Susi's Chatty Performances on Genealogy: My Resolutions, Enhancing my Research, Carnival Bound
Here's what friend, Susi, has to say about her genealogy plans for 2010.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Genealogy Happenings - 2009

Genealogy Happenings
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Several times in past years I've written a year-end Genealogy Happenings and sent it to my genealogy correspondents. This year I decided to write one and post it to my genealogy "news" blog.Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Thanks to those friends and relatives interested in genealogy who kept in touch during the year.
Here's a report about my genealogy projects in 2009 and a few comments about what I might do in 2010.
Computer Disaster
During the year I had another computer disaster. This time my Dell laptop computer failed. As usual I wasn't prepared. Luckily I did have some of the information I didn't want to lose saved on a thumb drive.
I went back to using my old Gateway desktop computer. I connected to our new Verizon FIOS high speed Internet connection. The Gateway computer allowed me to continue to communicate via Email and to began some genealogy recovery projects.
Currently I don't have a printer connected to the working computer. I'm not certain that the printer will work if I do hook it up. Finding out is on my "to do" list, but not near the top.
For many years I used the LDS genealogy program Personal Ancestral File (PAF) version 2.3.1. I still have a working copy of this program on my desktop computer. When the laptop failed I'd begun the process of converting my genealogy files to RootsMagic. RootsMagic evolved from the program Family Origins that I'd used for several years to load any GEDCOM files shared by other researchers. Since the computer incident I've loaded a copy of RootsMagic on the desktop computer. RootsMagic has the capability to produce very nice PDF files and pages for a website. If you'd like to try out a free version of this program you can download RootsMagic Essentials.RootsMagic:
Personal Ancestral File 5.2
I also have a copy of the free LDS Windows genealogy program, Personal Ancestral File (PAF) version 5.2 installed on the desktop computer. I've only used this program enough to get an idea of how it works and what it can do.Personal Ancestral File:
In my opinion everyone should make GEDCOM copies of their genealogy files as part of their backup plan. GEDCOMs can be shared between researchers. And, they allow us to easily import our data into other genealogy programs. I have worked with the GEDCOM format long enough to understand it fairly well. Since my latest computer disaster I have been making edits to some of my GEDCOM files in order to improve the quality of data. After the edits are complete I can load the data into my genealogy program or share the GEDCOM with others or use it to produce genealogy reports with the Ancestral Author program.
GEDCOM Explained by Dick Eastman:
Ancestral Author
I owned a copy of the Ancestral Author program and lost it when the laptop stopped working. I was able to download another copy of the program and install it on the desktop computer. This program reads GEDCOM files to produce genealogy reports in the PDF format which is perfect for sharing with others. In the last couple of months I learned more about how to use the program. In 2010 I plan to share these documents with some of the folks I know who are doing genealogy.Ancestral Author:
GenViewer Lite
I have a copy of the GenViewer Lite program installed on my computer. This is a free version of a program that can also read GEDCOM files. The program is very handy when you want to review the contents of a GEDCOM file without loading the data into your genealogy program. I'm thinking about buying the program because some of the capabilities are turned off in the free version.
GenViewer Lite:
Google Blogs
I have two genealogy blogs on Google. One is for "News" and other information. The other is for "Obituaries." I post to them whenever I have something ready. There are sidebar links from these two blogs to other things I post on the Internet.
Henthorn Genealogy News:
Henthorn Genealogy Obits:
Google Group
I maintain a "private" Google genealogy group. You must register with Google and then request that I grant access. There hasn't been much interest in the "group" so my posting there has been infrequent.Henthorn Google Group:
Google Site
In early December I announced the creation of a Google genealogy "site." This is also a "private" area. You must register with Google and then request that I grant access. There has been almost no interest shown in this so far. There are about fifty genealogy reports in PDF format available to anyone who gains access. In December I had a PDF Week on my "news" blog where I posted information about the available files. If I know you, and your area of genealogy interest, it's possible to request a particular file directly if you don't want to gain access to the "site." I can attach the file you want to an Email message.
Henthorn Google Site:
I have posted the URLs to many of my favorite websites on the social bookmarking website, Delicious. People interested in genealogy or visiting Washington, DC might find visiting this area useful.
Society Membership
I continue to maintain a membership in the Monroe County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society; P.O. Box 641,Woodsfield, OH. 43793. I enjoy reading their very nice newsletter, The Navigator.
Their website URL is:
Plans for 2010
Currently I am no longer actively seeking to add information to my genealogy files. My interest for some time has been in sharing and publishing what I have collected and keyed over the years.
In 2010, as interest and health permit, I hope to share more of my genealogy information on the Internet and via Email attachments.
I'm going to investigate whether I can send PDF files to FedEx (Kinko's) for printing. This might be a good way to make paper copies for donation to some of the genealogy libraries.
I'll continue to share new information on my genealogy areas on the Internet. Little by little I have returned some of the information that used to be available on my AOL website to the Internet. I hope to continue this project.
Being able to produce and share genealogy reports in the PDF format is something genealogists have needed for years. In the new year I plan to make use of this capability to create and share more of the information that I gathered and keyed into my genealogy program over the years when I was working on genealogy. If we have been out of touch for a while I hope you will "touch base" so you can benefit in the sharing if I produce a report for a family in which you are interested.
Email Addresses
I now have two Email addresses. You can still reach me on AOL, but I prefer that you use my new Gmail address. I look at Gmail every day and skip signing on to AOL sometimes.
Preferred Gmail Address:
Richard E. (Edson) "Dick" Henthorn
Phone: (301) 459-0535
Phone: (301) 459-0535

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Buskirk, Samuel & Charity
I'm working on a project to create a genealogy of the family of Samuel and Charity Buskirk of Monroe Co., Ohio. The document will also include information about members of the Foggin family of Monroe county, Ohio and Wood county, West Virginia. There is a link between the Foggin family and the Henthorne family that migrated to Arkansas and Oklahoma.
The document will be generated from a GEDCOM file using the Ancestral Author program. There will be supplemental documents at the back of the genealogy which will be at least 175 pages.
The document will be generated from a GEDCOM file using the Ancestral Author program. There will be supplemental documents at the back of the genealogy which will be at least 175 pages.

Friday, December 18, 2009
PDF Week
PDF files available on the new private Henthorn Genealogy site on Google sites.
SHAW.PDF - Oralee Goudy and Sidney Staley
SMITH.PDF - Samuel Smith and Rachel Trader
STEEL.PDF - Alford Bowen Steel and Francis Ann Stansberry
SYDIK.PDF - Joseph Sydik and Mary Krajewski
SYLVANUS.PDF - Sylvanus Henthorn and Rebecca Stine of Belmont Co., OH
TWIBELL.PDF - John Twibell and Elizabeth Currier
VALERIE.PDF - Thomas Goldsmith and Phoebe Gilbert
Winland.PDF - Henry Winland and Dorothia Driess
YOHOMILL.PDF - Sullivan Blair Yoho and Millie Lucile Jones
YOHOMJ.PDF - Isaac Yoho and Rhoda Mason
YOHOSLY.PDF - Sylvester Yoho and Catherine Young
This concludes the listing of the PDF files available on my new Google site. There are two ways to gain access to this material. First, you can request membership in the "site." Second, you can request that I share a specific file with you. I prefer that you gain access to the website because then I don't need to be involved when you want to read a particular report. Either way, please let me know if you find any information useful in your genealogy quest.
Mr. Dickie
Available PDF Files
SHAW.PDF - Oralee Goudy and Sidney Staley
SMITH.PDF - Samuel Smith and Rachel Trader
STEEL.PDF - Alford Bowen Steel and Francis Ann Stansberry
SYDIK.PDF - Joseph Sydik and Mary Krajewski
SYLVANUS.PDF - Sylvanus Henthorn and Rebecca Stine of Belmont Co., OH
TWIBELL.PDF - John Twibell and Elizabeth Currier
VALERIE.PDF - Thomas Goldsmith and Phoebe Gilbert
Winland.PDF - Henry Winland and Dorothia Driess
YOHOMILL.PDF - Sullivan Blair Yoho and Millie Lucile Jones
YOHOMJ.PDF - Isaac Yoho and Rhoda Mason
YOHOSLY.PDF - Sylvester Yoho and Catherine Young
This concludes the listing of the PDF files available on my new Google site. There are two ways to gain access to this material. First, you can request membership in the "site." Second, you can request that I share a specific file with you. I prefer that you gain access to the website because then I don't need to be involved when you want to read a particular report. Either way, please let me know if you find any information useful in your genealogy quest.
Mr. Dickie
Thursday, December 17, 2009
PDF Week
PDF files available on the new private Henthorn Genealogy site on Google sites.
OKEY.PDF - Thomas Okey and Elizabeth Stockley
Peden.PDF - William Henthorn III and Jane Alee of Monroe Co., OH
PowellA.PDF - Lorinda Dale and Abram Powell
POWELLB.PDF - Sarah Hall and Abner Powell
POWELLC.PDF - Charles Powell and Rebecca Conger
RAMEY.PDF - Lilliam J. Yoho and George W. Ramey
RANKIN.PDF - John C. Rankin and Mary Cloman
RINE.PDF - William Williams and Nancy Rine
SHARP.PDF - John and Margaret Henthorn
Mr. Dickie
Available PDF Files
OKEY.PDF - Thomas Okey and Elizabeth Stockley
Peden.PDF - William Henthorn III and Jane Alee of Monroe Co., OH
PowellA.PDF - Lorinda Dale and Abram Powell
POWELLB.PDF - Sarah Hall and Abner Powell
POWELLC.PDF - Charles Powell and Rebecca Conger
RAMEY.PDF - Lilliam J. Yoho and George W. Ramey
RANKIN.PDF - John C. Rankin and Mary Cloman
RINE.PDF - William Williams and Nancy Rine
SHARP.PDF - John and Margaret Henthorn
Mr. Dickie
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
PDF Week
PDF files available on the new private Henthorn Genealogy site on Google sites.
MASON.PDF - David Mason and Rhoda J. Hagerman
MILLS.PDF - James Franklin Hinthorn and Etta Jane Angelow
MONAHAN.PDF - Elijah B. Monahan and Julia Ann Conger
MOON.PDF - Margaret Hanthorne and Willard Charles Moon
NEWINFO.PDF - William Young Hinthorn and Annie Caroline Davidson
OGLE.PDF - Edward and Mary Ogle of Pike Co., IL
Mr. Dickie
Available PDF Files
MASON.PDF - David Mason and Rhoda J. Hagerman
MILLS.PDF - James Franklin Hinthorn and Etta Jane Angelow
MONAHAN.PDF - Elijah B. Monahan and Julia Ann Conger
MOON.PDF - Margaret Hanthorne and Willard Charles Moon
NEWINFO.PDF - William Young Hinthorn and Annie Caroline Davidson
OGLE.PDF - Edward and Mary Ogle of Pike Co., IL
Mr. Dickie
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
PDF Week
PDF files available on the new private Henthorn Genealogy site on Google sites.
JOHNWM.PDF - John William Goddard and Amanda Elizabeth Yoho
JOSHUA.PDF - Joshua Garner and Mary Hendershot
KAIRD.PDF - Kaird Elmer Parsons and Donna Nickerson
KELLEY.PDF - Albert Kelley and Mary Louetta Goddard
LAURA.PDF - Henry James Stauffer and Rebecca Jane Welty
LEMASTERS.PDF - Thomas Lemasters, Jr. and Elizabeth Gill
LUTHER.PDF - Luther Henthorne and Fern Howard
MARYJANE.PDF - Mary Belle Henthorn and Charles Goudy
MASONHEN.PDF - Henry Mason and Barbara Gatts
Mr. Dickie
Available PDF Files
JOHNWM.PDF - John William Goddard and Amanda Elizabeth Yoho
JOSHUA.PDF - Joshua Garner and Mary Hendershot
KAIRD.PDF - Kaird Elmer Parsons and Donna Nickerson
KELLEY.PDF - Albert Kelley and Mary Louetta Goddard
LAURA.PDF - Henry James Stauffer and Rebecca Jane Welty
LEMASTERS.PDF - Thomas Lemasters, Jr. and Elizabeth Gill
LUTHER.PDF - Luther Henthorne and Fern Howard
MARYJANE.PDF - Mary Belle Henthorn and Charles Goudy
MASONHEN.PDF - Henry Mason and Barbara Gatts
Mr. Dickie
Monday, December 14, 2009
Family Tree Magazine - 101 Best Web Sites 2009
"If our ancestors had swung down from the trees with six fingers on each hand, we'd probably be counting by dozens. But thanks to humanity's development of 10 fingers and 10 toes, we count things in 10s, group the years in decades and celebrate anniversaries ending in 0—such as this 10th annual installment of Family Tree Magazine's 101 Best Web Sites."
PDF Week
PDF files available on the new private Henthorn Genealogy site on Google sites.
GORBY.PDF - Eli Gorby and Mary Ann Ryan
GOUDY.PDF - Robert Goudy and Margaret Finley
HAFER.PDF - Israel Hafer and Hannah J. Conger
HANNAH2.PDF - John J. Hannahs and Elizabeth Stevens
HenSarah.PDF - Peter Stewart and Sarah Elizabeth Henthorn
HenthornJasper .PDF - Jasper Katen Henthorn and Cora Inez Schutten
Hinthorn.PDF - Donald L. Hinthorn, Sr. and Mary A. Frink
JAMESLEE.PDF - James Lee Yoho and Nettie Louisa McKimmie
Mr. Dickie
Available PDF Files
GORBY.PDF - Eli Gorby and Mary Ann Ryan
GOUDY.PDF - Robert Goudy and Margaret Finley
HAFER.PDF - Israel Hafer and Hannah J. Conger
HANNAH2.PDF - John J. Hannahs and Elizabeth Stevens
HenSarah.PDF - Peter Stewart and Sarah Elizabeth Henthorn
HenthornJasper .PDF - Jasper Katen Henthorn and Cora Inez Schutten
Hinthorn.PDF - Donald L. Hinthorn, Sr. and Mary A. Frink
JAMESLEE.PDF - James Lee Yoho and Nettie Louisa McKimmie
Mr. Dickie
Sunday, December 13, 2009
PDF Week
PDF files available on the new private Henthorn Genealogy site on Google sites.
EVERLY. PDF - Samuel Everly and Margaret Hoard
FARNSWOR.PDF - Martin D. Baker and Sarah Jane Farnsworth
FAYE.PDF - Nantaniel Henthorn and Margaret Sherwood
FOOTE.PDF - Nathaniel Foote and Elizabeth Deming
FORDYCE.PDF - William Eugene Yoho and Sara Emma Smith
GODDARD.PDF - John Goddard and Amanda Elizabeth Yoho
Mr. Dickie
Available PDF Files
EVERLY. PDF - Samuel Everly and Margaret Hoard
FARNSWOR.PDF - Martin D. Baker and Sarah Jane Farnsworth
FAYE.PDF - Nantaniel Henthorn and Margaret Sherwood
FOOTE.PDF - Nathaniel Foote and Elizabeth Deming
FORDYCE.PDF - William Eugene Yoho and Sara Emma Smith
GODDARD.PDF - John Goddard and Amanda Elizabeth Yoho
Mr. Dickie
Saturday, December 12, 2009
PDF Week
PDF files available on the new private Henthorn Genealogy site on Google sites.
DOBBINS.PDF - Ivan C. and Matilda J. Anderson
Document01.PDF - Yoho Family
Document10.PDF - Yoho Family
Document11.PDF - Yoho Family
DOMAN. PDF - Eli Alfred Doman and Dora McGinnis
Drinkard.PDF - Drinkard Family
ElijahHenthorn.PDF - Elijah Henthorn
Mr. Dickie
Available PDF Files
DOBBINS.PDF - Ivan C. and Matilda J. Anderson
Document01.PDF - Yoho Family
Document10.PDF - Yoho Family
Document11.PDF - Yoho Family
DOMAN. PDF - Eli Alfred Doman and Dora McGinnis
Drinkard.PDF - Drinkard Family
ElijahHenthorn.PDF - Elijah Henthorn
Mr. Dickie
Friday, December 11, 2009
PDF Week
PDF files available on the new private Henthorn Genealogy site on Google sites.
Available PDF Files
Cunningham.PDF - Andrew J. Cunningham and Nancy Shields (includes Davidson and McAtee)
CYRENA.PDF - Cyrena Eddy and Mitchell McCoy
DALE.PDF - Dale Densmer Henthorn and Beatrice Lee Henry
DEY.PDF - John Conger and Jemima Day (Dey)
Mr. Dickie
Thursday, December 10, 2009
PDF Week
PDF files available on the new private Henthorn Genealogy site on Google sites.
CongElia.PDF - Elias Conger and Margaret Atkinson of Monroe Co., OH
CongerEphraim.PDF - Ephraim Barnett Conger and Ada Melenia Harbert
CONGER.PDF - William D. Conger and Martha J. Paris
CongerWm.PDF - William Conger and Ann Barbara Scott
CUMMINGS.PDF - John and Helen Cummings
Mr. Dickie
Available PDF Files
CongElia.PDF - Elias Conger and Margaret Atkinson of Monroe Co., OH
CongerEphraim.PDF - Ephraim Barnett Conger and Ada Melenia Harbert
CONGER.PDF - William D. Conger and Martha J. Paris
CongerWm.PDF - William Conger and Ann Barbara Scott
CUMMINGS.PDF - John and Helen Cummings
Mr. Dickie
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
UpFront with NGS: RootsMagic Releases Free Genealogy and Family Tree Software
UpFront with NGS: RootsMagic Releases Free Genealogy and Family Tree Software
There are two reasons why this link might be of interest.
There are two reasons why this link might be of interest.
- First, a free version of the genealogy program, RootsMagic, called RootsMagic Essentials is now available. The commercial version of RootsMagic is the genealogy program I currently use. An earlier version of the program was called FamilyOrigins. I also used that program, primarily to load GEDCOM files shared with me by others. In my opinion RootsMagic is an excellent genealogy program. If you are not ready to purchase the full-blown commercial version you may want to avail yourself of the free version.
- The second reason this link is of interest is because it is the blog of the National Genealogical Society (NGS). Did you know the national headquarters is located in Virginia, near Washington, DC? The library collection of NGS has been located in St. Louis, MO for a number of years in the county library system.
PDF Week
PDF files available on the new private Henthorn Genealogy site on Google sites.
Available PDF Files
CADE.PDF - John Wrex Henthorn Sr. and Alice Ann Bigger of Nebraska
CECIL-PDF - Cecil Family of Marshall Co., WV (including Isaac Cecil and Nancy Morrison)
CHARLES.PDF - Casper Karlinski Conger and Marietta Conklin
Coffield.PDF - George Coffield and Isabelle Arkle
Mr. Dickie
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Smart Computing Article - Google Gmail
If you are considering registering with Google one way to do it is to request a Gmail account. This article is a good introduction to Gmail. Click on the illustrations to view them in a larger size.
PDF Week
PDF files available on the new Henthorn Genealogy site on Google sites.
Available PDF Files
Baker.pdf - Samuel P. Baker and Caroline L. Tomlinson of Roberts Ridge, Marshall Co., WV
Ball.pdf - Joseph Ball and Mary Adamson
Beman.pdf - Samuel Everly and Margaret Hoard
Blake.pdf - Nathaniel Blake and Susan Richardson of Marshall Co., WV
browne.pdf - Abraham Henthorn and Mary Fielding of Lancashire, England
butler.pdf - Robert Barkley Butler and Margaret Lantz of Wetzel Co., WV
Mr. Dickie
Monday, December 7, 2009
PDF Week
This week I am going to post information about PDF files that are available on the new Henthorn Genealogy site which I created on Google sites and announced yesterday on my two genealogy blogs.
The new website is private. You must register with Google and then request access from me. I must know you and I must know where your genealogy interest lies.
If you see a file of particular interest listed during PDF Week and don't want to request access to the website you may request that I send you a copy via Email attachment, provided that I know you and I know your genealogy interest.
Alltop.pdf - George Alltop and Lavina Baker of Wetzel Co., WV
Anguish.pdf - Anguish family of the Ohio River Valley
Ault.pdf - Ahnentafel Chart for Estel Ault
BakerDav.pdf - David Baker and Susan Virginia Powell of Doddridge, WV
Mr. Dickie
The new website is private. You must register with Google and then request access from me. I must know you and I must know where your genealogy interest lies.
If you see a file of particular interest listed during PDF Week and don't want to request access to the website you may request that I send you a copy via Email attachment, provided that I know you and I know your genealogy interest.
Available PDF Files
Alltop.pdf - George Alltop and Lavina Baker of Wetzel Co., WV
Anguish.pdf - Anguish family of the Ohio River Valley
Ault.pdf - Ahnentafel Chart for Estel Ault
BakerDav.pdf - David Baker and Susan Virginia Powell of Doddridge, WV
Mr. Dickie
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Henthorn Genealogy Website on Google Sites
Today I am announcing the creation of the Henthorn Genealogy website on the free Google sites.
This is a private website. You must request permission to join. I must know you and I must know where your genealogy interests lie. In addition, you will have to register with Google to gain access. There are a number of ways to accomplish this. For example: if you have a Gmail account you are registered; if you use the Google blogger you are registered; or you can go thought the registration process when you try to access the website. This process isn't complicated but some may not want to associate with Google. It's a question of whether you are willing to register to gain access.
The first person, or two, to request access will need to bear with me as we both learn the steps in the registration process. I'd hoped to test the steps using a volunteer but that didn't come to pass.
Initially I am making available about fifty PDF files created from various reports over the years. The files reside in the File Cabinet. To access the index of PDF files, click on File Cabinet in the navigation area of the sidebar on the left. To learn more about PDF files click on About PDFs in the navigation area of the sidebar on the left.
In addition to launching this website I am announcing PDFWeek on the Henthorn Genealogy News blog. During the week I'll reveal information about the PDF files that are available on the new website. Assuming that I won't get too many requests I'm also offering to send any file as an Email attachment, provided I know the requester and their particular genealogy interest. I reserve the right to withdraw this offer at any time, for any reason.
Let's see where this endeavor takes us.
Mr. Dickie
This is a private website. You must request permission to join. I must know you and I must know where your genealogy interests lie. In addition, you will have to register with Google to gain access. There are a number of ways to accomplish this. For example: if you have a Gmail account you are registered; if you use the Google blogger you are registered; or you can go thought the registration process when you try to access the website. This process isn't complicated but some may not want to associate with Google. It's a question of whether you are willing to register to gain access.
The first person, or two, to request access will need to bear with me as we both learn the steps in the registration process. I'd hoped to test the steps using a volunteer but that didn't come to pass.
Initially I am making available about fifty PDF files created from various reports over the years. The files reside in the File Cabinet. To access the index of PDF files, click on File Cabinet in the navigation area of the sidebar on the left. To learn more about PDF files click on About PDFs in the navigation area of the sidebar on the left.
In addition to launching this website I am announcing PDFWeek on the Henthorn Genealogy News blog. During the week I'll reveal information about the PDF files that are available on the new website. Assuming that I won't get too many requests I'm also offering to send any file as an Email attachment, provided I know the requester and their particular genealogy interest. I reserve the right to withdraw this offer at any time, for any reason.
Let's see where this endeavor takes us.
Mr. Dickie
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Resources for PDF | GeneaBloggers
Here are some links to PDF information that you might find useful in your genealogy endeavors.
Mr. Dickie
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