Thursday, January 23, 2014

RootsMagic6 Backup

After the talk about backup at the computer club meeting and the follow-up comments at the next meeting I've been thinking more about backup.

A year-end project was to upgrade my genealogy program to RootsMagic6.  Once this was accomplished I noticed that it was necessary to open each genealogy file and click to run a quick conversion routine. I had 25 genealogy files on my computer.

I wrote a blog post for my genealogy blog which briefly describes the 25 genealogy files. I posted the article as a static page.  This means there is a button labeled My RootsMagic6 Files at the top of the page.  Google allows up to ten static pages per blog.

On 23 January 2014 I used the RootsMagic6 program to backup all of the files as RootsMagic backups and as GEDCOM backups.  The backups were written to RootsMagic backup folders on the laptop computer.  Next I created backup folders on the old Dell hard drive which I'm running as an external hard drive.  Finally I signed on to my SkyDrive account where I created two more backup folders.  I uploaded the backups from the external hard drive to the SkyDrive folders called: RoomsMagic6 and GEDCOMrmg6.  This gave me a total of six sets of backup.

Later on in the afternoon I created two CD backups.  I wrote the 25 RootsMagic6 backup files to one CD and the 25 GEDCOM files to another CD.
23 January 2014

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