Thursday, December 30, 2010
GED-GEN: Family Tree Websites
"GED-GEN is a program that creates customized web pages. Use it to make your own family tree website. By publishing your genealogy on the Internet, you can easily share it with relatives and fellow researchers, who are often distant cousins."
Input to the program is a GEDCOM file created by your genealogy program. There are two versions of the GED-GEN program. One is a 30-day trial version of this shareware program. The other is the fully operational shareware version which costs $20.00.
Click on the Resources tab at the website and scroll down to find some sample websites created by several users of the program.
I haven't tried the program. I'm posting the link because it's another option that might be considered for sharing your genealogy. Keep in mind, of course, privacy issues before sharing anything on the Internet.
Mr. Dickie
30 Dec 2010
Monuments and Memorials
In order to have perspective, we must have monuments and memorials, places to return to and learn from and talk about and pass on. If we don't, we are destined to live rootless, fast-lane lives without much significance. (Charles R. Swindoll, Wisdom For The Way, p. 117)
30/Dec/2010 7:51
30/Dec/2010 7:51
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Henthorns Rest: Divinity
Luckily, there is in this world, Divinity. Even more lucky is the fact there is more than one type of Divinity. Even more lucky is the fact that my aunt Louise is the worlds foremost expert in making the candy Divinity. You talk about being aptly named, it is heaven on earth. Right now there is a batch waiting on me at her house, a batch that didn't turn out to her standards. That means it is the second best batch of candy on the planet."
The Google Blog of Facebook friend, Rodney Henthorn.
Resolutions by Gerald Henthorn
This is from the WordPress blog "Gerald Henthorn's Blog" of Facebook friend, Gerald Henthorn.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Stauffer Family of Pike County, Illinois
Here's some information about the Stauffer Family of Pike County, Illinois. At one time I was in touch with the Jan Hoeft, the person who posted this information.
Here's some information about the Stauffer Family of Pike County, Illinois. At one time I was in touch with the Jan Hoeft, the person who posted this information.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Christmas Greetings
Mr. Dickie's Blog: Christmas Greetings:
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
19 December 2010
This is a link to our Christmas form letter. This year I posted it on Mr. Dickie's Blog.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
19 December 2010
This is a link to our Christmas form letter. This year I posted it on Mr. Dickie's Blog.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Revamped site, New FamilySearch developments | Mormon Times
Revamped site, Roots Tech conference among new FamilySearch developments | Mormon Times:
"SALT LAKE CITY — Technology is zooming forward, and the genealogy site is zooming right along with it."
"SALT LAKE CITY — Technology is zooming forward, and the genealogy site is zooming right along with it."
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Welcome To My Box
Welcome to those folks I invited to have collaborator access to my genealogy information on My Box.
If you have any questions about how it works or any comments about the information in the files I'm sharing don't hesitate to send me an Email or post a private Message on Facebook.
I hope you will find something of interest in the material I'm sharing.
Dick Henthorn
14 Dec 2010
If you have any questions about how it works or any comments about the information in the files I'm sharing don't hesitate to send me an Email or post a private Message on Facebook.
I hope you will find something of interest in the material I'm sharing.
Dick Henthorn
14 Dec 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
For several days I have been working with a floppy disk that contains "text" files about the "Other Henthorns." "Other Henthorns" includes Henthorn families that I am not related to in this country. That is to say, there is a good possibility that we are related via our ancestors in England. After some minor edits I'm uploading most of these files to My Box account on Box.Net. If you are already a registered collaborator watch your Email inbox for automatic notification messages or periodically check My Box to see if there is anything of interest.
Access to the files and folders of My Box is by invitation. I am open to suggestions or requests for granting access. Collaborators must be known to me.
Access to the files and folders of My Box is by invitation. I am open to suggestions or requests for granting access. Collaborators must be known to me.

Friday, December 10, 2010
Hardesty's History of Monroe County, Ohio
Hardesty's History of Monroe County, Ohio
Published about 1882
Published about 1882
This evening I uploaded extracts from Hardesty's History of Monroe County, Ohio to My Box. The paragraphs extracted pertain to families of interest that lived in this county about 1882 or prior. There are seven pages in this "text" file. The file resides in the MonroeCountyOhio folder.
Access to My Box is by invitation only.
Mr. Dickie
10 Dec 2010
Access to My Box is by invitation only.
Mr. Dickie
10 Dec 2010
Catharine (Foreaker) Fedorchak
Henthorn Articles
In November and December of 1970, Catharine (Foreaker) Fedorchak wrote four articles about the Henthorn family of Monroe County, Ohio which were published in The Spirit of Democracy in Woodsfield, Ohio. This afternoon I uploaded a a 7-page "text" file of these articles to My Box.
Access to the folder containing this file is by invitation.
Mr. Dickie
10 Dec 2010
Access to the folder containing this file is by invitation.
Mr. Dickie
10 Dec 2010
Jennings Family
I uploaded a 46-page document (Text file) about the Jennings Family of Fayette county, Pennsylvania and points west to my Box today. There is a link between the Jennings and the Henthorn families.
Mr. Dickie
10 Dec 2010
Mr. Dickie
10 Dec 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Our Forefathers
We cannot fail to meet the same problems as did our forefathers, and learning their answers may help us to act upon them as intelligently as they did, and may even, perhaps, teach us to avoid making always the same mistakes. (Anne Fremantle, in The Promise of a New Day, 22 November)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Jennings Family
Jennings Family
Today I posted a fourteen page file of Jennings Family information compiled by researcher, Clarice (Jennings) Carnahan to my Box. The Jennings family and the Henthorn family were joined in Fayette county, Pennsylvania.
Access to my Box is by invitation only.
Access to my Box is by invitation only.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Wills and Other Court Documents
Wills and Other Court Documents
Today I uploaded a compilation of thirty-two wills and other court documents to my OtherHenthorn folder on my This text file consists of thirty-seven pages of court documents concerning members of the Henthorn family created during the period of November 1736 through 13 Dec 1930.
At one time I planned to include all of this information in the front of a genealogy I was planning to produce. That plan never came to fruition. Using the Internet to share these documents is a much better way.
Access to my is by invitation only. There are several ways that I can grant access. I can grant access to a particular file or to a particular folder. Or, I can share a link to a file or folder via Email. To gain access you must be known to me and you must have shared information about where your genealogy interest lies. Some friends have already been granted Collaborator access to my Box. I believe they receive a notice from when I post something new.
Dick Henthorn
7 Dec 2010
At one time I planned to include all of this information in the front of a genealogy I was planning to produce. That plan never came to fruition. Using the Internet to share these documents is a much better way.
Access to my is by invitation only. There are several ways that I can grant access. I can grant access to a particular file or to a particular folder. Or, I can share a link to a file or folder via Email. To gain access you must be known to me and you must have shared information about where your genealogy interest lies. Some friends have already been granted Collaborator access to my Box. I believe they receive a notice from when I post something new.
Dick Henthorn
7 Dec 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Harrison, Thomas Henry
Thomas Henry Harrison, one of the old and honored pioneers of Highland Township, residing on section 31, about five miles west of Perrysville, [IN] was born in Ohio County, West Virginia January 1, 1810.
His father, John Harrison, removed from Baltimore, Maryland to West Virginia, and later settled with his family in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he died when the subject of this sketch was a child. He was a nailer by trade, and was engaged in the manufacture of nails in Pittsburgh. After his death the family returned to West Virginia, remaining there until 1819, then moved to Monroe County, Ohio.
The mother was a second time married to William Harris, who died in the United States Army, and to this union two sons were born, named Charles and Samuel.
In 1824 the mother immigrated with her family to Vermillion County, Indiana where she died April 9, 1861, at the advanced age of eighty six years.
Thomas Henry Harrison, whose name heads this sketch, arrived in Perrysville for the first time December 20, 1834. January 29, 1835, he was united in marriage to Miss Marinda Henthorn, a daughter of William D. Henthorn, who came to Vermillion County at the same time as the Harrison family. He then settled on land now occupied by our subject where he lived until his death, his wife also dying at the homestead some time before. Of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Henthorn only four daughters are living at the present time.
Eleven children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, of whom seven are still living - Virginia, Richard, Susan, Marinda, Mary C., Charles and Margaret M.
Their eldest son, William M., was a member of Company K, One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Illinois Infantry, in the war of the Rebellion. He was wounded at the battle of Perryville, Kentucky, but died of pneumonia at Gallatin, Tennessee, January 13, 1863, in his twenty-sixth year.
The remaining children who are deceased are - John, who died August 18, 1846 aged six years; Thomas B., died in his thirty second year, July 4, 1863, at Jonesboro, Arkansas, and one who died in infancy, unnamed.
In April 1835, shortly after his marriage, Mr. Harrison went to Porter County, Indiana, returned to Perrysville, Vermillion County, in October of the same year. In August 1838 he settled on the place where he has since resided, with the exception of one year. As will be seen Mr. Harrison has been a resident of Highland Township about fifty-four years, and is now the only representative of his father's family living in Indiana.
He has always been an active and public spirited citizen, being interested in all enterprises which tend toward the advancement of this township or county. In politics he was in early life a Whig, but in later years a Republican.
(Source: Biographical and historical record, Vermillion County, [IN] 1888 - furnished by Cassi Bauman, typed by Richard E. Henthorn)
His father, John Harrison, removed from Baltimore, Maryland to West Virginia, and later settled with his family in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he died when the subject of this sketch was a child. He was a nailer by trade, and was engaged in the manufacture of nails in Pittsburgh. After his death the family returned to West Virginia, remaining there until 1819, then moved to Monroe County, Ohio.
The mother was a second time married to William Harris, who died in the United States Army, and to this union two sons were born, named Charles and Samuel.
In 1824 the mother immigrated with her family to Vermillion County, Indiana where she died April 9, 1861, at the advanced age of eighty six years.
Thomas Henry Harrison, whose name heads this sketch, arrived in Perrysville for the first time December 20, 1834. January 29, 1835, he was united in marriage to Miss Marinda Henthorn, a daughter of William D. Henthorn, who came to Vermillion County at the same time as the Harrison family. He then settled on land now occupied by our subject where he lived until his death, his wife also dying at the homestead some time before. Of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Henthorn only four daughters are living at the present time.
Eleven children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, of whom seven are still living - Virginia, Richard, Susan, Marinda, Mary C., Charles and Margaret M.
Their eldest son, William M., was a member of Company K, One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Illinois Infantry, in the war of the Rebellion. He was wounded at the battle of Perryville, Kentucky, but died of pneumonia at Gallatin, Tennessee, January 13, 1863, in his twenty-sixth year.
The remaining children who are deceased are - John, who died August 18, 1846 aged six years; Thomas B., died in his thirty second year, July 4, 1863, at Jonesboro, Arkansas, and one who died in infancy, unnamed.
In April 1835, shortly after his marriage, Mr. Harrison went to Porter County, Indiana, returned to Perrysville, Vermillion County, in October of the same year. In August 1838 he settled on the place where he has since resided, with the exception of one year. As will be seen Mr. Harrison has been a resident of Highland Township about fifty-four years, and is now the only representative of his father's family living in Indiana.
He has always been an active and public spirited citizen, being interested in all enterprises which tend toward the advancement of this township or county. In politics he was in early life a Whig, but in later years a Republican.
(Source: Biographical and historical record, Vermillion County, [IN] 1888 - furnished by Cassi Bauman, typed by Richard E. Henthorn)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Free family tree backup - BackupMyTree: "Preserve Your History for FREE
Fast, automatic backup and off-site storage for all of your family tree files. All of the popular family tree file formats are supported. Download your files at any time. FREE, simple, easy, safe & secure."
Mr. Dickie's Comment:
I'm not sure whether this is a good idea or not. This site, Backup My Tree, offers free storage for genealogy file backup. They say they will offer a more robust pay-for-use version later. I don't see the point of offering such a free service. (I also don't believe in the tooth fairy.) I wonder if there is any danger that they might later decide to publish or sell the data that they have been storing for free. While I like the idea of storing backup copies of my genealogy data on another computer I'm not certain that this is the way to go about it.
If anyone else knows anything about this service I'd like to hear your opinion.
Mr. Dickie
5 Dec 2010
Fast, automatic backup and off-site storage for all of your family tree files. All of the popular family tree file formats are supported. Download your files at any time. FREE, simple, easy, safe & secure."
Mr. Dickie's Comment:
I'm not sure whether this is a good idea or not. This site, Backup My Tree, offers free storage for genealogy file backup. They say they will offer a more robust pay-for-use version later. I don't see the point of offering such a free service. (I also don't believe in the tooth fairy.) I wonder if there is any danger that they might later decide to publish or sell the data that they have been storing for free. While I like the idea of storing backup copies of my genealogy data on another computer I'm not certain that this is the way to go about it.
If anyone else knows anything about this service I'd like to hear your opinion.
Mr. Dickie
5 Dec 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I will teach you hidden lessons from our past -- stories we have heard and know, stories our ancestors handed down to us. We will not hide these truths from our children but will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord. (Psalm 78:2-4)
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