Friday, May 22, 2020

Virtual Cemeteries

Virtual Cemeteries

I created several Virtual Cemeteries on Find A Grave.

Dick Henthorn
22 May 2020

Atkinson Genealogy

Atkinson Genealogy

I ran a Descendant Report for the Atkinson family, which included an every name index and a place name index. 

Currently I have compiled 462 pages of information about this family.

Dick Henthorn

22 May 2020

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Lemley Genealogy

Lemley Genealogy

I ran a test report to see how much information I have compiled about the Lemley family.

With an every name index and a place name index I can currently create a Descendant Report of 1309 pages.

Dick Henthorn
21 May 2020

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

What Will Become of It?

What Will Become of It?

The other day I was thinking about Wetzel Co., WV because I discovered a Facebook Group for the county that I didn't know about.

I have been working on the genealogy of folks from Wetzel Co., WV for many years. In fact, I used to be in touch with some of the folks from the county genealogy society before they decided to disband. In those days I donated four genealogy documents to the society. I was co-compiler on a couple of them. The society had the documents hard bound and then placed them in the genealogy section of the county library at New Martinsville, WV.

I visited New Martinsville several times and the library once. That was before the donations were placed in the library, so I have never seen the bound volumes.

Yesterday I checked the catalog to refresh my memory about the donations. I searched for "Author, Henthorn, Richard E.."

This activity brought to mind a subject that has been on my mind for months, "What Will Become of It?" I have been working on genealogy projects for over 30 years. There are thousands of pages of information on my computer in the RootsMagic program. Some of the information has been shared with other people in digital formats such as PDFs, some has been shared on Facebook in my private Group and other Groups, some Conger information is hosted by a Conger friend in Iowa, some information is shared in two of my genealogy Google blogs, some is on my Google Site, some is shared on my private Box account, some has been donated,in printed form, to various genealogy libraries around the USA.

I turned 81 year old this month and I have been in poor health for about ten months. It's time to come to grips with the issue of What Will Become of It?

Dick Henthorn
12 May 2020

Friday, May 8, 2020

My Google Blogs

My Google Blogs

For a long time I have maintained six blogs on Google. Two are used for genealogy, two for personal thoughts, and one for links to other webpages of interest and one for private note keeping.  The frequency of posting to the blogs is random.

Once you gain access to one of the blogs you can use the sidebar on the right to find links to the other public blogs. 

If you are one of my Facebook friends you can access my About page where there are hot links to some of the blogs.

If you find what I post to be of interest you might want to learn how to set a swich to be notified when I create a post. It has been so long since I thought about this, I no longer recall how to do it.

Dick Henthorn
8 May 2020

Monday, May 4, 2020

Virginia/West Virginia

Virginia/West Virginia

Because the state of West Virginia was created on 20 Jun 1863 from territory that once was part of the state of Virginia this resulted in a place name problem for anyone working on West Virginia genealogy. In my opinion any life event in West Virginia, prior to 20 Jun 1863, should be recorded as occuring in Virginia.

This creation of a new state from an existing state often causes errors in what researchers record. For example, a person could be born in Wetzel Co., VA and later die in Wetzel Co. WV without ever moving and the two events should be thusly recorded. It is an error to associate events prior to 20 Jun 1863 with the state of West Virginia.

Dick Henthorn
4 May 2020

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Copyright Notice

Copyright Notice

I wrote a boilerplate Copyright Notice that I like to include in Descendant and Ancestor reports that I share.

I save the Copyright Notice in the record of the oldest male in each family.

This may result in the Copyright Notice appearing several times in a report.

Richard E. Henhorn
3 May 2020