10 Jan 2010
First Generation
1. Thomas ATKINSON was born. SPOUSE: Nancy McGoughney
Second Generation
2. Matthew ATKINSON was born about 1832 in OH.
3. Amanda CLARK was born about 1837 in Salem Twp., Monroe Co., OH.
Third Generation
4. Thomas ATKINSON was born on 31 Jul 1809. He died on 16 Jul 1840 in OH.
5. Elizabeth BROWN was born between 1808 and 1811 in OH.
6. Daniel CLARK was born about 1806 in Wheeling, Ohio Co., WV.
7. Mary HENTHORN was born on 8 Nov 1804 in OH. She died on 4 May 1851 in Monroe Co., OH.
Fourth Generation
8. William A. ATKINSON was born about 1764 in Cumberland Co., PA. He died after 1840 in Clarington, Monroe Co., OH. William A. ATKINSON and Mary MCCOY were married about 1787.
9. Mary MCCOY was born in 1769 in PA. She died in Monroe Co., OH.
12. Henry CLARK was born on 23 Apr 1750. He died on 20 Jul 1815.
13. Dorcas HINTON was born.
14. Adam HENTHORN was born in Jan 1781 in Washington Co., MD. He died on 12 Aug 1830 in Salem Twp., Monroe Co., OH.
15. Nancy HOOD was born on 4 Jul 1783 in PA. She died on 4 Sep 1847 in Salem Twp., Monroe Co., OH.
Prepared by:
Richard E. Henthorn
Email: Dick.Henthorn@gmail.com
Book Week
Monroe County Ohio Families, with index, 1992, 351 pages, published by the Monroe County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society, Box 641, Woodsfield, OH 43793.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Book Week
Family Research in Monroe County, Ohio, Volumes 1-10 (11 books), with index, by Catharine Foreaker Fedorchak, published by the Monroe County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society, Box 641, Woodsfield, OH 43793.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Book Week
I own copies of a number of genealogies and genealogy reference books. During the next week, or more, I'll do Book Week postings to let readers of this blog know what I own. I am willing to do limited look-ups.
- Ancestor Charts - Volume 2 of the Monroe County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society, 1997, published by the Monroe Chapter OGS, Box 641, Woodsfield, OH 43793, 305 pages with index. [Note: Yours truly and some of my genealogy friends contributed many Pedigree Charts to this publication.]
Friday, January 8, 2010
Event Researching Calendar for Genealogists - Genealogy Wise
I'm sharing a link to Susi's very interesting posting about her genealogy plans for the New Year. She's writing on the Genealogy Wise site. Thanks for sharing Susi.
Mr. Dickie
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Madness on Monday Genealogy Research Chatter
Susi's Chatty Performances on Genealogy: Madness on Monday Genealogy Research Chatter
The other day Susi created a thought provoking posting on her blog. As of the 6th of January the post generated eight comments from folks following Susi's blog.
I was one of those who made a comment so I thought I'd point to Susi's blog. Maybe you'll want to contribute to the conversation too. Blogging would be more fun if more readers took the time to actively participate.
Mr. Dickie
The other day Susi created a thought provoking posting on her blog. As of the 6th of January the post generated eight comments from folks following Susi's blog.
I was one of those who made a comment so I thought I'd point to Susi's blog. Maybe you'll want to contribute to the conversation too. Blogging would be more fun if more readers took the time to actively participate.
Mr. Dickie
Sunday, January 3, 2010
RootsMagic Genealogy & Family Tree Software: New Year’s Resolutions for 2010
Facebook | RootsMagic Genealogy & Family Tree Software: New Year’s Resolutions for 2010
Here's a nice presentation of New Year's Resolutions from the publisher of my favorite genealogy program. The link takes you to a Facebook page maintained by the company.
Here's a nice presentation of New Year's Resolutions from the publisher of my favorite genealogy program. The link takes you to a Facebook page maintained by the company.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
UpFront with NGS
2010 Research Resolutions of the NGS President - Jan Alpert
Getting Started With Scribd
If you are thinking about publishing on the Internet this sixteen-page description of Scribd might be of interest. I don't have experience to offer any comments. I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who has tried the service. Feel free to add comments to this post.
Mr. Dickie
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