Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Making Contact

Making Contact With McCook, Nebraska

Off and on, over many years of gathering genealogy information, I have attempted to establish contact with the branch of my Henthorn family living in McCook, Red Willow county, Nebraska.  I've never had much success.  These folks are descendants of my great uncle, John Douglas Henthorn of Aurora, Hamilton county, Nebraska.

Out of the blue, on Sunday November 25th, the thought came to me that I ought to see if there was a page for the town of McCook on Facebook.  I quickly discovered that 961 people had visited, and "Liked" the McCook page.  I scrolled through all of the people who'd liked the page and found one Henthorn couple, Roger and Linda.  Linda is the Facebook member.  I sent her a private message to introduce myself.  We exchange several messages and Email addresses as we quickly established our common heritage.

Today I added new information Linda shared to my RootsMagic file.  Then I created a three-page Descendant Chart in PDF format showing the information I have about Roger's father and his descendants.  I sent Linda that report as an Email attachment.

Roger and Dick are second cousins, once removed.  Their common ancestors are, John Henthorn and Betty Holt, who were the great-grandparents of Dick.  John and Betty lived near Fishhook, Pike county, Illinois.  Dick visited Pike county once.  Some of his cousins from that area are friends on Facebook.
28 November 2012

Friday, November 23, 2012

The James Smith Family (A Sample RootsMagic Website)

The James Smith Family (A Sample Website):

Here's a sample genealogy website created with Version 6 of RootsMagic.  I'm currently trying to improve my skills with Version 5.

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